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[breɪks] [breɪks]

  • n. 地形突变;岩层中之小断层(break 的复数)
  • v. 破坏;中断(动词 break 的单数)
  • n. (Breaks)人名;(英)布雷克斯






... breakpoint转效点;断点 breaks岩层中之小断层 breakthroughcapacity漏过能量 ...






他多样的风格反映在对多种音乐风格的兴趣, 从舞曲( dance music)到碎拍( Breaks)到嘻哈( Hip Hop)到灵乐(Soul), 而他制作的音乐则融合了Electronica和大量的classic funk和jazz. 一个绝对值得关注的名字!



The Missouri Breaks 大峡谷 ; 密苏里山口 ; 大侠谷 ; 原野双雄

When the Day Breaks 当一天开始 ; 当黎明来临

Funky Breaks 骤停打击乐 ; 疯克碎拍 ; 也可以唱放克 ; 一首放克

wind breaks 防风林 ; 防风设施

sand breaks 防沙林

the breaks 运气不佳

Or how my heart breaks 不管我多哀伤 ; 或者我有多么心碎 ; 或者我的心情如何糟糕 ; 你我会情长义久

Breaks against 以卵击石

tax breaks 税收减免 ; 税额优惠 ; 减税政策

  • 地形突变
  • 岩层中之小断层



  • n.
    • some abrupt occurrence that interrupts an ongoing activity

      "there was a break in the action when a player was hurt"

      同义词: interruption

    • an unexpected piece of good luck

      "he finally got his big break"

      同义词: good luck happy chance

    • (geology) a crack in the earth's crust resulting from the displacement of one side with respect to the other

      同义词: fault faulting geological fault shift fracture

    • a personal or social separation (as between opposing factions)

      "they hoped to avoid a break in relations"

      同义词: rupture breach severance rift falling out

    • a pause from doing something (as work)

      "we took a 10-minute break"

      同义词: respite recess time out

    • the act of breaking something

      "the breakage was unavoidable"

      同义词: breakage breaking

    • a time interval during which there is a temporary cessation of something

      同义词: pause intermission interruption suspension

    • breaking of hard tissue such as bone

      "the break seems to have been caused by a fall"

      同义词: fracture

    • the occurrence of breaking

      "the break in the dam threatened the valley"

    • an abrupt change in the tone or register of the voice (as at puberty or due to emotion)

      "then there was a break in her voice"

    • the opening shot that scatters the balls in billiards or pool
    • (tennis) a score consisting of winning a game when your opponent was serving

      "he was up two breaks in the second set"

      同义词: break of serve

    • an act of delaying or interrupting the continuity

      "it was presented without commercial breaks"

      同义词: interruption disruption gap

    • a sudden dash

      "he made a break for the open door"

    • any frame in which a bowler fails to make a strike or spare

      "the break in the eighth frame cost him the match"

      同义词: open frame

    • an escape from jail

      "the breakout was carefully planned"

      同义词: breakout jailbreak gaolbreak prisonbreak prison-breaking

  • v.
    • terminate

      "break a lucky streak"; "break the cycle of poverty"

      同义词: interrupt

    • become separated into pieces or fragments

      同义词: separate split up fall apart come apart

    • destroy the integrity of; usually by force; cause to separate into pieces or fragments
    • render inoperable or ineffective
    • ruin completely

      同义词: bust

    • act in disregard of laws, rules, contracts, or promises

      "break a law"; "break a promise"

      同义词: transgress offend infract violate go against breach

    • move away or escape suddenly

      "Nobody can break out--this prison is high security"

      同义词: break out break away

    • scatter or part
    • force out or release suddenly and often violently something pent up

      "break into tears"

      同义词: burst erupt

    • prevent completion

      "break off the negotiations"

      同义词: break off discontinue stop

    • enter someone's property in an unauthorized manner, usually with the intent to steal or commit a violent act

      同义词: break in

    • make submissive, obedient, or useful

      "The horse was tough to break"

      同义词: break in

    • fail to agree with; be in violation of; as of rules or patterns

      同义词: violate go against

    • surpass in excellence

      "break a record"

      同义词: better

    • make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret

      同义词: unwrap disclose let on bring out reveal discover expose divulge impart give away let out

    • come into being
    • stop operating or functioning

      同义词: fail go bad give way die give out conk out go break down

    • interrupt a continued activity

      同义词: break away

    • make a rupture in the ranks of the enemy or one's own by quitting or fleeing
    • curl over and fall apart in surf or foam, of waves
    • lessen in force or effect

      "break a fall"

      同义词: dampen damp soften weaken

    • be broken in

      "If the new teacher won't break, we'll add some stress"

    • come to an end
    • vary or interrupt a uniformity or continuity
    • cause to give up a habit
    • give up

      "break cigarette smoking"

    • come forth or begin from a state of latency
    • happen or take place

      "Things have been breaking pretty well for us in the past few months"

    • cause the failure or ruin of

      "This play will either make or break the playwright"

    • invalidate by judicial action
    • discontinue an association or relation; go different ways

      同义词: separate part split up split break up

    • assign to a lower position; reduce in rank

      同义词: demote bump relegate kick downstairs

    • reduce to bankruptcy

      "My daughter's fancy wedding is going to break me!"

