第三类是属于社区学院性子的连续教诲学院(Further Education College)和高档教诲学院(Higher Education College),这些学院平常也供应预科课程。 第四类是大学本身。
[胡本未]:延续教育学院(further education college)是留学的一种选择,通常费用会比综合性大学便宜一些,而且往往和就业结合比较密切,学历也得到大学和社会的认可。
... 进修学校 in-service training school 进修学院 further education college 进修班 refresher class ...
Roland-Kerr Further Education College 尔进修学院
Independent further education college 扩充教育学院
college of further education 继续教育学院 ; 专修学院 ; 进修学院
Oxford College of Further Education 牛津延续教育学院 ; 牛津继续教育学院
Wigston College of Further Education 威格斯顿继续教育学院
Plymouth College of Further Education 普利茅斯继续教育学院
Bournville College of Further Education 普利茅斯继续教育学院
Time flies, and in a blink of the eye, I've been studying in the further education college of CAFA (China Central Academy of Fine Arts) for more than a year.
Revised version for reference:How time flies and in a glimpse I've been studying in the further education college of CAFA (China Central Academy of Fine Arts) for more than a year.
One of (eventually) six colleges within UDOM is the college of Informatics and Virtual Education, which is further divided into the School of Informatics and the School of Virtual Education.