最佳动画长片 ANIMATED FEATURE FILM ; Best Animated Feature Film ; THE INCREDIBLES ; Best Animated Film
外方院长佳思美 TCHASSIM
最佳纪录长片 BEST DOCUMENTARY FEATURE ; Documentary Feature ; Best Feature-Length Documentary ; Documentary
长虹佳华 ZARVA ; ChanghongIT ; VSPEX ; changhong jiahua
长须与佳 Tomoca
格莱美最佳长篇录影带 Confessions Tour
长沙银港佳程酒店 Changsha Yingang Building - Changsha ; yingang bestride hotel
最佳长度 optimum length
最佳纪录长片奖 Documentary Feature ; Best Documentary Feature
这其中最危险的当属映佳冰川消融形成的湖泊,它处在尼泊尔最高峰16 400英尺高的半山腰, 50年前还没有这个冰川湖,而现在它已经有1英里长,300英尺深了。
Among the more dangerous is Imja Tsho, at 16, 400 feet on the trail to Nepal's Island Peak. Fifty years ago the lake didn't exist; today, swollen by melt, it is a mile long and 300 feet deep.
The seamless fusing belts have a smooth surface, excellent antistatic effect, long life etc. advantages that other seam fusing belts don't have.