      同义词: bankrupt ruin smash

    • change directions suddenly
    • emerge from the surface of a body of water
    • break down, literally or metaphorically

      同义词: collapse fall in cave in give give way founder

    • do a break dance

      "Kids were break-dancing at the street corner"

      同义词: break dance break-dance

    • exchange for smaller units of money

      "I had to break a $100 bill just to buy the candy"

    • destroy the completeness of a set of related items

      "The book dealer would not break the set"

      同义词: break up

    • make the opening shot that scatters the balls
    • separate from a clinch, in boxing
    • go to pieces

      同义词: wear wear out bust fall apart

    • break a piece from a whole

      "break a branch from a tree"

      同义词: break off snap off

    • become punctured or penetrated
    • pierce or penetrate
    • be released or become known; of news

      同义词: get out get around

    • cease an action temporarily

      "let's break for lunch"

      同义词: pause intermit

    • interrupt the flow of current in

      "break a circuit"

    • undergo breaking
    • find a flaw in

      "break an alibi"; "break down a proof"

    • find the solution or key to

      "break the code"

    • change suddenly from one tone quality or register to another
    • happen

      同义词: recrudesce develop

    • become fractured; break or crack on the surface only

      同义词: crack check

    • crack; of the male voice in puberty

      "his voice is breaking--he should no longer sing in the choir"

    • fall sharply
    • fracture a bone of

      同义词: fracture

    • diminish or discontinue abruptly
    • weaken or destroy in spirit or body

以上来源于: WordNet



break /breɪk/ CET4 TEM4 ( breaking, broke, broken, breaks )

  • 1. 

    V-T/V-I When an object breaks or when you break it, it suddenly separates into two or more pieces, often because it has been hit or dropped. 打碎; 破碎


    He fell through the window, breaking the glass.



    The plate broke.



    The plane broke into three pieces.


  • 2. 

    V-T/V-I If you break a part of your body such as your leg, your arm, or your nose, or if a bone breaks, you are injured because a bone cracks or splits. 弄折 (骨头); 骨折


    She broke a leg in a skiing accident.



    Old bones break easily.


  • 3. 

    N-COUNT Break is also a noun. 骨折


    It has caused a bad break to Gabriella's leg.


  • 4. 

    V-T/V-I If a surface, cover, or seal breaks or if something breaks it, a hole or tear is made in it, so that a substance can pass through. 拆裂; 开裂


    Once you've broken the seal of a bottle there's no way you can put it back together again.



    The bandage must be put on when the blister breaks.


  • 5. 

    V-T/V-I When a tool or piece of machinery breaks or when you break it, it is damaged and no longer works. 损坏


    When the clutch broke, the car was locked into second gear.



break /breɪk/ ( breaking, broke, broken, breaks )

  • V-T/V-I

  • 1. 

    V-T If someone breaks something, especially a difficult or unpleasant situation that has existed for some time, they end it or change it. 结束; 打破 (困难或不快的情形)


    We need to break the vicious cycle of violence and counterviolence.



    New proposals have been put forward to break the deadlock among rival factions.


  • 2. 

    N-COUNT Break is also a noun. 结束; (对困难或不快的情形的) 打破


    Nothing that might lead to a break in the deadlock has been discussed yet.


  • 3. 

    V-T If someone or something breaks a silence, they say something or make a noise after a long period of silence. 打破 (沉默)


    Hugh broke the silence. "Is she always late?" he asked.


  • 4. 

    V-T/V-I If you break with a group of people or a traditional way of doing things, or you break your connection with them, you stop being involved with that group or stop doing things in that way. 断绝 (关系); 打破 (传统)


    In 1959, Akihito broke with imperial tradition by marrying a commoner.



    They were determined to break from precedent.


  • 5. 

    N-COUNT Break is also a noun. (对关系的) 断绝; (对传统的) 打破


    Making a completely clean break with the past, the couple got rid of all their old furniture.


  • 6. 

    V-T If you break a habit or if someone breaks you of it, you no longer have that habit. 戒除 (习惯)


    If you continue to smoke, keep trying to break the habit.


  • 7. 

    V-I If someone breaks for a short period of time, they rest or change from what they are doing for a short period. (短暂) 休息


    They broke for lunch.


  • 8. 

    N-COUNT A break is a short period of time when you have a rest or a change from what you are doing, especially if you are working or if you are in a boring or unpleasant situation. 短暂休息


    They may be able to help with childcare so that you can have a break.



    I thought a 15 minute break from his work would do him good.


  • 9. 

    N-COUNT A break is a short holiday. 短假


    They are currently taking a short break in Spain.


  • 10. 

    V-T If you break your journey somewhere, you stop there for a short time so that you can have a rest. (旅行中) 使歇脚


    We broke our journey at a small country hotel.



break /breɪk/ ( breaking, broke, broken, breaks )

  • V-T

  • 1. 

