• 鲁森,“红毛猩猩出了。”

    "Orangutans are famous for their fear of water," says Russon.


  • 衣柜宣言很爱那条领带改成裙子爱吗?就是上榜的原因

    Closet confession: I totally adored Blossom's skirt made of men's ties. (Still kind of do. ) Oh, you too? Well, that's why she's on here.


  • 路易斯·雷耶斯,李嘉图。多明奎斯拉法叶·古兹曼-马提欧,年龄1722岁不等,鲁森法庭认罪,全都需要翻译

    Luis Reyes, Ricardo Dominguez and Rafael Guzman-Mateo, ranging in age from 17 to 22, all needed translators when they pleaded guilty at the Luzerne County court.


  • 奥利弗·斯通制片的电影《棕榈》由达纳·德拉尼、吉姆·贝鲁西安吉·迪金森联袂主演。

    Produced by Oliver Stone, "Wild Palms" costars Dana Delaney, Jim Belushi and Angie Dickinson.


  • 卢森伯格于1771年抵达英国立即伦敦著名德鲁里巷剧院担任了布景设计师

    Loutherbourg arrived in England in 1771, and immediately went to work as a set designer at the famous Drury Lane Theater in London.


  • 乔治梅森大学卡托斯中心自由市场经济学家维罗妮克·德鲁吉表示:“非常令人费解。”

    "It's very puzzling," says free-market economist Veronique de Rugy of the Mercatus Center at George Mason University.


  • 乔治梅森大学墨卡托斯中心自由市场经济学家维罗妮克·德鲁吉表示:“非常令人费解。”

    "It's very puzzling," says free market economist Veronique de Rugy of the Mercatus Center at George Mason University.


  • 鲁尼此战的进球将本赛季个人进球数提高到了22粒,教练弗格森称赞表现“令人难以置信”,并嘲笑阿森纳“就是没辙”。

    Ferguson described his performance as "unbelievable" and said Arsenal "just could not handle him".


  • 时,布莱恩·罗布森马克·休斯埃里克坎通纳路德。范。尼斯特·鲁伊已经离开了。

    Since I came into the team, the likes of Bryan Robson, Mark Hughes, Eric Cantona and Ruud van Nistelrooy have all left the club.


  • 另一名半场核心约翰·朱鲁时间成为了膝部手术牺牲品温格埃弗顿来了森德罗斯以撑过赛季剩下的时间。

    Wenger has moved Philippe Senderos on loan to Everton for the remainder of the season while another of his centre-halves, Johan Djourou, is a long-term casualty after knee surgery.


  • 麦迪森对人均GDP估算达龙•阿西莫·格鲁、西蒙·约翰逊詹姆斯·罗宾逊2005年提出的重要论文提供有用的经验核查

    His estimates of per head GDP provide a useful empirical crosscheck for a grand thesis proposed by Daron Acemoglu, Simon Johnson and James Robinson in 2005.


  • 想要专注观看天空这个主题,图森弗莱德科学中心3D

    To get the space theme going, Tucson’s Flandrau Science Center offers 3D views of Mars.


  • 这就像是打开一个时间闸门,“居住在纽约长岛34岁it工作者德鲁·彼得森说道。”

    "IT was like opening a time capsule," says Drew Peterson, a 34-year-old former IT worker from Long Island, New York.


  • 阿西莫格鲁、约翰逊罗宾逊告诫人们,麦迪森有关1820年前数据 “仅凭经验猜测”。

    Messrs Acemoglu, Johnson and Robinson caution that Maddison’s figures for the years before 1820 are “no more than educated guesses”.


  • 丹尼·维尔贝克赛季初搭档鲁尼表现颇为抢眼,对阵热刺阿森纳的比赛贡献入球,随后不幸受伤

    Danny Welbeck was forging an impressive partnership with Rooney at the start of the season and contributed goals against Spurs and Arsenal before injuring his hamstring.


  • 主要对手鲁迪·朱利安尼、米特·罗姆弗瑞德·汤姆森都把重点放在反恐的艰难上,尽量避开伊拉克战争问题

    His main rivals, Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney and Fred Thompson, emphasise how tough they will be on terrorists but say as little as possible about Iraq.


