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[ˈjuːniən] [ˈjuːniən]

  • n. 工会;联邦,联盟;协会,俱乐部;联合,合并;结婚,婚姻;美利坚合众国(the Union);(数)并,并集;联管节,接头;(印度次大陆)村落联合体;<英,史>教区联合济贫组织;旗帜上象征国家统一的部分;混纺织物

[ 复数 unions ]



... 「 S urprise那些在平凡中送给我们惊喜的人 「 U nion那些在困境中带领我们团结的人 「 N ew那些在灾难中赋予我们重生的人 ...



U nion Square 滑动玻璃门

U nion Carbide 美国联合碳化物公司

European U nion

Both-branch fuzzy-ordinary u-nion-resolution theorem 双枝模糊

  • 工会 - 引用次数:513

    The third chapter from government angle embarking, inspection government’s trade union management.


    参考来源 - 法团主义视角下的武汉工会(1945
    联盟 - 引用次数:118

    In the 19th century, Germany, Austria, Britain signed a treaty between the countries, the establishment of a customs union.


    参考来源 - 中国区域贸易安排法律问题研究(研究生论文)
  • 联合 - 引用次数:70

    Soviet Union strengthened the control of the three districts especially the communist party of China after the burst of Xinjiang united government. At the change of international situation, Soviet suddenly changed attitude, and transformed from defend to opposition.


    参考来源 - 苏联与新疆三区革命的关系
    联邦 - 引用次数:53

    Chapter Nine introduces Russian Federation’s new territorial and boundary situations after the disintegration of Soviet Union.


    参考来源 - 苏联领土扩张研究
  • - 引用次数:144

    In this paper,a method is presented to blend the intersection,union,or set-difference of polyhedra.


    参考来源 - 利用代数样条磨光凸多面体的集合运算
  • 骨折愈合 - 引用次数:86

    All patients achieved bone union. The duration of union averaged 4.5 months.


    参考来源 - 双切口双钢板法治疗胫骨平台复杂性骨折(附19例报告)
  • 联合 - 引用次数:29

    This study holds that Scott was a cultural nationalist, and he was not against the improvement of Scotland and against the Union.


    参考来源 - 苏格兰民族形象的塑造:沃尔特·司各特爵士的苏格兰历史小说主题研究
  • 同色性 - 引用次数:2

    参考来源 - 合成单宁在纤维上的吸附性质及在染色中的应用
  • 混纺织物;混纺纱
  • 并集
  • 结合


union [ 'ju:niən ]

  • n.
    • an organization of employees formed to bargain with the employer

      "you have to join the union in order to get a job"

      同义词: labor union trade union trades union brotherhood

    • the United States (especially the northern states during the American Civil War)

      同义词: North

    • the act of pairing a male and female for reproductive purposes

      同义词: coupling mating pairing conjugation sexual union

    • the state of being joined or united or linked

      "there is strength in union"

      同义词: unification

    • the state of being a married couple voluntarily joined for life (or until divorce)

      "God bless this union"

      同义词: marriage matrimony spousal relationship wedlock

    • healing process involving the growing together of the edges of a wound or the growing together of broken bones

      同义词: conglutination

    • a political unit formed from previously independent people or organizations
    • a set containing all and only the members of two or more given sets

      "let C be the union of the sets A and B"

      同义词: sum join

    • the occurrence of a uniting of separate parts

      "lightning produced an unusual union of the metals"

    • a device on a national flag emblematic of the union of two or more sovereignties (typically in the upper inner corner)
    • the act of making or becoming a single unit

      "the union of opposing factions"

      同义词: unification uniting conjugation jointure

  • adj.
    • being of or having to do with the northern United States and those loyal to the Union during the American Civil War

      同义词: Federal

    • of trade unions

      "the union movement"; "union negotiations"; "a union-shop clause in the contract"

以上来源于: WordNet


union /ˈjuːnjən/ CET4 TEM4

  • 1. 

    N-COUNT A union is a workers' organization which represents its members and which tries to improve things such as their working conditions and pay. 工会


    Do all teachers have a right to join a union?


  • 2. 

    N-UNCOUNT When the union of two or more things occurs, they are joined together and become one thing. 合并


    In 1918 the Romanian majority in this former czarist province voted for union with Romania.


  • 3. 

    N-SING When two or more things, for example countries or organizations, have been joined together to form one thing, you can refer to them as a union. 联盟


    Tanzania is a union of the states of Tanganyika and Zanzibar.



european union 欧洲联盟,欧盟

soviet union 前苏联(1922-1991,首都莫斯科Moscow,位于欧、亚洲)

trade union 工会

student union 学生会;大学的学生活动大楼

labour union n. [美]工会

labor union (美)工会

in union 一致地;共同

state of the union 国情咨文

students' union 学生会

monetary union 货币联盟

customs union n. 关税联盟

union station 联合车站

credit union 存款互助会;信用合作社

national union (国家)总工会

union square 联合广场

european monetary union 欧洲货币联盟

world conservation union 世界自然保护联盟;世界自然保育联合会

international astronomical union 国际天文联合会

union jack 英国国旗;联合王国国旗

economic union 经济联盟;经济同盟



european union 欧洲联盟,欧盟

soviet union 前苏联(1922-1991,首都莫斯科Moscow,位于欧、亚洲)

trade union 工会

student union 学生会;大学的学生活动大楼

labour union n. [美]工会

labor union (美)工会

in union 一致地;共同

state of the union 国情咨文

students' union 学生会

monetary union 货币联盟

customs union n. 关税联盟

union station 联合车站

credit union 存款互助会;信用合作社

national union (国家)总工会

union square 联合广场

european monetary union 欧洲货币联盟

world conservation union 世界自然保护联盟;世界自然保育联合会

international astronomical union 国际天文联合会

union jack 英国国旗;联合王国国旗

economic union 经济联盟;经济同盟

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