...霸王别姬(Farewell My Concubine)-电影-腾讯视频 王者荣耀项羽虞姬霸王别姬情侣皮肤预览段小楼(张丰毅)与程蝶衣(张国荣)是一对打小一起长大的师兄弟,两人一个演生...
“例如,《霸王别姬》的英文片名为Farewell My Concubine(再见了,我的小老婆),Concubine是中国传统文化中的概念,在西方则带有贬义色彩,因此可以考虑改为Farewell My Dearest。
◎中文名: 霸主别姬 ◎英文名:Farewell My Concubine 段小楼在以为该立室立业之时迎娶了名妓菊仙(巩俐),致使程蝶衣确定地认为菊仙是可耻的圈外人,使段小楼做了违叛的人,自此,三人围绕一出《霸主别姬》生出的爱恨情仇
Farewell My Concubine elbows 霸王肘子
Farewell My Concubine city 霸王城
Farewell My Concubine meal 霸王餐
Farewell My Concubine flower 霸王花
Farewell My Concubine legend 霸王传奇
Farewell My Concubine of gas 霸王之气
Farewell My Concubine tough guy 霸王硬汉
Farewell to My Concubine 霸主别姬 ; 翤 ; 翱
The core of this thesis discusses the hidden voice of " Farewell My Concubine " and in so doing, the voice will "emerge to the historical surface". Through the course of this discussion we will deepen the understanding of the new narrative theory that there has never been a same story.
参考来源 - 霸王别姬:一个故事的多重变奏·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
Q. What did Chen Kaige tell you about "Farewell my concubine"?
问:拍《 霸王别姬》的时候陈凯歌是怎么和你说的?
I took a representative story as the volume title. That is' Farewell My Concubine '.
His Farewell My Concubine is the only Chinese film to have won the top award at the Cannes film Festival.