  • “现在躺上去不会感到舒服,”鲁基森纳斯指出,使用浮床需要放上床垫被褥

    "It is not comfortable at the moment," admits Ruijssenaars, adding it needs cushions and bedclothes before use.


  • 随便舒梅切尔范德萨通纳或鲁尼、罗布森或维迪奇,弗格森一直更换麾下战将,不断地改造着球队目标从未游移。

    Take your pick: Peter Schmeichel or Edwin van der Sar, Eric Cantona or Wayne Rooney, Bryan Robson or Nemanja Vidic, Ferguson has constantly reinvented his side, changing the pieces but never the goal.


  • 纽约城市大学罗森菲尔德鲁本托马斯称,网络正日益成为寻找另一半的重要社交平台,确定无疑的。

    Rosenfeld and Reuben Thomas, of the City University of New York, found the Internet is the one social arena that is unambiguously gaining importance as a place where couples meet.


  • 斯廷森先生亨利.鲁姆斯说:你你的两个兄弟非常幸运你们应该感恩方式祖国效劳。

    He told Henry Loomis that he and his brothers were very lucky in life and that they should serve their country as a way to give thanks.


  • 广播电视节目播出几个季度里鲁尼里森纳制作了60分钟》,并且奉献了屏幕处女秀”。

    Rooney also produced for Reasoner at "60 Minutes" during the broadcast's first few seasons and made his on-screen "debut.


  • 阿森纳攻势凌厉,控制着局面,直到阿穆尼亚过于兴奋离开球门线,试图却将鲁尼放倒。

    Arsenal were in front and in control until Manuel Almunia left his line too enthusiastically and bundled Wayne Rooney over while trying to reach the ball.


  • 这次众多的名流夫妻,有帕丁森哈利·波特中合作过的演员——汤姆·菲尔女朋友贾德欧力维亚还有网球明星塞·德斯基和他妻子露西

    Among the celebrity couples in attendance were Pattinson's Harry Potter co-star Tom Felton with his girlfriend Jade Olivia and tennis star Greg Rusedski and wife Lucy.


  • 对阵曼联阿森纳这样球队时候,伍德盖特对付鲁尼贝尔巴托夫爱德华多这样的前锋,表现得很出色果断。

    Against the likes of Manchester United and Arsenal, Woodgate played too deeply and was found flat footed dealing with Rooney, Berbatov and Eduardo.


  • 与此同时,切尔西方面很不高兴的指出,卡瓦略侵犯鲁尼后,弗莱彻怂恿阿特金森对其进行处罚。

    Chelsea were also unhappy after Fletcher appeared to encourage Atkinson to take action against Richardo Carvalho following a challenge on Rooney.


  • 成就了拉德克利夫埃玛·沃森鲁珀特·格林特三位年轻演员

    It made stars of its young cast, Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint.


  • 那个夜晚到底发生了什么?显然那次震惊联盟三队交易带来了希度·特克格鲁,吉尔伯特·阿里纳斯杰森·理查德森

    That event, obviously, was the duo of blockbuster trades that brought in Hedo Turkoglu, Gilbert Arenas and Jason Richardson.


  • 多位德高望重环境科学家包括瑞文以及哈佛大学爱德华·奥·威尔森要求鲁姆·伯克的出版发行方剑桥大学出版社与解除合作关系。

    A dozen esteemed environmental scientists, including Raven and Harvard's Edward O. Wilson, are demanding that Lomborg's publisher cut him loose.


  • 沃森运行着90台服务器,体积占据了整个房间一月份练习赛中完胜了位前冠军·詹宁斯(Ken Jennings)布拉德·鲁特尔(BradRutter)。

    Watson runs on 90 servers and takes up an entire room, and in a practice match in January it finished ahead of two former champions, Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter.


  • 沃森运行着90台服务器,体积占据了整个房间一月份练习赛中完胜了位前冠军·詹宁斯(Ken Jennings)布拉德·鲁特尔(BradRutter)。

    Watson runs on 90 servers and takes up an entire room, and in a practice match in January it finished ahead of two former champions, Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter.


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