数周前,恩克被诊断出患有细菌性肠胃炎,因此缺阵两个月,不过在上周日汉诺威2 - 2战平汉堡的比赛中,他又重新登场。
Enke had been diagnosed with a bacterial stomach virus several weeks ago and did not play for Hannover for two months, although he reappeared for Sunday's 2-2 draw with Hamburg.
一些银行家透露,对本田所持股份的竞争仍然较为激烈,包括华平(Warburg Pincus)、贝恩(Bain)和KKR在内的多家收购基金有意于此,还有一些主权财富基金也对此笔交易感兴趣。
Competition for the Honda stake is still intense with several rival buyout funds, including Warburg Pincus, Bain and KKR, as well as sovereign wealth funds keen to get in on the deal, say bankers.
去过阿尔皮纳之后,我又去了弗利平,那是马里恩县境内一个大约有1000人的镇。 在全州的市镇中,这个镇里没有铺设马路的地段是最长的。
After Alpena, I went to Flippin, a town of about a thousand in Marion County, which had more miles of unpaved roads than any other in our state.