resolution power target 分解力检验标
high resolution power film 高解角力软片
radial resolution power 径向解像力
theory resolution power 理论分辨极限
genetic resolution power 遗传分辨率
multiple resolution power 多级分辨率
Based on radar working principle,the relationship between time-domain distance/velocity measurement precision and frequency resolution power was analyzed in digitized signal processing. The method for designing the working parameters of radar system was provided for satisfying the measurement precision.
参考来源 - LFMCW雷达数字化测距测速的工作参数设计The purpose of this paper is to improving the wild seismic data S/N and resolution power which in the complex conditions, to ensure the seismic data imaging quality and reduce the cost of 3D seismic exploration.
参考来源 - 三维地震观测系统最优化设计的方法研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The Kaptovator is one of the most advanced ultra-high resolution power cables available.
(以下简称为K) K是一根最先进的超级高解析力的电源线。
The digital image system is satisfied for micro-sphere shape factor measurement in respects of measuring way, resolution power and precision.
The lens has a very high theoretical resolution power and it is very convenient to transfer the lens working mode from CTEM to STEM and vice versa.