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jade worker said



Chu and Chu's in the mountains get a raw jade, holding into the dedicated Li Wang. Li Wang Yu-workers called identification, jade worker said: "It rocks." Li Wang's view, and deceiving, which cut off the feet of his left foot. Wait Li Wang died, King Wu came to the throne, and it's holding his raw jade dedicated to King Wu. King Wu Yu-workers called identification, said: "is a rock." King Wu's is also considered and deception, and cut off the feet of his right foot. King Wu died, King Wen ascended the throne, and he's the attitude that the jade in the mountains under the cry of Chu, for three days and three nights, the tears dried on the continued bleeding. King Wen, after hearing the reasons for sending people asked him cry. Said: "The world has been cut off the feet feet were much more attractive, why do you cry so sad?" And's, said: "I am not sad feet were cut off the feet, my grief is that gem was said to be stone, sincere person is said to liar, this is the reason I am sad. "King Wen processing work on making this piece of jade stone, a gem from get out of it, named" and bi clan. "



jade worker said


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