• 复杂网络分析中,通常采用随机网络模型

    The random network model is widely used in analysis of the complex network.


  • 建立一个工期费用估计随机网络模型,说明应用蒙特卡洛模拟进行工期和费用风险分析原理方法

    A stochastic network model is built by use of the theory and method of Monte Carlo Simulation, with a view to analyzing the risk of the time limit for project and its cost.


  • 第二部分进一步探讨无标度网络形成机制我们研究加点、加边、重连和去边四种演化过程的随机网络模型

    In the second part, in order to explore further the mechanism responsible for scale-freenetworks, we introduce two extended models of the Barabási ?Albert model.


  • 此基础上建立了基于土壤孔隙形态学特征的随机网络模型孔隙尺度模拟土壤中的水分运动过程预测饱和土壤水分特征曲线

    A spatially-random network model by using measured pore morphology was then set up to simulate the pore scale flow processes, and to predict the soil water retention curve near saturation.


  • 为此,本文提出一个随机规划模型用于确定逆向物流网络集中式回收中心分销中心位置容量

    In this paper we propose a stochastic programming model to determine the location and capacity of centralized return centers and distribution centers in reverse logistics network.


  • 提出了适用大规模网络组合随机用户平衡模型能够同时预测出行分布交通分配

    A combined stochastic user equilibrium model for simultaneous prediction of trip distribution and trip assignment on large-scale networks is developed.


  • 本文多个城市建立交通运输线课题应用随机网络技术(VERT - 3)构建一个较大仿真模型

    According to the problem of laying transportation lines between several cities, a large simulation model has been constructed with the stochastic network technique (VERT-3).


  • 利用改进BP算法结合电波传播理论建立了随机介质等效折射指数神经网络模型

    The neural network model of the equivalent complex refractive of random rain media is developed by means of the improved BP algorithm, based on the electromagnetic wave propagation theory.


  • 本文通过检测电流信号基于随机模糊神经网络建立了刀具磨损测量模型

    Through measuring the electric current signal, the soft sensing model used for tool wear estimation based on stochastic fuzzy neural network(SFNN) is presented in this paper.


  • 应用神经网络未建模型非线性随机系统进行控制

    Use Neural Network to control unfounded model nonlinear random system.


  • 应用土壤随机管子网络结构模型从理论上对土壤的渗透系数进行了分析

    The model with random tube net structure is used to analyses the penetrating coefficient of soil theoretically.


  • 本文根据网络知识建立产品分销模型,探求企业市场需求固定随机最优收益

    This paper firstly establishes a goods distribution model according to the network knowledge, and attempts to solve the problem of optimal profit of manufacturer under the fixed and random demand.


  • 本文采用一种累加模型将复杂大规模网络流量分解趋势周期项和随机项。

    In this paper, according to the characteristics of non linear network traffic, traffic behaviors are decomposed into trend items, period items, and random items by an accumulation decomposition model.


  • 因此基因调控网络精确模型应该包括随机噪声

    Therefore, gene regulatory network should be described by more accurate models which include random noise.


  • 采用已知参数范围随机选取足够样本方法来训练危险度分级神经网络模型

    The ANN model of the dangerous degree classification also trained by random selected enough samples in the range of known parameters.


  • 通过引进长度随机向量,确立一类批处理排队网络流体模型

    By bringing in random vector of the size of batch, the batch processing fluid model was established.


  • 模型直接规划过程中所存在模糊随机因素网络结构优化的影响

    In this model the effects of fuzzy and stochastic factors pertaining in the planning process are considered directly.


  • 针对确定网络研究具有随机参数最短路径问题,采用随机数表示路径权的不确定性,建立约束期望最短路模型

    Aiming at the uncertain networks, the shortest path problem with stochastic parameters is studied and the expected value model with constraints is constructed.


  • 文章考虑网络流量非线性特点,通过不同数学模型将流量时间序列分解趋势成分周期成分、突变成分随机成分。

    According to the character of non linear network traffic, the traffic time series is decomposed into trend component, period component, mutation component and random component.


  • 本文研究松散网络随机模型不同路由协议节点分布

    This paper focused on the distribution of nodes in different routing protocols with random waypoint model in loose networks.


  • 人工神经网络时序模型开辟随机模拟法设计洪水计算中应用研究的途径

    Artificial neural network series models break a new approach for stochastic modeling in computing design flood.


  • 传统静态确定型停车行为模型忽略了网络变性随机

    In traditionally static and deterministic parking models, the time dependence and stochasticity of road networks is ignored.


  • 建立了阅读器网络模型阐述了阅读器网络拓扑结构固定随机改变情况下对解决阅读器冲突问题的不同要求

    The article introduces the graph model of reader network, and formulates requirement of the solution to reader collision when topology of the reader network is fixable or variable randomly.


  • 首先应用随机不连续网络模拟技术建立不连续面分布概率统计模型

    The probability distribution model of discontinuities is established through the three dimensional network modeling.


  • 但是现有层次网络模型路径算法难以扩展时变随机网路,为此本文提出了网络模型和最优路径算法。

    But it is difficulty to expand the existing hierarchical network models and algorithms for finding optimal path problems in the stochastic and time-dependent network.


  • 基于不同冗余技术网络系统进行分类分别建立随机数学模型提出了基于不同应用需求的可生存性的定量评估方法。

    Network systems are sorted according to the redundancy techniques adapted and corresponding stochastic models are constructed, survivability based on different application requirement are evaluated.


  • 介绍岩体随机裂隙网络进行稳定地下水渗流分析数学模型和方法。

    A new three dimensional model for the analysis of transient ground water now in a stochastic fracture network of a fractured rock mass is presented in this paper.


  • 在考虑了单包传输、多包传输、数据包丢失延时随机干扰情况下,用一种统一的形式,建立网络控制系统的模型

    An uniform model is developed to describe the augmented plant considering single-packet transmission, multiple-packet transmission, packets dropout, network-induced delay and noise etc.


  • 模式充分利用目前无线传感器网络部署中提出的分簇算法,并结合随机密钥预分布模型优点

    The new scheme exploits the clustering algorithm of WSN deployment and the merit of random key pre-distribution.


  • 模式充分利用目前无线传感器网络部署中提出的分簇算法,并结合随机密钥预分布模型优点

    The new scheme exploits the clustering algorithm of WSN deployment and the merit of random key pre-distribution.


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