霍恩指出:“基于说话人的Q原则本质上是 充足条件 ( sufficient condition ):说话人说了P(即命题proposition),就隐含据他所知最多的(at most)是P。
... 充分必要条件 充分必要条件 Notwendige und hinreichende Bedingung 充要条件,充分且必要的条件 sufficient condition 必要充分的条件 necessary and sufficient conditions ...
... sufficiency 丰裕性 sufficient condition 丰裕前提 sufficient criterion of convergence 收敛性丰裕鉴别法 ...
necessary and sufficient condition [数] 充要条件 ; 充分必要条件 ; 必要且充分的条件 ; 必要条件
In water sufficient condition 在水分充足的条件下
Warm and sufficient condition 温饱
The First Sufficient Condition 第一充分条件
The Second Sufficient Condition 第二充分条件
fritz john sufficient condition fritzjohn充分条件
second order sufficient condition 二阶充分条件
sufficient-condition problems 充分条件问题
sufficient condition for identification [数] 识别的充分条件
We also give the sufficient condition for the system to be asymptotically stable.5.
参考来源 - 线性不确定系统的鲁棒容错控制及其应用This part doesn’t negative the active effect of CS on CL. Provided the high competitive market conditions, the high CS is the sufficient condition of the forming of CL.
参考来源 - 顾客忠诚的形成及其动态性研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Yet that is a necessary but not sufficient condition for its success.
Powerful chemical agents are a necessary but not sufficient condition for a chemical warfare capability.
In other words, basic science is a necessary but not sufficient condition for remaining industrially competitive.
And it is only the creation of the sovereign for Hobbes, endowed or possessed with absolute power, that is sufficient to put an end to the condition of perpetual uncertainty, anxiety and unrest that is the case of the natural condition.