• 声乐作品文学语言音乐语言结晶

    Music works is the crystal of literature language and music language.


  • 希望中的音乐语言如此宏大,是你的神奇一切变成美梦

    It's your music words for hopes. So grand, it's your supernatural turn everything into nice dream!


  • 肖邦夜曲创造了完美音乐语言、曲式结构和声调性手法

    Chopin created consummate musician language, form structure, harmony and tonal technique in his nocturnes.


  • 本文从中归纳斯克里亚宾钢琴作品独特写作手法音乐语言

    This paper will generalize and discover Scriabin's peculiar composing method and the characteristics of musical language in his piano music.


  • 虽然这些作曲家不同风格可是他们都用一种可以让人们理解的音乐语言乐曲。

    While these composers have different personal styles, they write in an accessible musical language. And Spano says there's one thing they all share.


  • 十二音技法作为二十世纪音乐语言,首先产生于德国世界范围内开花结果。

    Being the musical language of the twentieth century, twelve-tone technique originated in Germany and soon bloomed all world the world.


  • 位作曲家拥有共同音乐语言正是因为这样,一些资历尚浅的听众很难将这二人加以区分

    The two composers share a common musical idiom; there are many reasons why inexperienced listeners find it hard to tell them apart.


  • 艺术家之所以伟大在于他们音乐语言驾轻就熟,以致于可以满怀喜悦地演出任何时代作品

    Great artists are those who are so thoroughly at home in the language of music that they can enjoy performing works written in any century.


  • 可用描述音乐音乐语言或是去描述艺术任何交流系统是没问题的。

    You could use language to describe music, talk about the--a musical language or art, or any communicative system, and there's actually nothing wrong with that.


  • 梅西安音乐语言独树一帜,创作手法别具一格作品富有鲜明个性独特的表现力

    The music language of Messiaen creates new style, creating skill to have an unique style, the full of fresh and clear character of his work and special performance dint.


  • 本文主要戏剧结构音乐语言两者结合入手,这部歌剧最后一场进行音乐分析

    From the drama structure, music language and combination both of them, the article made the musicological analyze to the last scene of the work.


  • 歌剧的歌词相比,他的音乐语言时而舒缓,时而高亢,而他音乐仿佛是呼吸时间里。

    Bellini expands and elides musical phrases, so that the musical content breathes in a different time frame than the verse.


  • 音乐语言架构与框架是从组织结构格式以及传统意义上规范和作法来反映音乐本身。

    The framework for music language which reflects music in terms of organization, structure, style and the traditional standard of music is a good focus of attention for understanding music.


  • 他们从哈萨克民间音乐出发,又融合当代音乐手法从而创造出一种独一无二的音乐语言

    Rather IZ begins with traditional music and, using the techniques and methods of contemporary music, creates a unique musical language.


  • 这部钢琴组曲世人展示德沃夏一位如音乐诗人舒曼般的、善于音乐语言描绘自然美音乐家。

    Poetic Tone Pictures attracted every pianist for its exquisite harmony and beautiful melody, and the wonderful scenery was typical Dvorak's music vocabulary.


  • 而塔米诺单纯善良基本性格以及优雅贵族绅士气质,决定了莫扎特运用质朴纯洁音乐语言其进行塑造

    Tamino simple kindness and the basic character and elegant aristocratic gentleman demeanor make Mozart choose a gentle, pure musical language to shape.


  • 第二部分结合本人对这部作品的理解演奏感悟,具体分析它的小标题、演奏要点音乐语言和创作特点等。

    In the second part, I will concrete analyze the key points of pianism and the form with my understanding and experience.


  • 无论创作手法音乐表现乐曲结构大小、对捷克民间音乐语言运用等方面都表现了作曲家特有创作方法

    The composing styles, music expression, music structure and the use of language of folk music in Czech express his particular composition methods.


  • 此外主导动机贯穿手法则是巴托克运用现代音乐语言基础上对贝多芬晚期的“贯穿曲式”的继承发扬。

    In addition, by carrying forward and developing Beethoven 's cyclic form on the base of modern musical language, Bartok created leading motive technique.


  • 此外主导动机贯穿手法则是巴托克运用现代音乐语言基础上对贝多芬晚期的“贯穿曲式”的继承发扬。

    In addition, by carrying forward and developing Beethoven's cyclic form on the base of modern musical language, Bartok created leading motive technique.


  • 作品中,始终自己民族音乐语言表达着压迫祖国热爱也是他艺术的一生始终不渝的基本思想内容。

    In his work, he always used his nation's musical language to express the love of the motherland from oppression. This is the basic idea of his artistic life as always.


  • 音乐语言绘画语言具体应用表现上,着重比亚兹莱黑白画中线条构成的“音响”效果旋律性”、“节奏性”的表现来进行分析与比较。

    About his expression of musical and painting language, this article analyzes and compares the musical quality, tempo and rhythm of Beardsley's black and white paintings.


  • 外星语言携带着图片音乐信号

    Alien languages are signals carrying pictures and music.


  • 长期以来,舍伦贝格一直质疑科学研究所支持这一说法音乐教育提高儿童抽象推理数学语言能力

    Schellenberg had long been skeptical of the science supporting claims that music education enhances children's abstract reasoning, math, or language skills.


  • 相对于语言戏剧性抑扬顿挫,相对于利用语言节奏表达情感增加戏剧性方式音乐的重要性可以退居次要地位。

    The music was secondary, if you will, to the dramatic cadence of language, to the way the rhythm of language was used to express feeling and used to add drama.


  • 也是为什么我们试图语言描述音乐时,我们所能只是表达我们音乐反应不是领会音乐本身。

    It is also the reason why when we try to describe music with words, all we can do is articulate our reactions to it, and not grasp music itself.


  • 也是为什么我们试图语言描述音乐时,我们所能只是表达我们音乐反应不是领会音乐本身。

    It is also the reason why when we try to describe music with words, all we can do is articulate our reactions to it, and not grasp music itself.


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