• 套袋陆奥艺术本来绿色品种通过遮光可以着上非常艳丽的红色可以大大提高商品价值

    Michinoku art bagging fruit, Mutsu originally was green varieties, through the sets of shading bag, after bag removal, can become very bright red and greatly enhance the value of the products.


  • 1944年盟军安齐萨莱诺侵入意大利

    In autumn 1944 the Allies invaded the Italian mainland at Anzio and Salerno.


  • 是位于克尼苏格兰之间彭特兰湾发电站,就可以利用海底涡轮机产生10%的全国发电量

    One site alone, the Pentland Firth, between Orkney and mainland Scotland, could produce 10% of the country's electricity with banks of turbines under the sea.


  • 恩斯坦亚热带地区撒哈拉沙漠澳大利亚,却没有这个问题

    Ornstein says subtropical regions, such as the Sahara and the Australian outback, do not have this problem.


  • 印度报业托拉斯援引空军部门消息人士话说重启斗拉特别地基地为了加强印度这个战略地区空中侦察能力

    The news agency Press Trust of India quoted Air Force sources as saying that the Daulatbeg Oldi Base was revived to bolster India's aerial and land reconnaissance capability in the strategic region.


  • 不过巴马承认欧洲各国某些方面表现得更好并没有错。

    Yet Mr Obama is right to admit that in some ways continental Europe has coped well.


  • 而且即使德修斯的黄昏时离最远”,现在的爱塞卡东边相邻。

    And though Odysseus's island is "farthest to sea towards dusk", today's Ithaca is close to the mainland in the east.


  • 这家列格·德里帕斯卡掌控俄罗斯铝业公司希望本月香港证券交易所成为首家在港交所上市的俄罗斯公司。

    The Russian aluminium company, which is controlled by Oleg Deripaska, was hoping to debut on Hong Kong's stock exchange this month, becoming the first Russian company to list there.


  • 将会萨维卡多佐竞争一个首发名额,南美双雄已经组成了令对手恐怖攻击组合之一

    He would have been competing against Saviola and Cardozo for a starting place, and the South American pair has formed one of Europe's most feared striking partnerships.


  • 服役皇家海军战队空军中校·肯尼迪周六邻居们的信箱里投进传单提议清扫积雪

    Wg Cdr o 'kennedy, who works with the Royal Marines, dropped flyers suggesting the clearing in his neighbours' letterboxes on Saturday.


  • 对于索马里,非洲另一起严重冲突巴马得小心谨慎了。

    On Somalia, another of the continent’s nastiest conflicts, Mr Obama is likely to be cautious.


  • 对于索马里,非洲另一起严重冲突巴马得小心谨慎了。

    On Somalia, another of the continent's nastiest conflicts, Mr Obama is likely to be cautious.


  • 成千上万年前西非土地剥离,形成了比

    Vienna-thousands of years ago, a piece of West Africa separated from the mainland and formed the island of Bioko.


  • 番大受欢迎的演讲之后,巴马乘机前往达尔文市海军战队士兵明年那里澳大利亚军事基地开展训练

    Following the well-received address, Obama was to jet off to Darwin, where the Marines will begin training at Australian bases next year.


  • 斑点一个盐碱湖,位于加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省斯尤斯西北部

    Spotted Lake is a saline endorheic alkalilake located northwest of Osoyoos in British Columbia.


  • ,埃利岛(Aeolians)像是群岛牙齿峻峭地暴露在外只有七个姐妹居住在此,她们一个任性的群体。

    From the mainland, the Aeolian Islands look like an archipelago of teeth. Sheer and exposed, only seven of them - "the sisters" - are inhabited.


  • 巴马10月签署的这个法案指导美国宇航局继续开发可能2025年前能在小行星新型航天器

    The legislation, which Obama signed in October, instructs NASA to move ahead with a new spacecraft that could land on an asteroid by 2025.


  • 只是这个星期马里·德拉吉接管并成为欧洲央行行长他承认:“据我们现在观察的情况,正在缓慢增长,至年底衰退会温和的方式软着

    Mario Draghi, who took over as ECB president only this week, admitted: "What we are observing now is slow growth, heading towards a mild recession by year's end."


  • 还没到早上八点半,白宫做出了让巴马在玫瑰花园发表讲话决定不久之后,有消息传出马会同意十二月飞往接受此奖

    By 8:30 a.m., the decision had been made to give Rose Garden remarks by Obama, and shortly afterwards, news leaked out that Obama would agree to fly to Oslo to accept the award on Dec. 10.


  • 这个总部德国黑拉赫制造商6月28日经营业务德国集团大部分股份移至一家新的控股公司以便更容易获得境外投资者

    The Herzogenaurach, Germany-based manufacturer put its operating business and most of the Continental shares in a new holding company on June 28 to allow easier access for outside investors.


  • 篇文章暗示目标扩展威尔创伤突出也门和非洲美国所谓反恐战争’的全新焦点。”

    The article suggests the goal was to spread "Orwellian-style trauma and project Yemen, as well as the African continent, [as] the brand-new focus of the American so-called 'war on terror.'"


  • 巴马调整阿富汗战略之后,克文听取美国增兵建议。听取并不意味着采纳

    Mr Rudd says he will listen to any request from America for more troops after Mr Obama's review of the Afghanistan strategy, "but listening... does not necessarily mean agreeing."


  • 经过审议过后,周二黄金时段,巴马美国军军官学校 (U.S.MilitaryAcademyatWestPoint,即“西点军校”)发表电视讲话,美军在阿富汗任务给出宽泛定义

    After a three-month review, the president delivers a televised prime-time address at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point Tuesday to broadly define the mission of the war.


  • 1938年的那个演员森森·韦尔斯通过广播节目宣布火星来的外星人已经地球

    In that month in 1938, actor Orson Wells announced on his radio program that aliens from Mars had landed on the earth.


  • 巴马表示非洲已经贫穷从属转变希望和进步之一。

    The president also said Africa has changed from a poor and dependent continent to one of hope and progress.


  • 巴马4月24日声明另一个反应来自外长达乌特欧

    On Obama statement on April 24, another response from the European foreign ministers Daut.


  • 巴马4月24日声明另一个反应来自外长达乌特欧

    On Obama statement on April 24, another response from the European foreign ministers Daut.


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