• 研究表明:驼羊喜食禾本科牧草,且日粮中的采食比例最大平均达70%以上,其次为鼠尾草科,平均达10%以上。

    Results showed that Alpaca enjoyed grazing Graminaceae most, and proportion of Graminaceae was biggest in the feedstuff, which average amount could exceed 70%.


  • 可以感染所有有蹄类动物一水牛鹿野牛驯鹿驼羊跳羚马、长颈鹿黑斑羚、麋鹿

    It can infect all cloven-hoofed animals--cattle goats sheep pigs water buffalo deer bison antelope reindeer llamas chamois alpacas vicunas giraffes impala elk and camels.


  • 使用上面示例如果使用地图生成输出,会发生什么情况呢?

    Working with the sample above, what happens when you want to produce output using only the alpaca map?


  • 参加世界冲浪锦标赛Pianezzi萌生一起冲浪想法

    Pianezzi, who said he has competed at the Dog Surfing World Championships, came up with the idea of surfing with an alpaca.


  • 这家总部位于旧金山慈善机构称,饲养农场主参与了进来。

    Alpaca and sheep farmers have also got involved, according to the San Francisco-based charity.


  • 养殖者受到反复出现水资源短缺严重打击

    Llama and alpaca farmers have been badly hit by recurring water shortages.


  • 过去几个月里,Pianezzi慢慢地引入了水中一种来自安第斯高地的驯养动物

    Pianezzi has slowly introduced his alpaca, a domesticated animal from the Andean highlands, to the water over the past several months.


  • 同时部分奎奴亚藜种植者他们增加收入用于更多,这些动物的粪便用作肥料可以毛。

    Meanwhile, some quinoa farmers have put their increased income to work raising more llamas and alpacas, whose waste is used as fertilizer and which also produce wool.


  • 德国Dettelbach名叫俄勒冈准备展厅展示自己。

    An alpaca named Oregon gets ready for its appearance at allama and alpaca showcase in Dettelbach, Germany.


  • 因此如果他们澳大利亚做到那些,为什么不能秘鲁试试呢

    So I thought, if they do it in Australia, a developed nation, why can't I do it here in Peru with an alpaca.


  • 恩格兰德曾写信给最初那位名叫黄思远(音)的联系人要求补偿宗虚假生意中时间金钱的开销。

    England wrote his original contact, who went by the name Huang Siyuan, asking to be reimbursed for the time and money he wasted on the bogus alpaca sales.


  • 矿工农民们开着摩托车蜿蜒的中心市场里面采购T恤和风干

    Miners and farmers motorbike into the sprawling central market to stock up on T-shirts and dried alpaca meat.


  • 之前,多明戈曾带着一群狗赢得了世界狗狗冲浪大赛冠军。 如今,他又发奇想,假日一起冲浪。

    Pianezzi, who said he has competed with pooches at the Dog Surfing World Championships in previous years, came up with the idea of surfing with an alpaca while he was on holiday.


  • 目前试图购买一个农场以便妻子一起饲养

    He's currently trying to buy a farm so he and his wife can raise alpacas and chickens.


  • 制作过其他动物标本,其中一个雉鸡和其他动物制成的“独角兽”,她做的最多的是标本。

    She has taxidermied many other animals - including a "Unicorn" made up of various animals such as llamas and pheasants - but works primarily with cats.


  • 大约公元前7370年,这些彩色岩石覆盖近乎垂直墙壁凹处包括人类的印痕,栗色后期抽象设计

    Dating from about 7, 370 BC, these polychrome rock paintings cover recesses in the near-vertical walls with imprints of human hands, drawings of guanacos and, from a later period, abstract designs.


  • 他们洛杉矶伊莎贝尔康纳提供了住处,在澳大利亚,他们也拥有一个110英亩养牛牧场,里面4(产于南美秘鲁似的家畜)。

    They also have a place in Los Angeles with rooms for Isabella and Connor, and they own a 110-acre cattle ranch in Australia that has four alpacas.


  • 冒充将要购买四十五十这样一来他们不但可以得到参观农场邀请信而且签证批准。

    The pair had posed as livestock farmers interested in buying at least 40 to 50 alpacas so they could get a credible letter of invitation to visit his farm and be approved for visas.


  • 利马托罗海滩Pisco秘鲁主人冲浪高手多明戈正在潇洒地弄潮。

    Peruvian surfer Domingo Pianezzi rides a wave with his alpaca Pisco at San Bartolo beach in Lima.


  • 秘鲁Huayhuasi(3700):经常性缺水严重打击了美洲牧场主。

    700m (12,467ft) Huayhuasi, Peru: Llama and alpaca farmers have been badly hit by recurring water shortages.


  • Pianezzi花了十年时间训练一起冲浪,现在好了,也是训练他冲浪的第一人了。

    Pianezzi has spent a decade training dogs to ride the nose of his board when he catches waves, and now he is the first to do so with an alpaca.


  • 所有有关ibmiddoc片段存在临时处理目录中,完成后删除。

    All of the IBMIDDoc fragments relating to alpacas exist only in a temporary processing directory, and are discarded at the end of the process.


  • 因此如果他们澳大利亚做到那些,为什么不能秘鲁试试呢

    So I thought, if they do it in Australia, a developed nation, why can't I do it here in Peru with an alpaca .


  • 秘鲁玻利维亚以及智利仍然全世界数量最多国家。

    But Peru, Bolivia, and Chile are still home to the largest percentage of alpacas in the world.


  • 著名厨师马特·莫兰在悉尼拥有高档餐厅,之前每日电讯报》写过篇文章讲述烹饪经验

    Renowned chef Matt Moran, who owns some of Sydney's leading restaurants, previously wrote an article for The Daily Telegraph to discuss his experience cooking alpaca meat.


  • 多久到这个特别日子拉玛等待

    How long will that special date? Llama Llama has to wait.


  • 越来越流行。据《黄金海岸公报报道澳大利亚有70家餐厅肉纳入了菜单

    Alpaca meat is rising in popularity, with the Gold Coast Bulletin reporting about 70 restaurants across Australia feature the meat in their dishes.


  • 的味道介于牛肉之间,所以没有很大的挑战性,并且这种肉非常健康

    'Flavour wise it's very easy to understand, between beef and lamb, so it's not so challenging, and also it's very healthy meat.


  • 南美野生南美洲类似骆动物中最高的动物。南美野生,没有用处

    The guanaco is the tallest of the South American camel-like animals. The hair of a guanaco is too stiff to be useful.


  • 南美野生南美洲类似骆动物中最高的动物。南美野生,没有用处

    The guanaco is the tallest of the South American camel-like animals. The hair of a guanaco is too stiff to be useful.


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