3d Mojo (Seemage博客的前身,现称达索3dvia)将这个话题端上桌面——3 D VIA 3d交流策略论坛。
3d Mojo (the former blog of Seemage and now Dassault 3dvia) brings the following topic on the table - 3dvia 3d Communication Strategy Forum.
索撒尔在博客中写道:“我觉得自己已经很小心了,尽量避免与危险生物接触,这些生物都将这里当成了它们的家。 我根本没想到会这样,退一步讲,我也放松了警惕。
"I thought I'd done particularly well at avoiding any contact with any of the dangerous critters that consider this part of the world their home," Southall wrote.
34岁的本•索思豪尔上任做的第一件事是在澳大利亚布里斯班机场的候机大厅发布了一篇视频博客。 他在那里拍了一段自己和女友布丽娜•沃肯斯的视频。
Ben Southall, 34, started by sending a video blog from Brisbane airport departure lounge where he filmed himself alongside his girlfriend, Breanna Watkins.