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[laɪt] [laɪt]

  • n. 光,光线;光源(如电灯);某种光亮;交通信号灯;车灯;打火机,点火器; 角度,(事物呈现的)状态;眼光,处世标准(lights);(对问题的)了解,启迪;眼神;亮色,浅色;窗,天窗,采光口;直棂窗窗玻璃上的竖框;杰出的人,有声望的人;<英>(字谜游戏中的)待填空格
  • adj. 浅色的,淡色的;采光好的,光线足的;天亮的,白天的;轻的,不重的;分量不足的;轻型的,轻便的;少量的,程度低的;不严厉的;(风)轻柔的;轻声的;(碰触)轻轻的;不累的,轻松的;不严肃的,愉快的;单薄的,不保暖的;(睡眠)不深的,易醒的;(饭食)简单的;酒精含量低的,低度酒的;(食物)清淡的,易消化的;(食物)松软的;(土地)轻质的;(字体)细体的
  • v. (使)照亮;(使)燃烧,点燃;用光指引;点烟
  • adv. (旅行)轻装地;轻地
  • 【名】 (Light)莱特(人名)

[ 复数 lights 第三人称单数 lights 现在分词 lighting 过去式 lit或lighted 过去分词 lit或lighted 比较级 lighter 最高级 lightest ]






光源 (Lights) 是每个场景的重要组成部分。网格和纹理决定了场景的形状和外观,而光源则决定了三维环境的颜色和氛围。


  [科技] 轻的

... kilogram(kg)n. 千克 light a. 轻的;明亮的;浅色的 strong a. 强(壮)的;坚固的;强烈的;坚强的 ...



灯光(Light):灯光、光源形式及位置。 照相机(Camera):看东西的目标、位置、角度。



Light green 浅绿色 ; 浅绿 ; 品绿 ; 淡绿色

light blue 浅蓝色 ; 淡蓝色 ; 淡蓝

traffic light 红绿灯 ; 交通号志 ; 爱情红绿灯

light grey 浅灰色 ; 浅灰 ; 淡灰色 ; 亮灰色

light yellow 浅黄 ; 淡黄

ZODIACAL LIGHT [地物] 黄道光 ; 黄道带光

light pink 浅粉色 ; 淡粉红色 ; 浅粉红 ; 浅粉红色

Visible Light [光] 可见光 ; 可见光谱 ; 可视光 ; 可见辐射光

Light snow 小雪 ; 二十四节气 ; 微雪 ; 雪域光芒

  • - 引用次数:1977

    The phosphors emit orangish-red light under 365 nm excitation.


    参考来源 - 近紫外和蓝光LED用荧光粉的制备及发光性质研究
  • 风速达每小时七海里的
  • 轻型化 - 引用次数:7

    Chapter 8, mainly analyzes thenew demands of the industrial structure adjustment arising from the RecyclingEconomy, Eco-industrial、Softening the industrial structure、Light industrial.


    参考来源 - 中国循环经济技术支撑体系论
  • 天窗;窗;窗格子(玻璃)
  • 平淡 - 引用次数:16

    Article steady, thelanguage is light, article deficient individuality.


    参考来源 - 我国新时期报纸体育评论风格流变
    轻盈 - 引用次数:4

    参考来源 - 唐湜诗歌创作论
  • 轻型化 - 引用次数:14

    参考来源 - 铝合金车体组合优化设计
  • (打扑克赌博时对一局总赌注)亏欠的
  • 轻便的;轻快的;轻装的;轻型的;小口径的
  • (铅字)细体的
  • 光源
  • 轻的
  • 轻的



  • n.
    • (physics) electromagnetic radiation that can produce a visual sensation

      "the light was filtered through a soft glass window"

      同义词: visible light visible radiation

    • any device serving as a source of illumination

      "he stopped the car and turned off the lights"

      同义词: light source

    • a particular perspective or aspect of a situation

      "although he saw it in a different light, he still did not understand"

    • the quality of being luminous; emitting or reflecting light

      同义词: luminosity brightness brightness level luminance luminousness

    • an illuminated area

      "he stepped into the light"

    • a condition of spiritual awareness; divine illumination

      "follow God's light"

      同义词: illumination

    • the visual effect of illumination on objects or scenes as created in pictures

      "he could paint the lightest light and the darkest dark"

      同义词: lightness

    • a person regarded very fondly

      "the light of my life"

    • mental understanding as an enlightening experience

      "he finally saw the light"; "can you shed light on this problem?"

    • having abundant light or illumination

      "they played as long as it was light"; "as long as the lighting was good"

      同义词: lighting

    • public awareness

      "it brought the scandal to light"

    • merriment expressed by a brightness or gleam or animation of countenance

      同义词: sparkle twinkle spark

    • a divine presence believed by Quakers to enlighten and guide the soul

      同义词: Inner Light Light Within Christ Within

    • a visual warning signal

      "they saw the light of the beacon"; "there was a light at every corner"

    • a device for lighting or igniting fuel or charges or fires

      "do you have a light?"

