• 完整招标书文件,其中份副本送到下面地址,以获得集中操作打开之前要盖章的。

    The Completed RFP Package, in three (3) copies should be sent to below China procurement operations for centralized and chopped before open.


  • 但是水力纺纱机体积很大必须搭建高大厂房必须河流旁边大量工人集中操作

    However, a great volume of hydraulic spinning machine, you must build tall plant, but also must be built beside the river, and there are large Numbers of workers concentrated operations.


  • 对那些服务提供者环境不同管理不同分区进行集中操作职员来说,这些虚拟终端非常有帮助

    These virtual terminals are very useful for a centralized operations staff that is managing different partitions for different groups in a service provider environment.


  • 如果一种更加通用集中方式执行所有操作那么非常理想。

    It is desirable if to do this in a more generic and centralized way for all operations.


  • 模式匹配操作可能非常昂贵的,因此智能地集中搜索非常重要的。

    The pattern matching operation is potentially expensive, so it is vital to focus the search intelligently.


  • 研究报告作者他们发现中对健康产生的影响并不确定,他们认为集中动物饲养操作中添加的抗生素可能起到了一定的作用

    The authors of the study are unsure of the health impacts of their findings, but think antibiotics given to healthy animals in concentrated animal feeding operations might play a role.


  • 进一步讨论问题,我们集中讨论两个客户主要方面备份操作更改

    To discuss this further, let's focus on the two main areas that most of our customers have asked us about: backups and operational changes.


  • 我们认为服务粒度两个极端——提供仅有几个方法很多服务数十数百操作集中几个服务中——都易用性造成影响。

    We suggest that extremes in service granularityeither many services with few methods, or few services with many tens or hundreds of operationswill tend to impede consumability.


  • 作为开发人员我们应该能够集中精力实现一些操作而不是浪费时间冗长XML方面。

    As developers, we should be able to concentrate on getting stuff done, instead of having to crank out minutiae in verbose XML.


  • 每一个阶段之中,集中业务操作优势会随之增加所以会得到不断的添加

    In each phase, the benefits of centralizing business operations increase, so that value is added incrementally.


  • 这种集群的集群”方式使懒惰管理员设计系统能够超过预期规模支持集中管理控制同时不必担心大规模操作失败

    This cluster-of-clusters approach will allow the lazy admin to design systems that can scale beyond any budget and allow the same admin central control without fear that massive operations will fail.


  • P2P允许电子商务集中系统中解脱出来减少操作失败可能性

    P2P enabled e-commerce can remove the centralized system and so lessen the possibility of failures.


  • 首先PC操作系统设计为将用户主机集中控制专治统治中解放出来。

    First, PC operating systems were designed to free computer users from the tyranny of centrally controlled mainframes.


  • 规则同一操作取得相同结果,并且,如果规则集中多个规则采用同一测试测试评估一次

    A rule set can achieve the same results in a single operation, and if the same test is used in more than one rule in a rule set, it is still only evaluated once.


  • 通过大家熟知拨片可以实现半自动化换档,在之后各种控制操作都被集中布置驾驶员手指尽量区域。

    The introduction of semi-automatic gearchanges via the now familiar 'paddles' marked the beginning of the move to concentrate controls as close to the driver's fingers as possible.


  • 方法缺陷对于单个操作需要读取写入项目集中多个项目

    The drawback of this approach is that multiple items in the item set need to be read or written for a single operation.


  • Arch优势之一虽然分散操作所设计的,可以用于集中存储库范例

    An advantage to Arch is that while it was designed for decentralized operation, it can also be used in the centralized repository paradigm.


  • 我们熟悉运行IBCWeb站点操作系统,所以可以将精力集中Drupal设置自己定制代码不需要为不熟悉的操作系统特性操心。

    Familiarity with the operating system running the IBC Web site let us concentrate on setting up Drupal and our custom code without worrying about the peculiarities of a less-familiar operating system.


  • 用户主要内部Windows用户,他们希望能以放的操作方式将文档放在一个集中文档储存库中

    Users are mainly internal Windows users who prefer to drag and drop documents into a centralized document repository.


  • Web操作系统工具集中似乎缺少特性,即基于Web剪贴板概念

    One feature that seems missing from the Web operating system collective tool set is the notion of a Web-based clipboard.


  • 记住程序运行时操作集中display小部件内容

    Keep in mind that while this program runs, the action is focused in the contents of the display widget.


  • 遗憾是(认为范畴来看,应该说 “幸运的是”),人类用户不会自然而然地被约束固定交互操作集中

    Unfortunately (well, I guess in the grand scheme, fortunately), human users are not naturally bound to a fixed set of interactions.


  • 如果这些机器中的台出了故障,那么保持商业操作需要资源转移集中另一台可用机器

    If one of those machines should fail, the resources required to maintain business operations are transferred to another available machine in the cluster.


  • 如同页面精力集中帮助用户执行任务一样,应用程序也通过操作一系列任务指导用户。

    Much as a page concentrates on helping the user execute a task, an application then guides the user through an operation or through a series of tasks.


  • 类型应用程序集中可能执行操作不是集中操作依靠资源

    These types of applications focus on actions that you might perform rather than on the resources upon which they act.


  • 通过聚集合并FOAF文件可以获得操作集中目录服务相同效果而没有故障单点控制任何问题

    By aggregating and merging the FOAF files, you can achieve the same effect as operating a centralized directory service, without any of the issues of single points of failure or control.


  • 事务所有关键主控数据提供集中创作操作(记录系统)——而且主控数据始终保持一致准确完整

    Transaction: Provides the operational source (system of record) with central authoring for all key master dataand the master data is consistent, accurate and complete at all times.


  • 集中服务器多,因为大多数操作客户机本地进行,而不需要网络操作

    It is so much quicker than centralized servers because most operations take place locally on the client, instead of requiring a network operation.


  • 我们还可以定义额外的转换它们应用之前操作所定义当前矩阵集中

    Additional transformations can be performed, and these are applied to the current set of matrices defined by the previous operations.


  • 我们还可以定义额外的转换它们应用之前操作所定义当前矩阵集中

    Additional transformations can be performed, and these are applied to the current set of matrices defined by the previous operations.


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