• 本文概述了中等高速柴油机曲轴主要强化方法

    This paper describes main reinforcing methods for crankshafts of medium -bored high - speed diesel engines.


  • 利用CFD技术高速柴油机缸盖进行了分析。

    The cylinder head water jacket of a high speed diesel engine is analyzed by using CFD technology.


  • 介绍了高速柴油机激光热处理工艺及其经济效益

    The process and economic benefit of laser heat treatment of cylinder bore for high speed diesel engine are described in this paper.


  • 简要介绍高速柴油机曲轴锻件RR弯曲工艺

    This article has described the RR bending and upsetting process for crankshaft forging of the medium and high speed diesel engine.


  • 本文介绍了小型高速柴油机分配式喷油泵综合电子控制系统

    In this paper, an electronic control system for distributor injection pump of high-speed engine is presented.


  • 本文研究高速柴油机扭转—纵向耦合振动机理计算方法

    This paper studied the principle and method of calculation for the coupled torsional axial vibration of the crankshaft for a high speed vehicle diesel engine.


  • 本文高速柴油机气定时进行了优化计算,并单缸机上进行试验

    This paper performs optimum calculations of air distribution timing of high speed diesel engines, Experiments are made on a single cylinder.


  • 报导几种型号缸径高速柴油机采用W燃烧系统研究工作。

    This paper introduces the study on several types of small bore high speed diesel engines with a shallow W type combustion system.


  • 合金球墨铸铁制造高强韧性车用480高速柴油机曲轴研究表明。

    A high strength and ductility copper alloyed ductile iron used in making 480 diesel engine crankshaft -was studied.


  • 地震勘探所使用机械设备,有相当一部分采用高速柴油机作为驱动力的。

    Most of mechanical equipment for seismic exploration are equipped with diesel engine as driving mechanism.


  • 研制了用于高速柴油机电控系统电磁式执行器,介绍了电磁式执行器的结构及原理。

    The electromagnetic actuator (EMA) used in the electronic control system of highspeed diesel engine was designed.


  • 本文主要是利用有限元某型中高速柴油机整体曲轴单拐曲轴分别进行强度计算分析

    This Paper analyzes and calculates fatigue of the total and the single-throw crankshaft through finite element about the diesel engine medium-height speed.


  • 对选作高速柴油机室喷咀材料耐热高温合金燃气疲劳性能进行试验研究。

    The thermal fatigue resistance high temperature combustion gases of eight heat resistant steels and superalloys in fatigue properties were studied on test rigs heated by combustion flue gas.


  • 简要分析了396系列大功率高速柴油机曲轴箱体铸件铸造工艺引起铸件铸造缺陷原因。

    The cause of casting defects of large aluminum low crankcase of 396 series large diesel engine is analyzed in brief and the new casting process and its Outlines are discussed in detail.


  • 本文阐述z 12v190 B型高速柴油机连杆静态应力测量问题提出了实测应力修正方法

    This article deals with the measurement problems of static stress in the connecting-rod of Z12V190B high-speed diesel engine and proposes a method for correcting these stresses.


  • 本文介绍一种中、高速柴油机使用螺旋弹簧组合设计依据计算方法结构特点,总结了120型柴油机上的试验结果。

    In this paper, the design basis, calculation method and construction feature of the new type composite oil ring with helical spring used in the medium and high speed diesel engine are described.


  • 研究小组将高速列车汽车火车美国全国铁路乘客公司的柴油以及飞机排放周期进行了比较

    The team compared the lifecycle emissions of high-speed electric rail with transport by car, by heavy rail (the Amtrak diesel system) and by air.


  • 找出高速大功率柴油机曲轴自然放置状态下畸变规律分析了曲轴的形状渗氮工艺参数曲轴畸变影响

    The distortion law of high-speed diesel crankshafts during nitriding was studied. The influence of crankshafts shape and nitriding process parameters on the distortion was analyzed.


  • 现代高速电子喷油柴油机在拖轮工作推进主机的应用中,体现出很多优点

    Modern high speed electronic injection diesel engine has many advantages when used onboard tugs and workboats for propulsion.


  • 本文对涡流柴油机起动条件下、副燃烧室内燃油喷雾着火过程进行了高速摄影

    The high speed photography was applied to visualize the fuel spray and ignition process in main and prechamber in a swirl type diesel engine at cold starting condition.


  • 本文提出一种高速车用柴油机配气凸轮的型线——复合摆线凸轮轮廓。

    Cam Profile - Combined - Cycloidal curve used for high speed Automobile Engine intake and exhaust valves is proposed.


  • 本文介绍了车用高速大功率柴油机铰接活塞设计。

    This paper presents an articulated piston used in high speed and large power Diesel engine for vehicles.


  • 活塞是柴油机工作条件苛刻部件之一,高速往复运动传递着整个柴油机的原动力,承受极高机械负荷负荷。

    As one of the most stringent components in diesel engine, piston transfers the driving force during its high-speed reciprocating motion and withstands high mechanical load and thermal load.


  • 数控电子调速器可改善高速柴油机特性

    Digital control electronic governor can im - prove the idle speed characteristic of the high-speed direct injection diesel engine.


  • 本文介绍了一种采用曲柄连杆机构高速单缸柴油机

    A single-cylinder high-speed diesel engine with dual symmetric crank-conrod mechanism was developed and tested on a dynamometer test bed.


  • 试验结果表明普通增压器相比,改善了柴油机扭矩特性转速经济性,抑制高速时的增压过量。

    The results show that the torque characteristic and economy of diesel engine at low speed are improved, and the over boost at high speed is rejected.


  • 高速轻型车柴油机燃用乙醇柴油燃料的放热率燃烧特性进行研究对多种比例乙醇柴油的排放特性进行了考察。

    The experimental study on the diesel engine fueled with ethanol diesel-oil was carried on with the use of multiple-hole nozzle and conical nozzle respectively.


  • 本文作者在自制的压缩膨胀装置模拟涡流无涡流情况下的柴油机压缩过程,并用高速摄影方法拍摄喷雾的扩展形态。

    The spray has been thoroughly investigated with a diesel combustion model. A rapid compression and expansion machine capable of simulating the diesel compression stroke has been made.


  • 传统废气涡轮增压器很难同时兼顾高速低速柴油机工况同时存在着部分负荷经济性加速性能差等问题。

    The traditional turbocharger cannot match well with engine at all low speed and high speed conditions. At the same time the economic performance at sub load and acceleration characteristic is poor.


  • 传统废气涡轮增压器很难同时兼顾高速低速柴油机工况同时存在着部分负荷经济性加速性能差等问题。

    The traditional turbocharger cannot match well with engine at all low speed and high speed conditions. At the same time the economic performance at sub load and acceleration characteristic is poor.


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