• 酚 -甲醛有机凝胶粉末经过高温碳化处理得到碳气凝胶粉末。

    Upon pyrolysis of organic aerogel powder at high temperature, the carbonized aerogel can be obtained.


  • 木材陶瓷木材其他木质材料为原料,经树脂浸渍高温碳化而形成一种新型多孔炭素材料。

    Woodceramics was a new carbon material with porous structure. It was made of wood or woody material impregnated with phenolic resin and then charring treated at high temperature.


  • 以间二酚甲醛为原料,采用溶胶-凝胶工艺,结合高温碳化溶剂替换常压干燥技术,制备了气凝胶。

    Carbon aerogels were prepared from resorcinol and formaldehyde via sol-gel process, high temperature carbonization and atmospheric pressure drying technology with solvent replacement.


  • 高温烘烤过程棉纤维变成了碳纤维后者再溶液发生反应生成碳化硼。

    The strips were later removed from the solution and heated in an oven. The heat changes the cotton fibers into carbon fibers, which react with the boron solution and produce boron carbide.


  • 母体长丝诸如丙烯腈纤维素主要是人造丝)等高温碳化

    Precursor filaments such as acrylic or cellulose (mainly rayon)are carbonized at high temperature.


  • 亚共晶白口铸铁高温形变后所获得碳化等温过程中球化长大进行了研究。

    The spheroidizing grow, in isothermal spheroidizing process, of carbides formed from deformation under high temperature in, hypoeutectic white cast iron is studied.


  • 方法广泛应用于各种高温合金、中低合金钢、微合金化碳化金属间化合物粒度尺寸分布测定

    The present method has been used for the particle size determination of carbides and metal precipitates in microalloyed steel, middle-alloy steel and high-temperature alloys.


  • 长期时效中,合金存在不同类型碳化之间转变,较低温度时向M _ (23) C_6碳化物转变,度时向MC碳化物转变。

    Different precipitation types of carbide in the alloy are transformed in long time aging treatment, turn to M_ (23) C_6 type at lower temperature and turn to MC type at higher temperature.


  • 结果表明:晶内强度碳化动态析出增加而上升,高温塑性随之降低。

    The high-temperature ductility deteriorates and intra-granular strength increases with an increases of dynamic precipitation of carbide.


  • 高温余热回收碳化换热器近几年才出现一种新型换热器。

    The silicon carbide heat exchanger for high-temperature heat recovery is a new one appeared in the last years.


  • 纳米碳化高温高压稳定性分解行为进行了实验研究。

    The stability and decomposition behavior of SiC nanometer powders was studied under the high pressure and high temperature.


  • 碳化粉末经压制成型后,在高温常压烧结制成多孔碳化样品

    Sample of porous SiC polycrystals are prepared by solid sintering process under high temperature and normal pressure using moulding SiC powder.


  • 我厂所制备氧化铬、氧化铝陶瓷涂层碳化钨金属涂层有着耐磨损腐蚀、耐高温优良性能

    I plant of the chromium oxide, alumina ceramic coating and has a tungsten carbide metal-resistant coating wear, corrosion resistance, high temperature, and other fine performance.


  • 由于碳化高温稳定性不良,使得其不能发挥应有提高材料磨损抗力作用,导致合金磨损体积急剧增加,磨损抗力下降。

    The obtained results show that the carbide can not act as a resistant to wear if its chemical stability at elevated temperature is too bad, and the wear resistance of the alloy is decreased rapidly.


  • 真空室经过碳化硅化等处理得到稳定约束的ULQ等离子体。

    ULQ plasma with fine confinement and high temperature is obtained after wall carbonization and siliconization.


  • 合金白口铁中碳化形态高温变化程度影响进行了试验研究

    The tests and research are made on the effects of carbon and silicon amount on the deforming extent of the carbide form contained in white cast iron of dilute alloy under high temperature.


  • 高温回火脆性晶界上m_6c碳化析出长大由此所产生晶界偏聚共同作用的结果

    The tempering embrittlement results from the precipitation and growth of M_6Ccarbides particles and the segregation of phosphorus at prior austenite grain boundaries.


  • 高温磁性体在外强磁场作用下可发生磁化变形,使奥氏体形成高密度的位结构有弥散碳化析出

    This dislocation cell structure is inherited by martensite, restricts the growing of the martensite and refines the structure so as to strengthen and toughen the magnetic field quenched materials.


  • 采用碳化合金、氟化物共晶体复合粉末为原料通过等离子体喷涂方法制备高温耐磨自润滑涂层

    Self-lubricating wear resistant coating is prepared by plasma spraying using chromium carbide, nickel chrome, fluoride-metal, and silver composite materials.


  • 产品特点:硅莫砖以阳泉特级矾土熟料碳化为主要原料,经高压成型、高温烧结而成。

    Properties of Products: The raw materials for this product are Yangquan bauxite and SiC, being pressed and sintered.


  • 研究M2高速钢碳化组织共晶碳化高温球化影响

    The effect of Nb on the as-cast microstructures and the prespheroidization at elevated temperature of eutectic carbides of M2 high speed steel was studied.


  • 揭示了碳化物的生成条件分布组成光学性质某些化学性质高温下的转变

    The conditions necessary for its formation and its distribution, composition, optical and chemical properties, and transformation at high temperature in steel are also investigated.


  • 探讨了碳化吸收剂粒度含量涂层厚度高温毫米波隐身涂料吸波性能影响

    It has been discussed that the content and the granularity of SiC absorbent, the thickness of coat influenced the property of. Absorb-wave of the resistance high temperature stealth coating.


  • 碳化一种重要熔点、高强度腐蚀的高温结构材料

    Zirconium carbide, ZrC, is an important high temperature structural material with very high melting point, excellent strength and good corrosion resistance.


  • 采用WCF - 2多用磁性分析仪高温高压烧结的人造金刚石及其合成原料(金刚石粉、粉、石墨)烧结过程中生成的碳化等进行磁性测量。

    The magnetism of the synthetic polycrystalline diamond and its raw materials including diamond powder, silicon powder, titanium powder, graphite and resultant carborundum was measured by WCF-2.


  • 本文综述了材料高温气氛中的腐蚀包括金属粉化碳化,讨论材料含碳气氛中的腐蚀机理和腐蚀动力学。

    In this paper, the corrosion of materials in carbonaceous atmospheres at high temperatures is reviewed, including metal dusting and internal carburization.


  • 碳化陶瓷应用高温工作环境下的理想材料高温氧化影响了它的进一步应用

    Silicon carbide based ceramics are promising materials applied in high-temperature environments. But their further application is limited by oxidation in high temperature.


  • 碳化陶瓷应用高温工作环境下的理想材料高温氧化影响了它的进一步应用

    Silicon carbide based ceramics are promising materials applied in high-temperature environments. But their further application is limited by oxidation in high temperature.


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