• 吕红,陈海齐,刘培洁,马安目的建立香连素质量控制标准。

    Objective To establish a method for quality control of Xiangliansu tablets.


  • 叙述癫痫基丁酸能的神经传递质所扮演之角色特征提出一个药理学治疗办法

    Characterize the role of GABAergic neurotransmission in epilepsy and propose a pharmacological means for its treatment.


  • 学生喜爱足球源于校长马安看到学生课余生活单调,2012年9月组建了一支24足球队

    Students love football from the President Ma Anwu, he saw the students after school life monotonous, in September 2012 set up a football team of 24 people.


  • 本文广西罗城马安婚姻形式变迁研究主题,采用观察法和访谈法等民族学调查方法考察该村婚姻形式变迁情况。

    This thesis is to conduct research on change in the marriage forms of village MA AN of Luo Cheng in Guangxi.


  • 这是在阿根廷能得到的最高级别的保护。”塞巴斯蒂安·迪·马蒂诺说。

    "That is the highest level of protection that can be given in Argentina," says Sebastian Di Martino.


  • 国际劳工组织干事胡安·索马维亚指出,一些国家已经采取措施应对全球危机影响

    The director general of the International Labor Organization Juan Somavia notes that some countries have taken measures to address the effects of the global crisis.


  • 马塞林·布尔指出7万至3.5万年前尼安德特人中,沙普勒-奥克斯圣徒个体的大脑半球大于右半球。

    Among Neanderthalers of 70,000–35,000 years ago, Marcellin Boule noted that the La Chapelle-aux-Saints individual had a left hemisphere slightly bigger than the right.


  • 匹马一定花费劳瑞很多,那些钱一点点就好了”,安米似乎自言自语其实她是希望的姐姐们听到

    "I justwish I had a little of the money Laurie spends on that horse," sheadded, as if to herself, yet hoping her sisters would hear.


  • 几乎研究任何关于法老文明题目在吉萨古墓墙上找到“马尼埃利安。”

    "Almost any subject you want to study about Pharaonic civilization is available on the tomb walls at Giza," Der Manuelian says.


  • 这样的情况从来没有身上发生过。” 谈到名球员同时受伤马卡里安有些惊讶。

    "This has never happened to me… never in my life," Markarian said of having three players injured at the same time.


  • 迪克确信一个新的人类物种先驱作为有别于人类的克鲁马努就是邻居安的特人而来的。

    Kendrick is convinced that I am a harbinger of a new species of human, as different from everyday folks as Cro-Magnon man was from his Neanderthal neighbors.


  • 亲爱的医生路加底马问你们安

    Luke, the beloved physician, and Demas, greet you.


  • 是安灼拉马吕斯还有七八个聚在他们身旁的人,飞跑过去保护他们。

    But Enjolras and Marius, and the seven or eight rallied about them, sprang forward and protected them.


  • 作为有着27工龄的西雅图地铁司机,安德拉确信看过儿子所有比赛,当儿子还德克马的林肯高中读书的时候,安德拉为儿子可谓殚精竭虑

    A Metro bus driver in Seattle for 27 years, Cheatham made sure she was at all of her son's games. She played at Lincoln High School in Tacoma and stayed active in the game through her son.


  • 为了了解这种行为为什么会发生鹈鹕当中,安德孙研究生包括论文的第一作者马提娜穆勒,搜集三个繁殖季节的资料。

    To understand more about how this behavior arises in the boobies Anderson and his graduate students including first author Martina Muller collected data over three breeding seasons.


  • 很显然此地居民是尼安德特他们都从事狩猎遗址还出土各类动物骨骼遗存,包括大象犀牛马鹿野山体型巨大公牛

    These people, apparently Neanderthals, were hunters and the site contains remains of the bones of a variety of animals, including elephant, rhinoceros, red deer, ibex, and giant ox.


  • 当地一种传说,当然言过其实,奥安那条里坑了二千匹马一千五百

    A local tradition, which evidently exaggerates matters, says that two thousand horses and fifteen hundred men were buried in the hollow road of Ohain.


  • 到访卢安瓜的行程中,数次来到马诺营地采访,请了十几名老巡防队员了对马克欧文斯的印象。

    On my three trips to North Luangwa, I made several visits to the Mano camp and interviewed a dozen veteran scouts about Mark Owens.


  • 到访卢安瓜的行程中,数次来到马诺营地采访,请了十几名老巡防队员了对马克·欧文斯的印象。

    On my three trips to North Luangwa I made several visits to the Mano camp and interviewed a dozen veteran scouts about Mark Owens.


  • 负责进行本次研究工作是来自新西兰梅西大学安德莉娅·马奈特耶博士尼尔·皮尔斯博士。

    For their study, Drs. Andrea Mannetje and Neil Pearce of Massey University in New Zealand analyzed previous studies on occupation and bladder cancer risk.


  • 玛丽安欣喜异常地告诉威洛比送给她一马。匹马是萨默塞特郡的庄园亲自喂养的,正好女人

    Marianne told her, with the greatest delight, that Willoughby had given her a horse, one that he had bred himself on his estate in Somersetshire, and which was exactly calculated to carry a woman.


  • 巴克莱资本迪安·马基认为财富流失不会立即产生效应,而是会在未来年内消费支出造成持续影响

    Dean Maki of Barclays Capital says that falling wealth tends to affect consumer spending over many years rather than right away.


  • 助手杰-雅克(来自利佛),长廊林里架起马氏网,好玩开始了

    Jean Jacque, my assistant from Antananarivo, and I set up a couple of Malaise traps in the gallery forest, and then the fun began.


  • 不要忘了对手胡安·曼纽尔·马奎兹

    Don't forget his rival Juan Manuel Marquez.


  • 马尼安蒂女儿过去感到惊讶。

    Mr Magnanti still professed to be shocked about his daughter’s past.


  • 指定最后防御物的铺路石安置好时,安拉命令把放在马白夫停尸桌下酒瓶二楼

    When the stones destined to the final defence were in place, Enjolras had the bottles which he had set under the table where Mabeuf lay, carried to the first floor.


  • 指定最后防御物的铺路石安置好时,安拉命令把放在马白夫停尸桌下酒瓶二楼

    When the stones destined to the final defence were in place, Enjolras had the bottles which he had set under the table where Mabeuf lay, carried to the first floor.


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