• 样本钢b用来做,高温变形沉淀物动力张力实验

    For the experiment on the kinetics of strain-induced precipitation after hot deformation, steel-B was used.


  • 介绍沥青路面常见病害高温变形开裂水害产生原因防治措施

    The text introduce familiar disease and prevent measure of asphalt pavement such as high temperature distortion, split and water damage.


  • 研究LC4铝合金高温变形规律,拟合出具有较高精度高温本构模型

    The deformation regulations of aluminum alloy LC4 at high temperature were studied, and a precise constitutive model was developed.


  • 采用加工理论系统分析了AZ31 b镁合金高温变形过程中的变形行为

    Deformation behavior at elevated temperature of AZ31B magnesium alloy was studied systematically by processing map theory.


  • 并且建立高温变形抗力分段函数流变模型模型计算结果试验吻合较好。

    The rheological model of segmented function of high temperature deformation resistance was established. The calculated results by the rheological model were in good agreement with experiments.


  • 结果表明合金高温变形存在明显稳态流变特征,流动应力应变速率温度敏感

    The results indicated that the rheologic feature of steady-state is significant; the flow stress is sensitive to strain rate and temperature.


  • 本文通过不同级形式沥青混合料的系统试验研究,全面分析了沥青混合料高温变形特性

    In this paper, based on systematic test on different bitumen mixtures of gradation, the deformation behaviour of asphalt mixtures is analyzed under high temperature.


  • 室内试验试验路结果表明这种混合料能够提高柔性路面抵抗高温变形能力,减少低温开裂

    The results show that this kind of mixture can greatly improve the capacity of the mix to resist deformation and low temperature thormal cracking.


  • 高温实验结果表明。双镀层高温全息光栅具有较好的抗氧化能力,作为高温变形测量的基本元件使用。

    The good experimental results prove that the holographic gratings made with two-deposited film method can provide high contrast and good diffraction effect during the high temperature test.


  • 结果表明采用加工理论分析材料高温变形行为准确直观地反映出材料在不同变形条件下组织演变规律

    As a result, deformation behavior at elevated temperature analyzed by processing map theory can indicate exactly the evolving law of structures of materials under different deformation condition.


  • H62黄铜置于电场进行高温变形,发现强电场金属变形空洞的产生、长大及连接均较强的抑制作用

    The H62 brass was forming at high temperature in a strong electric field, the experimental results shown that the strong electric field has an obvious restrain effect on the deformation cavities.


  • 采用普通工业TC4板料,MTS高温拉伸试验系统进行不同变形条件拉伸试验,研究材料的高温变形行为

    High temperature deformation behavior of Ti-6Al-4V (TC4) was studied by using the constant rate tensile test under different deformation conditions in MTS high temperature tensile experimental system.


  • 采用MA TLAB程序建立BT20 钛合金高温变形流变应力神经网络模型,利用模型对其他一些热力学状态下材料的流变应力进行了预测。

    BP neural network model for the study of constitutive relationship of the BT20 titanium alloy during hot deformation is constructed by the MATLAB program.


  • 评价高温重载沥青混合料变形特性影响,对AC - 20级配的沥青混合料进行三轴重复荷载蠕变试验研究。

    Triaxial repeated load creep tests are employed to evaluate the influence of high temperature and heavy load on the deformation property of AC-20 asphalt mixture.


  • 材料不仅具有油性,高温性、疲劳性和抗永久变形性方面大幅度的提高

    The new material is not only oil resistant, but also has fairly great improvement in performance of high temperature resistance, fatigue resistance and permanent deformation resistance.


  • 结果表明循环频率增加导致合金高温疲劳寿命下降不同变形机制

    The results show that the increase of cyclic frequency would decrease high temperature fatigue lifetime of the alloy and result in different deformation mechanism.


  • 环氧-羧酸盐体系虽然变形温度热态强度较高高温介电性能差,耐热老化性能不好

    The cured system of epoxy resinlead benzoylate has high heat distortion temperature, but its dielectric properties at high temperature and heat ageing life deteriorate.


  • 油品有极佳抵抗力高温耐候性机械强度压缩变形水性

    Excellent resistance to oil, high temperature resistance, weather resistance are good, but the mechanical strength, compression deformation rate and water resistance is slightly worse.


  • 分析了烟囱陶瓷管道特殊构件明火燃烧循环高温荷载条件下应力变形

    The stress and deformation of chimney and other special tube elements under fire and cyclic high-temperature loads are presented.


  • 熔化器皿玻璃粘土质坩埚使用中的高温软化变形、玻璃侵蚀开裂损毁机制进行了分析研究。

    Mechanism of damage of clay pot for utensil glass melting, such as softening deformation at high temperature, corrosion by molten glass, crack by thermal shock, etc was studied.


  • 本文高温均匀作用球罐蠕变变形应力进行了探讨

    This paper deals with creep deformation and stresses of a spherical pot under high temperature and uniform internal pressure.


  • 基于铸造泡沫陶瓷过滤器使用环境引入了高温负荷变形新的评价指标

    A new evaluating indicator, load-deformation under high temperature, was introduced based on the working condition of ceramic foam filters for casting.


  • 另外指出意味着用户可以热敏材料基板上打印例如波纹纸板一些遇到高温弯曲变形薄膜材料。

    In addition, he points out that it also means that users can print onto heat-sensitive substrates such as corrugated board and very thin films that can warp, curl or melt due to high heat.


  • 结果表明应力增加导致合金高温疲劳寿命下降使变形机制改变

    The results show that the increase of stress range value would result in decreasing the high temperature fatigue lifetime of the alloy and the difference of the deformation mechanism.


  • 根据形成过程分为变形高温合金合金精密合金,粉末合金铸造

    According to formation process, superalloys are divided into deformation alloy, precision casting alloy and powder alloy.


  • 另外大量高温塑性变形可以产生较小之肥晶粒这样可以抵消高温温度所造成之晶粒粗大效应

    Large amounts of deformation can lead to smaller ferrite grains which can balance the high temperature soaking effect.


  • 高温–高含冰量冻土在外荷载作用下产生较大压缩变形,对路基稳定性产生极大影响

    The warm and ice-rich frozen soil under an outside load will generate relatively large compression deformation which greatly influences the stability of roadbed.


  • 进口高纯石墨材料制作,杂质含量长期高温使用变形

    Made by imported high quality graphite material with low impurity content, no out of sharp issue under long time high temperature.


  • 采用高温压缩永久变形、高抗撕裂橡胶可以满足部位需耐高温、耐冷却水的要求

    The silicon and fluorine rubber with high temperature resistance, low compression permanent deformation, and high tear strength properties can meet the water sealing gasket requirements.


  • 采用高温压缩永久变形、高抗撕裂橡胶可以满足部位需耐高温、耐冷却水的要求

    The silicon and fluorine rubber with high temperature resistance, low compression permanent deformation, and high tear strength properties can meet the water sealing gasket requirements.


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