• 产物竞争性抑制存在增加载体颗粒浓度效率因子影响较小

    The effects of competitive product inhibition are shown to increase the substrate concentration in the carrier, and, additionally, to increase the effectiveness factors slightly.


  • CO、co_2加氢合成甲醇反应一个复合反应体系,其催化剂颗粒内的浓度分布的表征方程为微分方程组

    The hydrogenation reaction of co and CO2 to synthesize methanol is a multiple reaction system. The distributions of concentrations are described by second order ordinary differential equations.


  • 心肌细胞PAS 糖原染色阳性大量的糖原颗粒成品红色。

    PAS glucogen staining of cardiomyocytes was positive, glucogen in cytoplasm were stained to purple.


  • 杆菌即将形成芽孢时,细胞便出现一粒带折射性的微小颗粒

    When a rod is about to sporulate a tiny refractile granule appears in the cell.


  • 为了追踪这些细胞活动科研团队再将干细胞植入鼠脑之前,把微小磁性颗粒黏附在细胞之上,标记染料注入细胞

    In order to track the movements of the cells, his team attached tiny magnetic particles to them before they transplanted them, and also injected them with a dye.


  • 例如令烟道内的气体通过带有不同电荷金属从而去除一些灰尘颗粒因为这些熔炉散发出浓密毒为业所共知

    Small particles of ash, for example, are normally removed by forcing the flue gases, as the fumes from the furnace are known in the trade, between electrically charged plates.


  • 随着液体蒸发墨水含金量也就随着增多,而流体流过模板上的小孔时,单一黄金纳米颗粒就会进入小孔

    As the liquid evaporated, the ink became richer in gold, the fluid flowed over the holes, and a single nanoparticle of gold dropped into each one.


  • 接触到花粉颗粒鼻子眼睛细胞释放出组胺其它化学物质导致眼睛和鼻塞。

    Cells inside the nose and eyes release histamine and other chemicalswhen they come in contact with the grains, causing red eyes and ablocked nose.


  • 尽管黄金微粒仅有60纳米的宽度,但每个颗粒内都含有数百万计的黄金原子

    Despite being just 60 nanometres across, each of his dots contains millions of atoms of gold.


  • 口香糖使得前门难以打开同样肌肉细胞内的脂肪颗粒干扰胰岛素葡萄糖打开细胞努力

    In the same way that chewing gum in a lock makes it hard to open your front door, fat particles inside muscle cells interfere with insulin's efforts to open the cell to glucose.


  • 如果能让催化剂颗粒的尺寸保持较大的水平,那么设备的稳定性就可以400个循环保持不变。

    Once the material formed somewhat larger particles, performance stabilized and remained stable out to 400 cycles.


  • 灰尘烟雾颗粒实际上微波范围透明的,辐射仍然很强足以检测到火源,”研究组长Noravon Wahl

    "Particles of dust and smoke are practically transparent in the microwave range, but the radiation is still strong enough for the source of a fire to be detected," said team leader Nora von Wahl.


  • 细胞分泌颗粒球形小泡

    Another lateral secretory granules displayed sphere vesicle in cell.


  • 不同入口气体速度初始颗粒尺寸分布不同颗粒团聚形成机理下收集器颗粒流动流体动力特性进行数值模拟

    The hydrodynamics of particle agglomeration flow was numerically simulated at the different inlet gas velocity, initial particle size distribution and type of agglomeration mechanisms in the absorber.


  • 小心表壳进水了,可用叫做硅胶颗粒物质已经积水石英一起放进一个密闭容器小时取出石英表,积水即全部消失

    Not careful case in water, can be called a silica particulate matter and have water quartz watch Together into a closed container, a few hours later, remove the quartz watch, water is all disappeared.


  • DEM方法颗粒碰撞传热模型结合,颗粒层次上对密流化床内的传热过程进行了较为系统数值研究。

    Combining with particle impact heat transfer model, DEM method is also used to systematically simulate the heat transfer process in fluidized bed at the level of particle.


  • 盖着细胞这些细胞能吞食淋巴可能出现任何一种外来颗粒

    The walls of the sinuses are lined with endocytic cells which engulf any foreign particles that might be present in the lymph .


  • 神经垂体类似神经组织神经胶质细胞神经纤维、神经末梢轴突内的神经分泌颗粒

    The neurohypophysis shown here resembles neural tissue, with glial cells, nerve fibers, nerve endings, and intra-axonal neurosecretory granules.


  • 海藻全身磨砂:纯水溶性按摩啫喱加入细微颗粒,温和的去除坏死角质,同时超级补水,使用肌肤般光滑。

    Algae Exfoliation for Body: The combination of micro grains outside almond kernel and Algae Skin Peel Set helps to remove dead cells, hydrate the skin and restore a silky skin.


  • 原体微生物,贝宗(氏)体属微生物一种衣原体属微生物专性细胞寄生虫包括颗粒结膜炎、鹦鹉病、淋巴肉芽肿的病原体

    Any of a group of microorganisms of the genus chlamydia that are obligate intracellular parasites and include the causative agents of trachoma psittacosis and lymphogranuloma venereum.


  • 肺脏留有不溶解颗粒物质

    Lungs retain relatively insoluble particulate material.


  • 一种地震波范围岩石颗粒方向直角振颤,这种穿过固体不能穿过液体

    An earthquake wave in which rock particles vibrate at right angles to the direction of wave travel. It can travel through solids but not through liquids.


  • 利用FLUENT数值软件模拟了除尘器气流颗粒的流状态直观地分析了实验结果

    Gas flow and particle field situation in the dust collector are simulated by FLUENT numerical software and the experiment results are directly analyzed.


  • 血栓细胞内的致密颗粒数量很少

    There are less dense granules in thrombocyte cytoplasm.


  • 我们也是在孩子销售就是我们为什么彩伞样的颗粒食品其他的小山羊猫薄荷放在他们眼睛能看到的范围内的原因。

    We're marketing to your kids too. That's why we put the rainbow-colored cereals and other kiddie catnip at their eye level.


  • 采用离散方法,对喷动流化床颗粒混合特性进行直接数值模拟

    Numerical simulations on particle mixing characteristics of spout-fluid bed were carried out in three dimensional based on discrete element method (DEM).


  • 采用离散方法,对喷动流化床颗粒混合特性进行直接数值模拟

    Numerical simulations on particle mixing characteristics of spout-fluid bed were carried out in three dimensional based on discrete element method (DEM).


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