Xilinx公司的ISE开发设计软件的工程设计流程,具体分为五个步骤:即输入(Design Entry)、综合(Synthesis)、实现(Implementation)、验证(Verification)、下载(Download)。 下载(Download)即编程(Program)设计开发的最后步骤就是将已经仿真实现的程序下载到开发板上,进行在线调试或者说将生成的配置文件写入芯片中进行测试。在ISE中对应的工具是iMPACT。 iMPACT can program certain BPI or SPI Flash devices indirectly, by preloading into the FPGA a design that understands the boundary-scan (JTAG) protocol and converts the applied data to BPI or SPI bus relationships. This FPGA design serves as a bridge between the iMPACT programming tool and the Flash device connected to the FPGA. The design is downloaded into the FPGA by iMPACT (using a Xilinx® cable) to make the indirect programming of the SPI or BPI Flash device possible.