• 顶尖教练大都坐在台边区

    Most of the top trainers were at the ringside.


  • 鲍里斯落后于所有顶尖选手

    Boris is falling behind all the top players.


  • 顶尖差距一直缩小

    The gap between the two top teams is closing all the time.


  • 全国顶尖运动员都抵制那次比赛

    All the country's leading players snubbed the tournament.


  • 英国顶尖律师辩护。

    He has employed one of the UK's top lawyers to defend him.


  • 我会世界顶尖网球选手之列。

    I would place her among the top five tennis players in the world.


  • 他们巩固了自己作为英国顶尖乐队地位

    They solidified their position as Britain's top band.


  • 4个顶尖队伍胜出。

    Only the top four teams go through.


  • 时装表演公司签约聘了顶尖模特儿

    The company has signed up three top models for the fashion show.


  • 再过几个小时,大多数世界顶尖高尔夫球手美国大师赛开球

    In a few hours time most of the world's top golfers tee off in the U.S. Masters.


  • 现在约翰斯·霍普金斯医学院顶尖外科医师

    He's now a leading surgeon at Johns Hopkins Medical School.


  • 超过7.5万名顶尖工程师科学家从事研究。

    It has more than 75,000 top engineers and scientists on research.


  • 日程安排紧张,担心可能不足以进入顶尖大学

    It's a grueling schedule, but Lee worries that it may not be good enough to get him into a top university.


  • 现年42岁的已经成为普林斯顿大学的顶尖生物学研究员

    Yan, 42, has become a leading biology researcher at Princeton.


  • 每年伯克利大学都会向该国顶尖大学输送一批新的女性物理学博士

    Every year Berkeley sends its fresh female physics PhDs to the country's top universities.


  • 顶尖设计师、风格设计师们并肩工作每月都要确定当季时尚方向

    She works closely with top designers and stylists and pinpoints the trends of the season in her monthly mission.


  • 对于排名居中排名意识的学校来说,奖学金是用来招收顶尖学生提高学校学术收益主要工具

    For rankings-conscious schools in between, merit aid has served primarily as a tool to recruit top students and to improve their academic profits.


  • 对于首席执行官薪酬增长最佳理解顶尖公司商业机会迅速增多情况下,首席执行官人才有限

    The best model for understanding the growth of CEO pay is that of limited CEO talent in a world where business opportunities for the top firms are growing rapidly.


  • 据说,拥有美国顶尖计算机科学系的学校麻省理工学院斯坦福大学、伯克利大学卡内基梅隆大学。

    The top US Computer Science departments are said to be MIT, Stanford, Berkeley, and Carnegie-Mellon.


  • 对于排名居中排名意识的学校来说,奖学金主要一种用来招募顶尖学生提高学校学术收益工具

    But for rankings-conscious schools in between, merit aid has served primarily as a tool to recruit top students and to improve their academic profits.


  • 同样英国一家杂志发现泰晤士河自来水味道几家顶尖品牌瓶装好,而后者的价格却是前者的400

    Similarly, a magazine in England found that tap water from the Thames River tasted better than several leading brands of bottled water that were 400 times more expensive.


  • 也许这么大学学生提供的服务太少原因他们知道即使什么不到顶尖大学学习仍然是一项明智的投资

    Perhaps the reason why so many universities offer their students so little is they know studying at a top university remains a brilliant investment even if you don't learn anything.


  • 那些通过Alevels 考试的英国人可能仍然没有资格进入国内顶尖大学但是他们发现美国大学欢迎他们。

    Britains who pass their A levels may still not qualify for a top university at home, but find American universities far more welcoming.


  • 鲍曼美国顶尖田径教练之一,因对跑鞋设计进行试验广为人知这些设计试图跑鞋变得更加轻盈、更好地吸收冲击。

    One of the top track coaches in the U.S., Bowernan was also known for experimenting with the design of running shoes in an attempt to make them lighter and more shock-absorbent.


  • 委员会51名成员中,顶尖大学校长、学者律师法官企业高管来自外交电影音乐新闻领域杰出人物

    Among the commission's 51 members are top-tier-university presidents, scholars, lawyers, judges, and business executives, as well as prominent figures from diplomacy, filmmaking, music and journalism.


  • 顶尖大学毕业生不管什么专业有可能找到一份工作不那么知名的学校的毕业生来说,他们掌握的知识成为评判标准

    While graduates from top universities are still likely to get a good job no matter what their major is, he said, graduates from less-famous schools are going to be judged on what they know.


  • 如果老师自己成绩限制94分,其他大多数老师的评分范围都在100分以上,那么你的老师可能危及学生获得奖学金进入顶尖大学机会

    By capping her grades at 94 while most other teachers grade on a scale that tops out at 100, your teacher could jeopardize a student's chance of getting a scholarship or getting into a top college.


  • 这所学校福布斯》的顶尖大学排行榜排名第466位,研究型大学中排名第183位,在南方地区大学中排名第108位,不会所大学首选

    Rated No. 466 overall on Forbes' Lists Top Colleges, No. 183 in Research Universities, and No. 108 in the South, I can't say it was my top choice.


  • 顶尖戏剧演员代理人纷纷把目光投向那个十多岁孩子。

    Top theatrical agents are beating a path to the teenager's door.


  • 是世界顶尖运动员之一。

    He is one of the world's top athletes.


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