表 中文名称: 皮革整理剂 英文名称: Finishing agent for leather 参考价格: 电议 供应商: 点这里查看所有供应商信息 在互联网再次搜索"皮革整理剂" 在化工字典中搜索皮革整理剂 联系方式 | 会员收费标准
The formulations and preparation of PU matting and finishing agent for leather surface have been studied.
FA 9861 is applied as a feel agent in aqueous Lacquer, especially for the finishing of upholstery leather.
FA 9861用于水性光油中的手感剂,特别是用于家具革的涂饰。
The research and development of acrylic resin finishing agent used for leather were reviewed. The properties of acrylic resin finishing agents prepared by different ways were explained in detail.