The CanadianBroadcasting Corporation plans to air a new series of a talent show in which MrDrabinsky is one of the judges.
就在这一年,脾气火爆的伊扎克•拉宾(Yitzhak Rabin)出任以军总参谋长。 他蓄意升级一系列冲突以激怒叙利亚人,并且一度威胁要入侵叙利亚。
The Israeli army under its hot-headed chief of staff, Yitzhak Rabin, also deliberately provoked the Syrians in an escalating series of clashes, and at one point Israel threatened to invade.
Is the mesh woven net, wire netting, through selection, cutting, crochet, testing a series of procedures such as woven.