HIT(Holistic IntegrationTester) 一种由诺基亚公司自主研发,用于其(诺基亚西门子)无线网络设备DX200平台的实时处理编程工具,该编程工具使用一种叫测试执行语言(Test Execution Language )的语言,类似于日常使用的C,C++语言,其编译好的程序文件,或称之为宏(Macro)以.tel或.hit为后缀.仅可使用于诺基亚DX200平台,用于人机接口的自动操作,实时响应,以及执行简单重复的操作命令等.以提高设备工程师的工作效率. (附:软件内的INTRODUCTION)This is reference guide for the Test Execution Language (TEL) used in Holistic Integration Tester (HIT) version 2.4. This guide is not meant to be a tutorial. It should be used as reference just like its name implies. The document is structured in top-down order: overall syntax of macro files is described first,followed by more precise description of various language components.