个人简介 明末清初诗人——古通,字循园,俗姓梁,名国桢,字友忧。广东顺德人。诸生。礼函昰。其人活动于明末清初,善诗,情真意切,留有“莫辞雁翅城边路,小院梅花正早芳”等句。今人编辑出版的《三编清代稿钞本》收录有其诗作。
博古通今 erudite and informed ; erudite informed
蒙古通辽亿利沥青 CYIP
古通·沸血 Gurtogg blood boil
蒙古通讯社 Montsame ; Mongolian News Agency ; mongol tsahilgaan medeeniy agentlag
内蒙古通辽机场 ZBTL
通古斯河 Podkamennaya Tunguska River ; Tunguska River
通古斯大爆炸 Tunguska event ; Tunguska explosion
下通古斯河 Nizhnyaya Tunguska River
通古拉瓦省 Tungurahua ; Provincia del Tungurahua
通古斯 Tungus ; Secret Files Tunguska ; Manchu-Tungus ; Tanguz
Goode said that the images were achieved with the 1.6 m clear aperture, off-axis New Solar Telescope (NST) at BBSO.
Harmony is about reconciling the ancient and the modern, the spiritual and the scientific, Eastern ideas and Western thought, the collective and the individual.