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[braɪt] [braɪt]

  • adj. 明亮的;鲜艳的;聪明的;欢快的,有活力的;光明的,有希望的;清晰嘹亮的
  • n. <美>前大灯,头灯;明亮醒目的颜色
  • adv. <文>光亮地,明亮地
  • 【名】 (Bright)(英)布赖特(人名)

[ 复数 brights 比较级 brighter 最高级 brightest ]



... b i nd 捆 br i ght 光明的 br i ghtly 光明地 ...


  • 明亮 - 引用次数:2

    Filmsand albums were put in to a big bright displaying window, customers can do shopping andenjoy service in a more free and comfortable environment, which makes Kodak brandmore competitive. The first Kodak franchising shop “Kodak quick Express” was opened in1994.


    参考来源 - 中国影像行业柯达连锁店经营战略研究
  • 亮度 - 引用次数:26

    When the scenery of brightness light contrasts shade,and CCD sensor exposure time is large,bright bloom in the image will happen.


    参考来源 - 数字摄像机像素驱动时序的抗光晕技术
  • 光亮 - 引用次数:24

    With the application of the optimized process conditions, chrome layers with bright appearance, uniform density, high purity, good adhesion and corrosion resistance on metal surface are achieved.


    参考来源 - 环保型三价铬电镀实验研究
  • 明亮的
  • 明亮的


bright [ brait ]

  • adj.
    • emitting or reflecting light readily or in large amounts

      "the sun was bright and hot"; "a bright sunlit room"

    • having striking color

      "bright dress"

      同义词: brilliant vivid

    • characterized by quickness and ease in learning

      "some children are brighter in one subject than another"

      同义词: smart

    • having lots of light either natural or artificial

      "the room was bright and airy"; "a stage bright with spotlights"

    • made smooth and bright by or as if by rubbing; reflecting a sheen or glow

      "bright silver candlesticks"

      同义词: burnished lustrous shining shiny

    • splendid

      "the bright stars of stage and screen"; "a bright moment in history"; "the bright pageantry of court"

    • not made dim or less bright

      同义词: undimmed

    • clear and sharp and ringing

      "the bright sound of the trumpet section"

      同义词: brilliant

    • characterized by happiness or gladness

      "bright faces"; "all the world seems bright and gay"

    • abounding with sunlight

      "a bright sunny day"

      同义词: shining shiny sunshiny sunny

    • full or promise

      "had a bright future in publishing"

      同义词: promising

  • adv. with brightness

    "the windows glowed jewel bright"

    同义词: brilliantly brightly

以上来源于: WordNet


bright /braɪt/ CET4 TEM4 ( brighter, brightest, brights )

  • 1. 

    ADJ A bright colour is strong and noticeable, and not dark. 鲜艳的 (颜色)


    ...a bright red dress.


  • 2. 

    brightly ADV 鲜艳地


    ...a display of brightly coloured flowers.


  • 3. 

    ADJ A bright light, object, or place is shining strongly or is full of light. 明亮的


    ...a bright October day.


  • 4. 

    brightly ADV 明亮地 [ADV with v]


    ...a warm, brightly lit room.


  • 5. 

    ADJ If you describe someone as bright, you mean that they are quick at learning things. 聪明的


    I was convinced that he was brighter than average.


  • 6. 

    ADJ A bright idea is clever and original. 巧妙新颖的 (主意)


    There are lots of books crammed with bright ideas.


  • 7. 

    ADJ If someone looks or sounds bright, they look or sound cheerful and lively. 欢快活泼的


    The boy was so bright and animated.


  • 8. 

    brightly ADV 欢快活泼地 [ADV with v]


    He smiled brightly as Ben approached.


  • 9. 

    ADJ If the future is bright, it is likely to be pleasant or successful. (未来) 光明的


    Both had successful careers and the future looked bright.


  • 10. 

    N-PLURAL The brights on a vehicle are its headlights when they are set to shine their brightest. (开到最亮的) 车头灯 [美国英语]


    ...a Bronco with its brights on, parked in the middle of the street.



bright future 光明的未来,光明的前途

bright red 鲜红;亮红色

bright color 明亮的颜色

bright light 强光

bright side 光明的一面;光泽面;令人高兴的一面

bright spot 光点;辉点;高兴的事

bright prospect 光明的前景,辉煌的前程

bright yellow 嫩黄

bright blue 中湖蓝;鲜蓝

bright moon 明月,皓月;明月心

bright star 明亮的星;灿烂的星

bright green 亮绿;翠绿;鲜绿色

clear and bright 清明

bright orange 橙黄

bright day 美好的一天

bright and early adv. 一大早

bright idea 好点子,聪明的主意

bright annealing 光亮退火;非氧化退火

bright luster 镜面光泽

bright and sunny 阳光明媚



bright future 光明的未来,光明的前途

bright red 鲜红;亮红色

bright color 明亮的颜色

bright light 强光

bright side 光明的一面;光泽面;令人高兴的一面

bright spot 光点;辉点;高兴的事

bright prospect 光明的前景,辉煌的前程

bright yellow 嫩黄

bright blue 中湖蓝;鲜蓝

bright moon 明月,皓月;明月心

bright star 明亮的星;灿烂的星

bright green 亮绿;翠绿;鲜绿色

clear and bright 清明

bright orange 橙黄

bright day 美好的一天

bright and early adv. 一大早

bright idea 好点子,聪明的主意

bright annealing 光亮退火;非氧化退火

bright luster 镜面光泽

bright and sunny 阳光明媚

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