最后一件讽刺的事情发生在1950年,82岁的密立根发表了他的自传,其中第九章的标题为“光子存在的实验验证—爱因斯坦光电方程”“the Experimental Proof of the Existence of the photon—einsteins Photoelectric Equation .”。
One final irony: in 1950, at age 82, Millikan published his Autobiography, with Chapter 9 entitled simply "the Experimental Proof of the Existence of the Photon — Einstein's Photoelectric Equation."
Someone asked me a bow Zhang, or Zhang li as early as... all men know more polite, this has you so who was too uneducated.
It is a nondescript place, where all kinds of buildings stand alongside each other without any consideration for each other, industrial, residential and squatter town all mixed up.
The imperative of preserving a distinct identity based on giving up the worship of other gods or older gods and observing all that is written in the law of Moses is reiterated in Joshua's farewell address in Joshua 23, and in the covenant renewal ceremony in 24.