• 取出已经饱和的手术重重的,一着血。了更多新的进去。

    She pulled out the lap pads, heavy and dripping, and stuffed in more.


  • 一氧化碳血流饱和量达到10%至20%时,观测到感觉变化只是部两紧张轻微头疼

    With a blood saturation of 10% to 20% carbon monoxide, a tightness across the forehead and a slight headache are the only sensory changes observed.


  • 本文以非饱和抗剪强度理论基础引入了渗透力概念利用有限单元进行了降雨条件稳定性分析

    The paper brings the conception of seepage force and use finite element method to analyze rock slope stability under rainfall, based on unsaturated earth drained shear strength theory.


  • 根据实验结果,作者发现H型件孔型中的张力饱和现象

    A phenomenon called tension SATURATION was observed in experiments, which took place between universal pass and edger when edging H-beam in continuous rolling process with tension.


  • 考虑到地震荷载作用下饱和黄土孔隙水压力增长模式液化规律,建立了饱和黄土无限动力稳定性分析模型

    Based on the increasing mode of pore pressure and liquefaction mechanism of saturated loess, a model to analyse the dynamic stability of infinite slopes of saturated loess is presented.


  • 地表入渗影响饱和基质吸力暂态附加荷载影响稳定重要因素

    Under the influence of surface infiltration, matrix suction of unsaturated zone and temporary additional water load are important factors for the stability of slope.


  • 由降雨引起位移坡体饱和土体基质吸力变化产生应变有关

    The displacement of slope due to rainfall is related to suction and the stress-strain behavior of unsaturated material.


  • 计算全面计及横向效应以及次级沿深度方向饱和程度不同影响

    In the computation the longitudinal and the transverse end effect and the influence of variation of permeability along the depth of the secondary due to saturation have been taken into account.


  • 雨水入渗改变饱和渗流分布,是引发坡滑坡的主要因素之一

    Rainwater infiltration, one of main factors inducing rock slope to slip, changes distribution of seepage flow field in unsaturated zone of slope.


  • 根据饱和软土特殊工程地质情况结合工程实际,提出相应加固处理综合技术措施

    Considering the special geological condition and the practical situation, we put forward the corresponding comprehensive technical measures of the reinforcement and the treatment on the project.


  • 为了提高饱和膨胀稳定采用了土工膜覆盖坡表面方法

    In order to improve the stability of unsaturated expansive soil slope, the method of covering the slope by geo-membrane is applied.


  • 饱和条件下产生孔隙水压力(基质吸力)对于预测土墙、挖方工程基础工程之类的土石结构稳定性十分重要。

    Unsaturated soil condition which give rise to negative pore pressure is important in evaluating the stability of geotechnical structures such as slopes, retaining walls, excavations and foundations.


  • 针对饱和特殊工程地质条件旋喷加固处理坡软土地基进行探讨。

    According to the special geological condition, soft soil slope treatment using jet grouting pile was studied.


  • 利用有限元方法饱和膨胀降雨入渗过程进行了数值模拟研究,全面研究了膨胀土水气运移、强度变形特征等。

    The numerical models are applied to the analysis of water-air transmission, deformation and strength variation in an expansive soils slope during infiltration.


  • 再利用研究油层厚度地层渗透率原油粘度、含油饱和地质参数开采效果的影响规律

    Then the geological parameters such as reservoir thickness, formation permeability, oil viscosity, oil saturation, edge water and bottom water are researched by using the optimal well pattern.


  • 根据饱和膨胀失稳机理提出防止浅层滑动的对策措施。

    According to the failure mechanism of unsaturated expansive soil slope, the countermeasures to prevent shallow layer soil slide are suggested.


  • 含油饱和油藏构造形态控制,油藏南部局部构造低部位原始含水饱和但不形成有效驱动

    Initial oil saturation is controlled by the reservoir boundary and structural. Parts of the reservoir with high initial water saturation dose not form effective edge and bottom water drive.


  • 含油饱和油藏构造形态控制,油藏南部局部构造低部位原始含水饱和但不形成有效驱动

    Initial oil saturation is controlled by the reservoir boundary and structural. Parts of the reservoir with high initial water saturation dose not form effective edge and bottom water drive.


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