• N•格里高利曼昆杰弗里•萨切斯学术界评论家拥护这些举动二者呼吁20集团关注预算平衡,采取“有利于增长”的紧缩政策

    Academic commentators such as N. Gregory Mankiw and Jeffrey Sachs are championing these moves, and both have called for the G-20 to focus on balancing budgets and on “pro-growthausterity.


  • 可能延续现行不般配政策:一方面遏止资产价格上扬,另一方面总是在价格跌落以后削减利率。

    He is likely to continue the current asymmetric policy of never raising interest rates to curb rising asset prices, but always cutting rates after prices fall.


  • 新兴市场许多政策制定者认为上升通胀短期供给缺乏引起,所以没人认为必要

    Many policymakers in emerging markets view the rise in inflation as a short-term supply shock and so see little need to raise interest rates.


  • 那时中央银行逆转它们非传统政策并且

    Then central banks will have to reverse their unconventional policies and raise interest rates.


  • 对于盈余国家来说,适合的政策允许本币升值。

    Surplus countries would do better to increase interest rates and allow their currencies to rise.


  • 没有放松财政政策增加了央行后调高利率计划的可能性,同时自身减少赤字战略没有受到影响。

    Yet by not loosening, he has made it more likely that the bank will delay putting up rates-and he has also maintained his deficit-reduction strategy.


  • 汇率巨幅下跌加重外币形式持有的债务这使得政策制定者不得不维持高利增加银行救助计划财政成本

    Tumbling exchange rates raised the real burden of foreign-currency loans, forced policymakers to keep interest rates high and pushed up the fiscal costs of bank rescues.


  • 讽刺的是日本银行挤碎泡沫后,美国银行家政策制定者马上开始批评日本。

    Ironically, after the BoJ raised rates and burst the bubble, American bankers and policymakers were quick to lecture the Japanese.


  • 这种情况下英格兰银行货币政策委员会(MPC)将会倾向FPC希望放松银根

    Under this scenario, the Bank of England's monetary Policy Committee (MPC) would favor an increase in interest rates, while the FPC would want to loosen monetary conditions.


  • PayPal战争时代发挥作用产品政策决策已经成为结构性问题,与此同时在收入方面还有很多限制

    Product and policy decisions that made a lot of sense in the era of “The Paypal Warsbecame structural issues, accompanied by limitations gathered in an attempt to improve profitability and revenue.


  • 货币政策委员会九强中的3已经之前3次会议上投票支持MPC几个月内频繁改变利率,比如5月份季度通胀预测后

    Three of the nine-strong MPC have voted for an increase at the three previous meetings, and the MPC changes rates more often in months, such as May, when it makes its quarterly inflation forecast.


  • 伯南克先生确认美联储急于并不令人意外;美联储的六千亿美元定量宽松政策六月终止

    There were no surprises as Mr Bernanke affirmed that the Fed was in no hurry to raise interest rates; its $600 billion quantitative-easing programme will end in June. See article


  • 什么政策实施外资

    What policies should be implemented to improve the use of foreign capital?


  • 分析结果表明欧盟实行直接支付政策更加促进技术高利地区农业生产因子质量提高。

    The conclusions show that the direct payment policy carried out by EU will improve the quality of agriculture in high technology, high profit areas.


  • 一方面虽然存款准备金政策已经出台不可能改变流动性过剩局面

    On the one hand, although policies of raising interest rates and the deposit reserve requirement ratio have been introduced, it is impossible to change the situation of excess liquidity.


  • 英国央行货币政策委员会是否高利问题立场不一,整体上倾向鹰派手腕。

    The Bank of England's monetary policy committee is split on whether to raise interest rates, but it has got more hawkish.


  • 但是央行政策调整影响比例基础非常投资者心理影响非常明显的。

    But the central bank's policy to adjust the proportion affected, although the base interest rate increase is very small, but the psychological impact of investors are very obvious.


  • 政策消费传导效应可以通过提高受教育程度和增加消费信贷来实现。

    An increase in education opportunity or an increase in consumption credit can improve the effect of interest on consumption and reduce the saving ratio.


  • 企业信用范围紧缩政策预期重点将放在高质量信贷高利敏感方面

    In corporate credit space, the expectation of policy tightening recommends a focus on higher-quality credits in interest-rate-sensitive sectors, such as Hong Kong and Chinese real estate names.


  • 今天欧洲央行行长特里谢(特里谢)阿姆斯特丹讲话表示政策委员会成员处于高度戒备状态,这表明他们打算下周

    Today, ECB President Trichet (Jean-Claude Trichet) said in a speech of Amsterdam, Policy Committee members are in a State of high alert, suggesting that they intend to raise interest rates next week.


  • 今天欧洲央行行长特里谢(特里谢)阿姆斯特丹讲话表示政策委员会成员处于高度戒备状态,这表明他们打算下周

    Today, ECB President Trichet (Jean-Claude Trichet) said in a speech of Amsterdam, Policy Committee members are in a State of high alert, suggesting that they intend to raise interest rates next week.


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