      同义词: lighter igniter ignitor

  • v.
  • adj.
    • of comparatively little physical weight or density

      "a light load"; "magnesium is a light metal--having a specific gravity of 1.74 at 20 degrees C"

    • (used of color) having a relatively small amount of coloring agent

      "light blue"; "light colors such as pastels"; "a light-colored powder"

      同义词: light-colored

    • of the military or industry; using (or being) relatively small or light arms or equipment

      "light infantry"; "light cavalry"; "light industry"; "light weapons"

    • not great in degree or quantity or number

      "a light sentence"; "a light accent"; "casualties were light"; "light snow was falling"; "light misty rain"; "light smoke from the chimney"

    • psychologically light; especially free from sadness or troubles

      "a light heart"

    • characterized by or emitting light

      "a room that is light when the shutters are open"; "the inside of the house was airy and light"

    • used of vowels or syllables; pronounced with little or no stress

      "a syllable that ends in a short vowel is a light syllable"

      同义词: unaccented weak

    • easily assimilated in the alimentary canal; not rich or heavily seasoned

      "a light diet"

    • (used of soil) loose and large-grained in consistency

      "light sandy soil"

      同义词: friable sandy

    • (of sound or color) free from anything that dulls or dims

      "a light lilting voice like a silver bell"

      同义词: clean clear unclouded

    • moving easily and quickly; nimble

      "the dancer was light and graceful"; "a lightsome buoyant step"; "walked with a light tripping step"

      同义词: lightsome tripping

    • demanding little effort; not burdensome

      "light housework"; "light exercise"

    • of little intensity or power or force

      "the light touch of her fingers"; "a light breeze"

    • (physics, chemistry) not having atomic weight greater than average

      "light water is ordinary water"

    • weak and likely to lose consciousness

      "felt light in the head"; "light-headed with wine"; "light-headed from lack of sleep"

      同义词: faint swooning light-headed lightheaded

    • very thin and insubstantial

      "light summer dresses"

      同义词: flimsy

    • marked by temperance in indulgence

      "a light eater"; "a light smoker"; "ate a light supper"

      同义词: abstemious

    • less than the correct or legal or full amount often deliberately so

      "a light pound"

      同义词: scant(p) short

    • having little importance

      "losing his job was no light matter"

    • intended primarily as entertainment; not serious or profound

      "light verse"; "a light comedy"

    • silly or trivial

      "light banter"; "light idle chatter"

      同义词: idle

    • designed for ease of movement or to carry little weight

      "light aircraft"; "a light truck"

    • having relatively few calories

      "light (or lite) beer"; "lite (or light) mayonnaise"

      同义词: lite low-cal calorie-free

    • (of sleep) easily disturbed

      "in a light doze"; "a light sleeper"

      同义词: wakeful

    • casual and unrestrained in sexual behavior

      "he was told to avoid loose (or light) women"

      同义词: easy loose promiscuous sluttish wanton

  • adv. with few burdens

    "experienced travellers travel light"

    同义词: lightly

以上来源于: WordNet


Light /laɪt/

  • 1. 

    N God regarded as a source of illuminating grace and strength 灵光; 上帝认为的,有启迪的恩赐及力量之源泉


in the light of 根据,按照;当作

in light 被光线照着

in the light 灯光下;在光芒中

in light of 根据;鉴于;从…观点

light on 偶然遇见(碰见,发现);停落于

light source 光源

light industry 轻工业

red light 危险信号,红灯

light intensity 光强度

come to light 暴露;真相大白;众所周知

light up 照亮;点亮

light and shade 光阴;光与影

light rail 轻轨;轻轨电车

visible light 可见光

green light 绿灯;放行;准许

bring to light 揭露;发现;公开

light scattering 光散射

light oil 轻油;低粘度油

bright light 强光

traffic light 红绿灯(等于traffic signals)


词根: light


lightless 不发光的;无光的;暗的

lightsome 轻盈的;畅快的;轻率的;明亮的


lightly 轻轻地;轻松地;容易地;不费力地


lighter 打火机;驳船;点火者

lighting 照明设备,舞台灯光

lightening 孕腹轻松

lightness 轻盈;轻松;明亮;(颜色)浅淡

lightship 灯塔船;航路标志灯船


lighting 照明;点燃(light的ing形式)

lightening 减轻(lighten的ing形式);闪电;发光


lighten 减轻;发亮


lighter 驳运

lighten 使照亮;使轻松


  • How I wished I had the power to enter that bright light and float with her through those beautiful forests.

    VOA: special.2009.07.25

  • What do we make of these allusions to divine colleagues or subordinates in light of Kaufman's claims regarding biblical monotheism?


    耶鲁公开课 - 旧约导论课程节选

  • And out of that came the recognition that Thompson's plum pudding model is not sustainable in the light of this evidence.


    麻省理工公开课 - 固态化学导论课程节选






以上来源于: 百度百科


in the light of 根据,按照;当作

in light 被光线照着

in the light 灯光下;在光芒中

in light of 根据;鉴于;从…观点

light on 偶然遇见(碰见,发现);停落于

light source 光源

light industry 轻工业

red light 危险信号,红灯

light intensity 光强度

come to light 暴露;真相大白;众所周知

light up 照亮;点亮

light and shade 光阴;光与影

light rail 轻轨;轻轨电车

visible light 可见光

green light 绿灯;放行;准许

bring to light 揭露;发现;公开

light scattering 光散射

light oil 轻油;低粘度油

bright light 强光

traffic light 红绿灯(等于traffic signals)

- 来自原声例句

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