• 最大邦北方邦首席部长玛亚瓦提也很快提出,将这个拥有1.7亿人口的分为

    Mayawati, chief minister of Uttar Pradesh, which is India's largest state and one of its poorest, with 170m people, has been quick to demand that it be carved into four.


  • 当然,英国外交大臣米利班德直布罗陀首席部长彼得•卡鲁阿纳的会谈中,不堪提及的话题就是主权

    Yet sovereignty was the great unmentionable at his meeting with the British foreign secretary, David Miliband, and Gibraltar's chief minister, Peter Caruana.


  • 孟加拉国接壤印度西孟加拉邦首席部长玛玛塔。班纳吉至今拒绝参加辛格访问孟加拉国的代表团

    Mamata Banerjee, the chief minister of West Bengal, the Indian state neighboring Bangladesh, is so far refusing to accompany Prime minister Singh's delegation.


  • AP首席部长钱德拉巴布·纳都曾对海市IT业繁荣发挥过重要作用,抱怨称,“现在海德拉巴感兴趣。”

    "No one will be interested in Hyderabad now," frets Chandrababu Naidu, AP's former chief minister, who was instrumental in developing the city's strengths in it.


  • 马哈拉施特拉邦首席部长阿育王查文保证采取措施,让记者不必担惊受怕,可以安心工作挫败一切企图恐吓媒体作法。

    Maharashtra's chief minister, Prithviraj Chavan, has promised steps to ensure that journalists can work without fear, and foil all efforts to "terrorize" the media.


  • 有关资料处理一个新闻发布会上首席部长阿米尔海德尔霍蒂说,这项协议未能取得压力极端势力是不是违宪

    Giving details of the deal at a news conference, Provincial Chief Minister Ameer Haider Hoti said the agreement has not been made under pressure from extremist forces and is not unconstitutional.


  • 现实生活担任首席部长法国次战斗取得成功增加君主权力打破军事实力胡格诺派贵族

    In real life he acted as chief minister of France, fighting and succeeding to increase the monarch's power and break the military strength of the Huguenots and nobles.


  • 最近选举之后成为富有魅力女性政客中的员,而这样的女政客将会越来越多:现在三分之一印度女性首席部长统治着。

    After the latest elections, she's part of a broader trend of charismatic female politicians: one-third of India's people are now ruled by chief ministers who are women.


  • 首相议会公告颇有沾沾自喜的味道,但刚出口就被北爱尔兰首席部长彼得·鲁宾逊(Peter Robinson)叫停了。

    The self-congratulatory announcement to Parliament was barely out of the prime minister’s mouth when Peter Robinson, Northern Ireland’s first minister, called a halt.


  • 苏格兰首席部长AlexSalmond带领苏格兰民族党5月5日的议会选举中取得令人惊奇胜利,这让所有自命权威的人感到困惑不解。

    CONFOUNDING all punditry, Alex Salmond, Scotland's first minister, led his Scottish National Party (SNP) to a stunning victory in the devolved Parliament's elections on May 5th.


  • 首席部长克雷文解释大会投赞成票原因时说道:“尽管并不MDR投标那样慷慨,ROCO出价对于群岛来说仍然足够丰厚。”

    First Minister Craven explained his vote in favour on the floor of the Assembly, remarking, "Whilst not as generous as the MDR bid, the ROCO bid is still quite lucrative for the Islands."


  • 杜鲁门洞察力可能适用于一个受尊敬华盛顿人物首席执行官转型的内阁部长

    Truman's insight could well be applied to another, even more, venerated Washington figure: the CEO-turned cabinet secretary.


  • 法官正在写本案报告递交首席法官这个法官英格兰威尔士最高的法官,据说能内阁部长说得上话

    The judge is compiling a report about the case to submit to the Lord chief justice, the most senior judge in England and Wales, who has the ear of cabinet ministers.


  • 公共板块中,那些负有主要汇报责任的主体之间存在复杂关系尤其是议会部长首席执行官懂事会。

    In the public sector, quite complex relationships can exist between those with primary accountability responsibilities, especially the Parliament, Ministers, the CEDO and boards.


  • 沃尔玛中国总裁首席执行官陈耀昌表示:“沃尔玛很高兴成为2010年上海世博会美国国家建造合作伙伴,有幸得到部长支持

    Ed Chan, President & CEO of Walmart China, remarked, "Walmart is delighted to partner with the USA Pavilion at the Shanghai Expo 2010 and to have the support of Secretary Locke."


  • 沃尔玛中国总裁首席执行官陈耀昌表示:“沃尔玛很高兴成为2010年上海世博会美国国家建造合作伙伴,有幸得到部长支持

    Ed Chan, President & CEO of Walmart China, remarked, "Walmart is delighted to partner with the USA Pavilion at the Shanghai Expo 2010 and to have the support of Secretary Locke."


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