... emotional disturbance 情绪困扰 emotional instability 情绪不稳定 emotional problem 情绪问题;情感问题 ...
2.情感不稳定(emotional instability): 患者的情感稳定性差,容易变动起伏,喜、怒、哀、乐极易变化;常常从一个极端波动到另一个极端,一时兴奋,一时伤感,且并不一...
Thescores of 9 factors of SCL-90 were all higher in the male prisoners than in the norm ofthe country, which showed that the prisoners had somatization, obsessive-compulsion,sensitivity of human relations, emotional instability, depression, anxiety, ademoniaand nervous; bad sense and impulsive behavior; solitude and resignation;suspiciousness and bad sleep with different degrees.4.
服刑人员SCL-90的各因子均值高于国内常模。 表明服刑犯人存在不同程度的躯体不适感;强迫样表现;人际关系敏感;情绪不稳定、抑郁焦虑、苦闷及紧张;判断不良、冲动性行为;孤独、回避集体活动;多疑、故意及睡眠不良。
参考来源 - 服刑人员心理卫生现状及其相关因素的研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Stay up late, emotional instability, eye fatigue, aging, venous blood flow rate is too slow, the skin red.
Eating microwaved food causes loss of memory, concentration, emotional instability, and a decrease of intelligence.
In addition, pregnant women during pregnancy are more sensitive nerves than usual, fatigue, drowsiness, emotional instability.