曾曾,女,毕业于北京电影学院,中国内地女演员。 因主演的《宫锁心玉》 《宫锁珠帘》等剧集被观众所熟悉。
曾曾酒店 Zen Zeng Hotel
你的曾曾祖母 Your great-great grandmother
他的曾曾祖父 his great gre ; his great great grandpa
曾曾祖父 great great grandpa
热爱学习的曾曾 I talk to myself
曾曾祖母 great-great grand-mother
曾曾孙女 great-great grand child
曾曾祖父母 great-great grand-parent
曾经的曾经 Once the once ; Once was ; hillhx ; Once had forgotten once
曾祖父或曾祖母 great-grandparent
That parrot one, I believe, is one of my great, great, great, great aunts.
"You became a great-great-great-grandmother last week, " shouted Sally.
its several-times-great-granddaughters would have transformed themselves into the new species.
There may even be people here who distinguished themselves because they starred in Romeo and Juliet. Or, maybe they produced.
One situation is when you're speaking with a friend who had given you really good advice that you failed to take.
Roman doctrine, of course, had prized the state of celibacy, insisting that it was the superior state over marriage.