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[ˈɪntrəsts] [ˈɪntrəsts]

  • n. 爱好;利息;利益,好处;权益,股权(interest 的复数)
  • v. 使感兴趣,引起……的关注;劝说(某人)做(或参与)(interest 的第三人称单数)



... C ERT I FI C AT I O NS 资 格 证 书 EXPERI ENC E 工 作 经 历 I NT EREST S 趣 爱 好 ...


  • 利益 - 引用次数:10667

    Third,the pursuit of the balance of interests.


    参考来源 - 恢复性少年司法研究(研究生论文)
    权益 - 引用次数:4888

    Infringing other people’s rights and interests is the content of coercion.


    参考来源 - 论我国刑法分则中胁迫的构成(研究生论文)
  • 利益 - 引用次数:4906

    Third, I have discussed the interests to Chinese economy brought by FDI.


    参考来源 - 中国对外直接投资利益论
  • - 引用次数:1

    参考来源 - 先秦时期“感物”说的研究
  • 情趣 - 引用次数:13

    参考来源 - 视觉传达设计与视觉思维



  • n.
    • a sense of concern with and curiosity about someone or something

      "an interest in music"

      同义词: involvement

    • the power of attracting or holding one's attention (because it is unusual or exciting etc.)

      "they said nothing of great interest"; "primary colors can add interest to a room"

      同义词: interestingness

    • a reason for wanting something done

      "in the interest of safety"; "in the common interest"

      同义词: sake

    • a fixed charge for borrowing money; usually a percentage of the amount borrowed

      "how much interest do you pay on your mortgage?"

    • a diversion that occupies one's time and thoughts (usually pleasantly)

      "he counts reading among his interests"

      同义词: pastime pursuit

    • (law) a right or legal share of something; a financial involvement with something

      "they have interests all over the world"

      同义词: stake

    • (usually plural) a social group whose members control some field of activity and who have common aims

      "the iron interests stepped up production"

      同义词: interest group

  • v.
    • excite the curiosity of; engage the interest of
    • be on the mind of

      同义词: concern occupy worry

    • be of importance or consequence

      同义词: matter to

以上来源于: WordNet


national interests 国家利益

in the interests of 为了…;为…的利益起见

business interests 企业界;商业股份

broad interests 广泛的兴趣

hobbies and interests 爱好和兴趣


national interests 国家利益

in the interests of 为了…;为…的利益起见

business interests 企业界;商业股份

broad interests 广泛的兴趣

hobbies and interests 爱好和兴趣

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