    V-T If you break a rule, promise, or agreement, you do something that you should not do according to that rule, promise, or agreement. 违反


    We didn't know we were breaking the law.



    The company has consistently denied it had knowingly broken arms embargoes.


  • 2. 

    V-I If you break free or loose, you free yourself from something or escape from it. 挣脱


    She broke free by thrusting her elbow into his chest.


  • 3. 

    V-T To break the force of something such as a blow or fall means to weaken its effect, for example, by getting in the way of it. 减弱 (打击、坠落等的力度)


    He sustained serious neck injuries after he broke someone's fall.


  • 4. 

    V-I When a piece of news breaks, people hear about it from the newspapers, television, or radio. (消息) 传开


    The news broke that Montgomery was under investigation.


  • 5. 

    V-T When you break a piece of bad news to someone, you tell it to them, usually in a kind way. (常指善意地) 说出 (不好的消息)


    Then Louise broke the news that she was leaving me.


  • 6. 

    N-COUNT A break is a lucky opportunity that someone gets to achieve something. 时来运转 [非正式]


    Her first break came when she was chosen out of 100 guitarists auditioning for a spot on Michael Jackson's tour.


  • 7. 

    V-T If you break a record, you beat the previous record for a particular achievement. 打破 (记录)


    Carl Lewis has broken the world record in the 100 metres.


  • 8. 

    V-I When day or dawn breaks, it starts to grow light after the night has ended. 破晓


    They continued the search as dawn broke.


  • 9. 

    V-I When a wave breaks, it passes its highest point and turns downward, for example, when it reaches the shore. (波浪) 落下


    Danny listened to the waves breaking against the shore.


  • 10. 

    V-T If you break a secret code, you work out how to understand it. 破解 (密码)


    It was feared they could break the Allies' codes.


  • 11. 

    V-I If someone's voice breaks when they are speaking, it changes its sound, for example, because they are sad or afraid. (嗓音因悲伤、害怕等而) 变调


    Godfrey's voice broke, and halted.


  • 12. 

    V-I When a boy's voice breaks, it becomes deeper and sounds more like a man's voice. (男孩) 变声


    He sings with the strained discomfort of someone whose voice hasn't quite broken.

    他紧张不适地唱着, 嗓音像个还未完全变声的人。

  • 13. 

    V-I If the weather breaks or a storm breaks, it suddenly becomes rainy or stormy after a period of sunshine. (天气) 突变; (暴风雨) 骤起


    I've been waiting for the weather to break.


  • 15. 

    to break even →see even

  • 16. 

    to break new ground →see ground

  • 17. 

    to break someone's heart →see heart

  • 18. 

    all hell breaks loose →see hell

  • 19. 

    to break the ice →see ice

  • 20. 

    to break ranks →see rank

  • 21. 

    to break wind →see wind


break through 突破;突围;有重要创见

break up 打碎,破碎;结束;解散;衰落

break down 分解;发生故障;失败;毁掉;制服

take a break 休息一下

break out v. 爆发;突发

break in 打断;闯入;训练;使逐渐习惯

break away 脱离;放弃;逃跑

break into 闯入;破门而入

break away from vt. 放弃;脱离……

break of v. 放弃;改掉(习惯)

break from v. 决裂

break with v. 结束;与…绝交,和…断绝关系;和…决裂

break off 折断;突然停止,暂停

break out of 摆脱(束缚等);突破…

elongation at break 断裂伸长;断裂延伸率;破坏时伸长量

break up with 跟…分手;与…断绝关系

break the law 违法

give me a break 让我休息一下

could break 可能破碎

make or break 要么成功要么毁灭



  • This is when a bone is bent and breaks along only one side, like a young stick of wood.

    VOA: special.2009.02.04

  • When it breaks this bond, that chlorine atom, a free chlorine atom comes down and reacts, this is ozone, with the ozone in the upper atmosphere.


    麻省理工公开课 - 固态化学导论课程节选

  • So, let's look, Act II Scene II. You remember this, Romeo: "but soft, what light through yonder window breaks. It is the east, and Juliet is the sun."


    麻省理工公开课 - 固态化学导论课程节选



break through 突破;突围;有重要创见

break up 打碎,破碎;结束;解散;衰落

break down 分解;发生故障;失败;毁掉;制服

take a break 休息一下

break out v. 爆发;突发

break in 打断;闯入;训练;使逐渐习惯

break away 脱离;放弃;逃跑

break into 闯入;破门而入

break away from vt. 放弃;脱离……

break of v. 放弃;改掉(习惯)

break from v. 决裂

break with v. 结束;与…绝交,和…断绝关系;和…决裂

break off 折断;突然停止,暂停

break out of 摆脱(束缚等);突破…

elongation at break 断裂伸长;断裂延伸率;破坏时伸长量

break up with 跟…分手;与…断绝关系

break the law 违法

give me a break 让我休息一下

could break 可能破碎

make or break 要么成功要么毁灭

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