4 经济责任(financial responsibility) :生产者支付管理产品废弃物的全 部或部分 成本,为其生产的产品在使用后的收集、循环利用或昀终处理支付全部或部 分费用。
financial responsibility 经济责任 ; 支付能力 ; 财务责任 ; 金融责任 executive responsibility 执行职责 ; 行政责任 ; 高级管理者职责 ..
bear financial responsibility [法] 承担经济责任
full financial responsibility 财务包干
exercise more financial responsibility 履行更多的经济责任
complete financial responsibility 财政包干体制
Certificate of Financial Responsibility 助证明 ; 财务责任证明 ; 财务保证证书
system of financial responsibility 经济责任制
sharing of financial responsibility 财政责任分配
The railway acted only as investor and user, without bearing any financial responsibility.
参考来源 - 中国铁路投融资体制改革研究After that,some shortcomings of the current legal system for RSEI are analyzed deeply, including low legislative level,avoiding government's financial responsibility,unreasonable financing methods and accounts modes,poor ability in preserving and increasing funds,and a serious loss of funds,etc.
参考来源 - 论中国农村社会养老保险法律制度的构建·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
True financial responsibility means you canafford to pay all of your bills in timely manner.
Males are now often encouraged to share childcare duties and financial responsibility for their families.
In the wake of the Greek crisis, you'd think they would get some credit for exercising some financial responsibility.
Egypt has not yet said how much financial responsibility it will take for the project.
VOA: special.2009.12.15
If we look at the current situation we have in our financial market, how much of the responsibility would you lay at the feet of the accounting profession?