受腐蚀多层钢筋混凝土框架改造加固设计案例分析-建筑结构 关键词] 腐蚀 钢筋混凝土框架 改造 加固 设计 [gap=845]Keywords:corroded; reinforced concrete frame; reconstruction; strengthening; design
corroded grain 被腐蚀颗粒
Corroded Metal 受腐蚀的金属 ; 受侵蚀的金属
Corroded Skeleton Key 锈蚀的万能钥匙 ; 被腐蚀的骷髅钥匙
corroded crystal 熔蚀晶 ; 熔蚀斑晶
Corroded Surfaces 受侵蚀的表面 ; 外表
corroded limit 蚀耗极限
corroded contact 受腐蚀触点
corroded terminal 受腐蚀端线
V-T/V-I If metal or stone corrodes, or is corroded, it is gradually destroyed by a chemical or by rust. 腐蚀
He has devised a process for making gold wires which neither corrode nor oxidize.
Engineers found the structure had been corroded by moisture.
corroded ADJ 被腐蚀了的
The investigators found that the underground pipes were badly corroded.