l 废气回充阀位置感知器 (EGR Valve Position (EVP) Sensor) l 线性电位计(Linear Potentiometer)将阀杆位置转换成电压讯号输出。
non linear potentiometer 非线性电位计
dual linear potentiometer 双线电位计
Sakae Non-linear Potentiometer 非线性线绕电位器系列
non-linear potentiometer 非线性电位计
caused linear potentiometer 线性电位器
non n linear potentiometer 非线性电位计
non-linear wound potentiometer 线绕非线性电位计
linear sliding potentiometer 直滑式电位器 ; [电] 直滑电位器
Nonpolarized capacitor C1 and potentiometer R2, a linear taper, determine the time constant of integrator IC1B.
无极性电容c1和线性锥形电位器r 2决定积分器ic 1b的时间常数。
The major way to improve the linear precision of Rotary Synthetic Carbon Film Potentiometer is to trim resistance using the advanced equipments.