• 人们在不知道如何真正控制的情况下发射一个无人机一样的自我控制飞行机器时,可能会发生一些糟糕意想不到的事情

    Something bad or unexpected can happen when people send up a self-controlled flying machine like a drone without knowing how to really control it.


  • 究中心正试图在信鸽的帮助下改进飞行机器人。

    A research center is trying to improve its flying robots with the help of homing pigeons.


  • 究中心正在尝试使用飞行机器人和信鸽一起投递邮件。

    The research center is trying to use a flying robot, together with a homing pigeon, to deliver mails.


  • 飞行机器人最重要的特点是它不需要远程操纵装置。

    The most important character of this flying robot is that it doesn't need a control from faraway places.


  • 行机器人可以把邮件送到人们的家里,且不用处理繁忙的交通。

    Flying robots can carry mails to people's houses without having to deal with heavy traffic.


  • 测试中,研究人员发现,信鸽在返回家园方面比飞行机器人更加高效。

    In tests, researchers found that homing pigeons were more efficient than flying robots at returning to their home.


  • 无人驾驶的飞行机器有着很长一段的历史。

    Unmanned flying machines go back a long way.


  • 他们相信如果他们能够制造飞行机器那会改变世界前进脚步。

    They believed that if they could figure out this flying machine, it'll change the course of the world.


  • 这一水平飞机设计所以应该飞行机器提供有趣的测试场地

    The level was designed with aircraft in mind, so should prove a more interesting testing ground for your flying machines.


  • 一些传单欣赏使用发射器用于他们自己的一种飞行机器熟悉程度

    Some flyers appreciate the familiarity of using just one transmitter for every flying machine they own.


  • 这个微型航拍每秒可以扇动120下的碳素纤维翅膀第一个昆虫大小的飞行机器

    The tiny aerial vehicle pictured here, made with carbon-fiber wings that flap 120 times per second, is the first insect-size robot to fly.


  • 现有的飞行机器地面引航员操作的,但是更小一款依照程序的指令自己飞行

    Existing airborne robots are flown by a ground-based pilot, but the smaller versions would fly independently, relying on preprogrammed instructions.


  • 我们增加了一个新的功能可以旋转创作放置下来真正有用更大飞行机器

    We also added a new feature to the Lift that lets you rotate your creation with Q before placing it down. Really useful for bigger flying machines.


  • 飞行机器没有翅膀也没有螺旋桨可能会看到地上绝不会猜到飞行机器

    My flying machine will have neither wings nor propellers. You might see it on the ground and you would never guess that it was a flying machine.


  • DIY飞行机器创造者手绘轮廓转换飞机模型可以基于物理飞行模拟器自动飞行

    DIY flying machine creator. Hand drawn Outlines are transformed automatically into a 3d plane model, which can be flown in a physics based flight simulator.


  • 尽管没有关于亚特兰蒂斯·维利斯的文献存在一些资料通过深奥而来,“神秘的”来源形容他们的飞行机器

    Although no ancient texts on Atlantean Vailixi are known to exist, some information has come down through esoteric, "occult" sources which describe their flying machines.


  • 里昂斯爵士最后拣选了各种语言中都发音清脆名字Jaguar根据第一次世界大战的一种飞行机器而命名

    Lyons Jazz finally chose a variety of languages ​​are pronounced in the name of crisp-Jaguar, which is based on a World War I flying machine named.


  • 所有都十分高真个飞行机器包含复杂科技灵性的知识可以混合世界中做出这样精妙的自然能量

    All of them are advanced flying machines that incorporate intricate scientific and spiritual knowledge to manage subtle and native energy fields within the context of the composite world.


  • 近年来,一连串机器航空中队前后起飞,包含飞往伊拉克阿富汗巡逻无人飞机,和昆虫大小相近的实验飞行机器

    SQUADRONS of robotic machines have taken flight in recent years, ranging from unmanned aerial vehicles which patrol in Iraq and Afghanistan to experimental machines not much bigger than insects.


  • 类似机器搭乘美国宇航局航天飞机太空飞行无法进行时间足够长的测试证明它们是否有效

    Similar machines have flown in space aboard NASA's shuttles, but they couldn't be tested for long enough to prove whether they were effective.


  • 直升机昂贵易损的机器需要精心保养尤其是尘土飞扬条件下飞行

    Helicopters are expensive and delicate machines requiring heavy maintenance, especially when flying in dusty conditions.


  • 只极机器灵感来源于银可以自主起降飞行无需借助于另外驱动系统

    Dubbed the SmartBird, the ultralight flying robot was inspired by the herring gull and can take off, fly and land autonomously, without the help of any additional drive systems.


  • 相机这样设备变得更小有效率指出,“深海飞行2”号潜艇机器手臂

    Instruments like cameras are becoming smaller and more efficient, he points out, and Deep Flight II subs will have robotic arms.


  • 伯特·鲁坦孜孜不倦设计的飞行器,劳伦斯·埃里森(甲骨文公司CEO)奋力拼搏获得美洲帆船赛冠军,霍夫曼很喜欢描述人们机器在一起时所表现出的创造力

    Whether it be Burt Rutan's quest for space, or Larry Ellison's quest for the America's Cup, Hoffman enjoys how people express their creativity with machines.


  • 但是很多工程师真正机器装上飞行昆虫,使具备飞行能力,同时具有空中盘旋的功能。

    But the ability that a lot of engineers would really like to put into robots is the flapping-wing flight of insects, with its attendant ability to hover.


  • 因为新西兰法律将这机器视为飞行器,所以需要特别批准,就可以驾驶

    And because it's not considered an aircraft by New Zealand law you need no special licensing to fly it.


  • 知名军用机器集成可能无人驾驶飞行器。 它们作战人员提供无人机监视侦察例如捕食者

    The most recognizable integration of robotics in the Army may be the unmanned aerial vehicles that provide surveillance and reconnaissance assets for warfighters such as the Predator.


  • 希望2050年,各种小型机器飞行能够完成对整个太阳系的探测,绘制出图谱。

    I hope that by 2050 the entire solar system will have been explored and mapped by flotillas of tiny robotic craft.


  • 机器技术开始广泛出现许多应用领域帮助堵住墨西哥石油泄露非常精细的外科手术,再到阿富汗上空飞行无人飞机。

    Robotics are beginning to appear in a wide range of applications, from helping to plug the Gulf of Mexico oil leak to highly delicate surgery, to drones flying over Afghanistan.


  • 机器技术开始广泛出现许多应用领域帮助堵住墨西哥石油泄露非常精细的外科手术,再到阿富汗上空飞行无人飞机。

    Robotics are beginning to appear in a wide range of applications, from helping to plug the Gulf of Mexico oil leak to highly delicate surgery, to drones flying over Afghanistan.


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