• 选择了陪审审判

    He chose to stand trial by jury.


  • 有权要求一样平民组成的陪审参加审判

    I have the right to a trial with a jury of my peers.


  • 陪审已经要求查看审判超过40件的证物

    The jury has already asked to see more than 40 exhibits from the trial.


  • 大多数审判12陪审2名替补人员选出。

    In most jurisdictions, twelve jurors and two alternates are chosen.


  • 美国选择双方能接受陪审有时审判本身耗时更长

    In America the selection of jurors acceptable to both the prosecution and the defence sometimes takes longer than the trial itself.


  • 90%案件审判法庭采纳陪审裁决(是否有罪),而且陪审团的判决(应处刑罚)建议被采纳的更多。

    Trial courts accept jury verdicts regarding guilt in over 90% of the cases, and jury sentencing recommendations even more.


  • 此前公司一起商业纠纷陪审审判中失败

    That was after the company lost a jury trial over a business dispute.


  • 然而很多陪审员积累了有用经验年龄职业上预期多样化并且宣称理解和所有或者几乎所有的审判进程。

    Yet most who have served come away with a favorable experience, have been more diverse in age and occupation than anticipated and claim to have understood all or almost all of the proceedings.


  • 三个审判陪审员都宣布无罪这可能使他认为,喜欢奚落那些公诉人议员永远也管不着他。

    Jurors in three trials acquitted him, perhaps making him think he would for ever remain beyond the reach of the prosecutors and legislators he so loved to taunt.


  • 检控官辩方律师网站搜寻陪审候选人个人信息,以便发现蛛丝马迹,说明这些人审判可能同情哪一

    Prosecution and defense lawyers are scouring the site for personal details about members of the jury pool that could signal which side they might sympathize with during a trial.


  • 确实陪审审判案件数量预期的要

    Indeed, the number of jury trials has been much lower than expected.


  • 其一,受当地人民强烈不满情绪影响,陪审可能斯基林存有偏见,因此审判安然公司所在地休斯顿举行

    The first is that his trial should not have taken place in Enron’s hometown of Houston because strong local feelings meant that any jury was likely to be biased against him.


  • 混沌人生值得过”,苏格拉底审判时,大概说了句著名的话陪审团听

    THE unexamined life is not worth living, or so Socrates famously told the jury at his trial.


  • 此外法官他们认为不适合适用陪审案件排除陪审员参与的决定权并且被告有权选择法官审判

    Moreover, judges have the discretion to preclude use of juries in cases they deem inappropriate, and defendants can choose to be tried by judges alone.


  • 审判陪审成员证词判决菲利普·莫里斯公司高额惩罚性赔偿帮助

    After the trial, members of the jury let it be known that her testimony had helped sway their massive punitive damages on Philip Morris.


  • 根据华尔街日报查德·布雷报道陪审团裁决后,特纳保释取消审判日期却还是个未知数

    According to reporting by the WSJ's Chad Bray, Turner's bail was revoked following the conviction. No date has been set for sentencing.


  • 然而如果被告承认指控罪行重要部分,那么法庭可以审判时采用只有人组成的陪审

    If, however, defendant concedes important parts of the charges, the court may try the case with merely five jurors.


  • 第一次听证会,这位律师退场了,原因听说审判开始之前陪审结果已经出来了:铲楼者无罪。

    He withdrew after the first court hearing, alleging that the not-guilty verdict had been decided before the proceedings had even begun.


  • 去年审判时候类似指控大相径庭,当时只有一项指控(联邦调查局撒谎)成立,其他23项指控陪审团内部意见分歧而宣布判决无效。

    This was a far cry from his trial last year on similar charges, which resulted in a single conviction (lying to the FBI) and a hung jury on 23 other counts.


  • 科尔·索夫是从家里广播里才知道自己另外19个陪审法官提出封闭审判申请的。

    Mr Kolesov was at home when he heard on the radio that he and 19 other jurors had asked the judge to conduct the trial behind closed doors.


  • 陪审执行陪审职务时,审判同等权利义务

    When performing their duties, the judicial assessors shall have equal rights and obligations as the judges.


  • 这样使用陪审案件也增多了。陪审员的排除标准可能更加完善,法官具体案件上排除使用陪审审判的标准也是如此。

    Criteria for allowing potential jurors to be excused from duty will probably be clarified, as will standards for allowing judges to exclude cases from jury trial.


  • 这样使用陪审案件也增多了。陪审员的排除标准可能更加完善,法官具体案件上排除使用陪审审判的标准也是如此。

    Criteria for allowing potential jurors to be excused from duty will probably be clarified, as will standards for allowing judges to exclude cases from jury trial.


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