• 根据德国学者斯曼文化记忆理论仪式文本承载文化记忆的媒体

    According to the theory of cultural memory raised by the German scholar Jan Assmann, ritual and text are two main mediums of cultural memory.


  • 一只淡水来自波多黎各大学亚圭斯校区生物系显微镜中心何塞·r·尔曼多瓦拍摄。

    The head and eye of a freshwater shrimp, observed by Jose R. Almodovar of the Microscopy Center, Biology Department, UPR Mayaguez Campus, in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico.


  • 曼尼·尔瓦雷斯医生:没有相处的同事朋友家人呢?

    Dr.Manny Alvarez: Who doesn't have a difficult colleague, friend, or family member?


  • 法学教授马丁·德尔曼福特专家证人告诉科恩案子开审,事态就朝着有利于的方向戏剧性地逆转了。

    Marty Adelman, the Wayne State law professor, was an expert witness in the Ford case. He told me that once Kearns got into the courtroom the odds of his winning shifted dramatically in his favor.


  • 萨米尔纳斯里声称曼城训练强度,比在森纳时更上了一个层次

    Samir Nasri has claimed that training at Manchester City is more intense and a "level above Arsenal".


  • 的确缅因州纽约市的农村地区学校渴望采用卡曼·雷斯中学做法

    Indeed, school systems in rural Maine and New York City are eager to follow Arace Middle school's example.


  • 的是心理框架很多心理学家研究这个问题,最著名的是丹尼尔·卡内曼莫斯·特沃斯基

    By that I mean psychological framing, and there are many psychologists who talk about this, but notably Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky.


  • 埃利斯,医学哲学双料博士,本次研究核心作者,也是巴恩斯·犹太人医院华盛顿大学医学院合办尔文·J·斯特曼癌症中心乳腺癌计划主管

    Ellis, MD, PhD, the study's senior author and director of the Breast Cancer Program at the Alvin J. Siteman Cancer Center at Barnes-Jewish Hospital and Washington University School of Medicine in St.


  • 大部分电影讲述那些功能的,患斯·伯格综合症的,拥有超强的记忆力不同寻常的能力的人。“拉哈曼。”

    "Most of the movies have been about those who are high-functioning, with Asperger's, with sharp memories and unusual traits," says Rehman.


  • 这场比赛胜利,再加上上周联赛击败曼城证明历克斯·弗格森爵士球队要比想象有张力创造力

    This latest win, coupled with the defeat of Manchester City in the Carling Cup last week, suggested that Sir Alex Ferguson's team is more expressive and creative than had been assumed.


  • 但是于沙合伙人来自威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校大学朋友布赖恩·比尔曼,以及同样毕业于威斯康辛玛格·巴克斯特来说,事情并非总是如此乐观

    But things weren't always so rosy for Shah and his partners, Brian Beerman, a college friend from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and Margo Baxter, who also graduated from Wisconsin.


  • 森纳证实他们已经同意萨米尔·纳斯里转会曼城

    Arsenal can confirm that they have agreed terms for Samir Nasri to move to Manchester City.


  • 周二皇家马德里将就爱马努埃尔约的交易曼城斯特进行协商。

    Real Madrid will make a fresh approach to Manchester City for Emmanuel Adebayor on Tuesday.


  • 报道曼城今夏需要切尔西争夺贾克斯后卫格里高利·范德·维尔。

    According to reports Manchester City will face a battle with Chelsea FC in the summer to land Ajax defender Gregory van der Wiel.


  • 近来的大型艺术展上,将几位艺术家同台展示蔚然成风,画展的名字则好似那些附庸风雅的广告公司一般——“马蒂斯.毕加索”,“特纳.惠斯勒.莫奈”, “杜尚.曼.皮卡”。

    IT HAS become a trend for big exhibitions to feature more than one artist, so they sound like arty advertising agencies—"Matisse Picasso", "Turner Whistler Monet", "Duchamp Man Ray Picabia".


