• 查看音量指针是否摆动

    I checked to see if the needle indicating volume was oscillating.


  • 这个按钮调节音量的。

    This button is for adjusting the volume.


  • 音量开大点儿吗?

    Can you turn the volume up a little bit?


  • 音量开大点儿吗?

    Can you turn the volume up a bit?


  • 音乐音量开大了。

    The music was turned up loud.


  • 旋钮调节音量

    This knob controls the volume.


  • 调低音量

    He turned down the volume.


  • 书房传来了马勒的音乐,以最大的音量播放

    From his study came the sound of Mahler, playing at full volume.


  • 怀疑保罗听力问题,因为电视机音量调得很大

    She wonders whether Paul's hearing is OK because he turns the television up very loud.


  • 音量似乎之间交替

    The volume seems to alternate between very loud and very soft.


  • 想象成一个不能转动音量旋钮

    Think of it as a volume knob that can't be turned any further.


  • 不管说话音量如何,都存在信息太多问题

    At any volume, there's still such a thing as too much information.


  • 控制音量非常重要

    Controlling volume is very important.


  • 音乐电视节目音量过大会损害听力

    Listening to music or watching a TV show at loud volumes can harm your hearing.


  • 如果很大音量讲话,你实际上更难听到

    If you speak at a high volume into it, you will actually be harder to hear.


  • S5扬声器本身的控制面板上唯一按钮音量静音

    The only buttons on the S5 speaker console itself are volume and mute.


  • 它们更好阻止外界噪音所以可以调低音量音乐。

    They do a better job of stopping outside noise, so you can listen at a lower volume.


  • 如果不能合适音量享受音乐为什么使用耳机呢?

    If you can't enjoy the music at a sensible volume, why not use earphones?


  • 可以一次性调节各处音量可以个一个房间分别调节。

    You can adjust the volume all at once or room by room.


  • 这些需要额外费用只需插入电源选择所需语言调节音量即可

    There is no extra charge for thesejust plug in, select the required language and adjust the volume.


  • 现在丈夫可以声音想要的最大音量调至适合我的音量水平

    Now my husband can have the volume as loud as he needs and I can have the TV at my hearing level.


  • 自己的情绪来对抗他们欢快节奏——很多饶舌音乐提到那种。用最大音量来播音乐。

    Counter their jolly rhythm with your own emotionthe kind referred to in many rap lyrics. Play at a top volume.


  • 例如音乐节奏音调音量已经证明影响人们行为超市花费时间购买产品意愿

    For example, the rhythm, pitch, and volume of music have been shown to influence behavior such as the amount of time spent in supermarkets or intentions to purchase products.


  • 例如音乐节奏音高音量已经证明影响人们行为超市花费时间购买产品意愿

    For example, the rhythm, pitch, and volume of music has been shown to influence behavior such as the amount of time spent in supermarkets or intentions to purchase products.


  • 然而如果开门咔哒入室抢劫之类不祥之兆混音器可能会提高音量提醒人们注意这个声音。

    However, if the "click" of an opening door is part of an ominous action such as a burglary, the sound mixer may call attention to the "click" with an increase in volume.


  • 不敢,”。“我当时小野丽莎的歌,把那个过去常放在这个角落里立体声音响的音量最大。”

    "I was afraid to watch it, " she said. "I was listening to Lisa Ono with the volume up to the highest on the stereo that used to be here in the corner."


  • 收音机以最大音量播放摇滚乐

    The radio blasted out rock music at full volume.


  • 吉他音量调到最大,尽情地玩。

    Turn the guitars up full and let it rip.


  • 音乐吵了,音量调低一点

    That music's too loud—please turn it down.


  • 电视机音量开大些吗?

    Could you turn the TV up?


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