• 因此全息打印条码方案首选方案

    Therefore, the scheme of holographic printing bar code is the first choice.


  • 方案看作抵抗全球变暖首选方案,可大量减少空气中的排放。

    He also sees it as a primary way to fight global warming, extracting a "giant chunk of carbon from the atmosphere."


  • 实践证明联锁堆场由于经济性显著成为港口新建堆场首选方案

    The practice proves the interlocking block harbor yard has already been the first choice of the newly-built harbor yards due to its remarkable economic benefit.


  • 我们首选方案建造更多焚化炉由于广州面临着不断上升垃圾成堆

    It is a preferred option for us to build more incinerators, since Guangzhou is facing rising piles of garbage.


  • 蒸汽循环带有预冷器的氮气透平循环构成间接联合循环可以作为首选方案

    The indirect combined cycle, which consists of a steam cycle and a nitrogen gas turbine cycle with a pre-cooler, could be the first choice.


  • 认为紫外线灭菌具有高效、安全经济特点,可作为饮用水二次消毒首选方案

    UV disinfection was the best proposal of drinking water second disinfecting, because of its high efficiency, safety and economy; D…


  • 结论行为治疗健康教育相结合可以作为治疗婴幼儿睡眠启动相关问题首选方案

    Conclusion Behavioral treatment with sleep education may be recommended as the first choice for parents of children with sleep-onset associated disorders.


  • 大量费用研究证明生产硫酸仍然是从冶炼烟气回收减少SO 2排放首选方案

    As demonstrated by many cost studies, the production of sulphuric acid remains the most viable option of sulphur recovery from smelter off-gas and abatement of SO2 emissions to the atmosphere.


  • 坦率的讲,志愿者低花费首选方案如果需要的是顾问或者系统工程师,您需要增加预算。

    Avolunteer is a low-cost solution up-front. If what you need is a consultant orsystem administrator, you will have to raise the money for it.


  • 从中可知,该项技术不但可行而且处理废弃塑料首选方案,是既节约能源又利于环境益事。

    It's concluded that this project is not only a feasible way, but also the best way of waste plastics treatment due to its energy-saving and environment-benefit.


  • 结论运动晕厥多属血管迷走性,TTT鉴别活动平板运动试验结果阴性患者运动后晕厥的首选方案

    ConclusionMost of the post-exercise syncope were vasodepressor syncope. TTT is the first choice to distinguish post-exercise syncope with a negative tread-mill exercise testing.


  • 摘要腹膜透析作为一种有效肾脏替代治疗终末期肾病中运用日渐广泛,甚至成为肾脏替代治疗的首选方案

    Abstract: as an effective renal replacement therapy, peritoneal dialysis is widely used in patients with end-stage kidney disease.


  • 用于过继免疫治疗活性细胞必须具有较强的细胞活性增殖CIK细胞认为一代肿瘤过继细胞免疫治疗的首选方案

    The cell used in adoptive immunotherapy must have strong cytotoxic and proliferative ability, so CIK cell is thought of the new generation anti-tumor adoptive immunity treatment.


  • 尽管不是创建客户机首选方法但单独客户机通常可能惟一可行解决方案

    While not the preferred way of creating clients, a stand-alone client often might be the only feasible solution.


  • 编程模型观点来看,首选解决方案

    From a programming model point of view, it is the prefered solution.


  • 因此下面讨论SOA架构重要部分了解UNIX操作系统如何成为ESB解决方案首选操作系统。

    So, let's take a look at this vital part of the SOA infrastructure and see how UNIX operating systems may be the operating systems of choice for your ESB solution.


  • 就给了Web服务作者客户端的作者选择首选解决方案灵活性

    This gives the author of both the Web Service and the client the flexibility to choose his preferred solution.


  • 对于一般Web应用程序,会一个表单其他位置接收数据然后其他表单中使用这些数据,在这种情况下,使用脚本解决方案才是首选

    But for the typical web application, accepting data from a form or other location, and then using that data in some form, is precisely the reason you are using a scripted solution in the first place.


  • 任何人都可能阑尾炎(切过阑尾童鞋除外),不过更多见于10- 30岁年轻人首选治疗方案手术切除阑尾。

    Appendicitis can affect anyone, but it most often occurs in people between the ages of 10 and 30. The standard appendicitis treatment is surgical removal of the appendix.


  • 今天企业应用程序开发领域面向服务体系结构(Service - Oriented Architecture,SOA)设计解决方案体系结构首选方法

    It's a given in today's world of enterprise application development that service-oriented architecture (SOA) is the preferred way to architect solutions.


  • 熟悉定义解决方案时,请考虑创建一个定义用于扩展包含首选方法属性DataGrid

    When you become familiar with customizing this solution, consider creating a custom class for extending DataGrid that contains your preferred methods and properties.


  • 如果单独虚拟门户需要集成私有portlet首选解决方案使用WSRP聚合远程portlet服务

    If an individual virtual portal needs to integrate with private portlets, the preferred solution would be to aggregate remote portlet services using WSRP.


  • CentOS企业适合桌面解决方案特别是稳定性可靠性长期支持方面最新软件和功能的首选

    CentOS is also suitable as an enterprise desktop solution, specifically where stability, reliability and long-term support are preferred over latest software and features.


  • 首选治疗方案手术切除阑尾

    The standard appendicitis treatment is surgical removal of the appendix.


  • 首选脚本构建方案什么

    What's your preferred build script solution?


  • 《国际肝病》:额外方案中的首选药物时,是否影响依从性

    Hepatology Digest: When you add those extra drugs on top of the regimen does it affect compliance?


  • 结论3d -CTA做为临床诊断动脉瘤首选方法术前确定手术方案重要参考

    Conclusion: 3d-cta should be used as the first choice for clinical diagnosis of intracranial aneurysm, and is an important reference for the surgical planning before operation.


  • 由于英特尔奔腾M处理器步进不断更改,其运行电压可能随之变化,所以可编程电压调节器首选解决方案

    Since the operating voltage of Intel Pentium m Processors may be changed as the processor goes through stepping changes, -programmable voltage regulators are the preferred solution.


  • 结论手术一旦发现气管软化根据软化的程度选择治疗方案首选气管悬吊术。

    Conclusion Once tracheomalacia occurs during operation, treatment plan can be chosen depending on tracheomalacia levels, trachea suspension is the first choice.


  • 结论手术一旦发现气管软化根据软化的程度选择治疗方案首选气管悬吊术。

    Conclusion Once tracheomalacia occurs during operation, treatment plan can be chosen depending on tracheomalacia levels, trachea suspension is the first choice.


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