  • 收集很多网球选手球拍,像是费德勒亨曼加西斯里查潘

    I have a collection of tennis racquets from players, such as Federer, Henman, Agassi and Srichaphan, which I got them to sign because I am like a fan.


  • 故事英国卫报专栏作家克斯··藤泽尔曼(Alex vonTunzelmann)同名小说改编。影片编年史讲述了1947年英国殖民统治印度最后日子权力转交的过程。

    Based on the book of the same name by guardian.co.uk columnist Alex von Tunzelmann, the film Chronicles the handover of power in the last days of British colonial rule in India in 1947.


  • 还是孩子模样的13岁英国学生菲·帕当上了父亲女友特尔·斯特德曼为生下个宝宝,这令成为英国年轻的父亲。

    A BABY-FACED 13-year-old British schoolboy Alfie Patten has fathered a child with his 15-year-old girlfriend Chantelle Steadman, making him one of the youngest parents ever in Britain.


  • 早期研究者丹尼尔·卡尼曼(Daniel Kahneman)已故莫斯·特沃斯基(amos Tversky),进行的是人类赌博行为理论研究

    Early researchers, such as Daniel Kahneman and the late Amos Tversky, were working on theories of human behaviour using gambling.


  • 最近几周森纳队名居英超联赛积分榜第七,比居第四位的纽卡斯尔联队低6,比曼·切斯特联队低12分。

    Arsenal have climbed the Premier League table in recent weeks and now sit in seventh place - six points behind fourth-placed Newcastle and 12 adrift of early pacesetters Manchester City.


  • 福曼诺贝尔得主物理学家路易斯·尔瓦雷斯(Luis Alvarez)密切合作,追查德国核研究活动

    Furman worked closely with Nobel Prize-winning physicist Luis Alvarez to track down German nuclear activity.


  • 曼城将签巴萨边后卫丹尼·维斯

    Manchester City are closing in on the signing of Barcelona defender Dani Alves?


  • 圭罗说道:“巴萨拥有伟大的球员,而这些球员长时间同一种体系下一起训练比赛不过曼城很多处理方面水平很高的球员,纳斯里今夏加盟曼城,但是队内还有席尔瓦这样与我们风格相同、想法相近的球员,这是的我们可以很好的控制球,并且尝试着去获得更多的控球权。”

    He said in The Sun: "Barcelona are a team that have played together for a lot of years in the same style and they have great players, but we also have good players with ability on the ball.


  • 尔斯通最佳领跑者,进攻中的最佳分球手,布鲁克斯有待获得德尔曼信任火箭跑起来重任就落在了弗朗西斯詹姆斯海德头上

    Alston is their best pace-setter and distributor in the open court, and since Brooks has yet to gain Adelman's trust, getting the Rockets running falls on Steve Francis, Mike James and Luther Head.


  • 心理学第一次这种现象有所著述:丹尼尔·卡内以及莫斯·沃思吉预计某些情况下,损失带来的痛苦收获带来的喜悦两倍

    The psychologists who first wrote about this phenomenon, Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky, estimated that in some Settings losses can be twice as painful as gains are joyous.


  • 1990年,斯多尔授予麦克基金会奖金

    Stallman was awarded a MacArthur Foundation fellowship in 1990.


  • 曼诺内在森纳1比0战胜富勒姆的比赛中表现令人震撼,主场对奥林匹亚科斯再次加深了人们的印象

    Mannone produced a stunning display as Arsenal beat Fulham 1-0 at Craven Cottage and impressed once more when Olympiacos visited Emirates Stadium in the Champions League.


  • 在曼切斯特,死敌曼城扎哈比集团收购,其拥有者是亿万富翁酋长苏尔

    Across Manchester arch-rivals City are already owned by the Abu Dhabi United Group, led by billionaire Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan.


  • 在曼切斯特,死敌曼城扎哈比集团收购,其拥有者是亿万富翁酋长苏尔

    Across Manchester arch-rivals City are already owned by the Abu Dhabi United Group, led by billionaire Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan.


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