... FSK Frequency Shift Keying 频移键控 一种调制方式 FTP File Transfer Protocol 文件传输协议 FW Firmware 固件 一般指硬件中程序 ...
计算机你方面常用的英语词汇,缩写和全称对应的!解决方案 ... FQDN Fully Qualified Domain Name 正式域名 FTP File Transfer Protocol 文件传送[输]协议 FX FiXed area (磁盘上的)固定区 ...
FTP-File Transfer Protocol 文件传输 ; 文件传输协议 ; 档案传输协定
x FTP File Transfer Protocol 文件传输协议
೬ FTP File Transfer Protocol 文件传输协议
File Transfer Protocol FTP 文件传输协议
FTP P File Transfer Protocol 文件传输协议
file transfer protocol-ftp 文件传输协议ftp
A File transfer Protocol (FTP) is usually used to transfer or upload the web pages from a server.
The file Transfer Protocol (FTP), which first appeared in April 1971, remains a simple way to move files from one device to another.
sftp, another "personality" of SSH, provides all the features of the File Transfer Protocol (FTP), yet protects file data while in transit.
sftp 是 SSH 的另一种特征,它提供了文件传输协议 (FTP) 的所有特性,并且在传输的过程中对文件数据进行保护。