• 说道:“英格甚至是英超顶尖球员中的份子。

    He said: "This (Lampard) is one of the top players in England and in the Premier League.


  • 让心里寻思既然认得至少他认得德兰名字,自己就得格外谨慎行。

    Jean Valjean, finding himself known to this man, at least only under the name of Madeleine, thenceforth advanced only with caution.


  • 颌骨送到得雷实验室以后,收到了一直期盼着的消息——奥斯丁已经提取到有用基因物质

    Three weeks after delivering the jawbone to the Adelaide lab, Blenkin got the news he'd been hoping for - Austin had extracted usable genetic material.


  • 我们记得,德兰先生读不少书,仍不断阅读,因而获得谈话能力。 他知识丰富一个谦虚真诚、有修养的人从自我教育中得来的口才

    Jean Valjean had continued this practice; he had come to converse well; he possessed the secret riches and the eloquence of a true and humble mind which has spontaneously cultivated itself.


  • 一周之后那次重大宴会晚上,纽·切尔看着斯卡伯爵夫人走进顿太太的客厅时,想起这些往事。

    These things passed through Newland Archer's mind a week later as he watched the Countess Olenska enter the van der Luyden drawing-room on the evening of the momentous dinner.


  • 我们富盛名作家往往都法国上好几年,而在那里的每个人都看过巴尔扎克看过·龙的电影

    Our greatest writers spent years in France, and everyone here has read a book of Balzac or seen a movie starring French actor Alain Delon.


  • ·谢巴第一美国宇航员一个之后进入了太空,相比之下只进行了短暂的不满一整圈轨道飞行

    Alan Shepard, the first US astronaut, would not be launched until almost a month later and then on a comparatively short suborbital flight.


  • 普林斯顿大学教授·布林表示,上面所述的后两个因素意味着境外生产成为一种巨大破坏力量

    These last two factors mean that offshoring will be a hugely disruptive force, says Alan Blinder, a professor at Princeton University.


  • 克里斯托弗·电影空间》中,主角之一的建筑师艾里·阿德创造了这令人惊叹的,在这里盗梦黑客们追逐着他们的目标。

    In Christopher Nolan's film Inception, a pivotal character named Ariadne is the Architect, who creates stunning dream cities through which dream hackers chase their marks.


  • 1993年,约瑟夫·史蒂格利兹·布CEA就职并且最后被广为引用的大卫·卡特勒和马修·夏皮罗因为在其中担任高级经济师,让平均分达到了736.5。

    For 1993, when Joseph Stiglitz and Alan Blinder were members of the CEA, and the senior economists included the eventually much-cited David Cutler and Matthew Shapiro, the average score is 736.5.


  • 年轻时的·

    You do look like a young Alain Delon.


  • ·普理查(AlanPritchard)是这次拍卖会娱乐主管,他说这些收藏者来自世界各地每个国家的人都自己的偏好。

    Alan Pritchard, head of entertainment at the auctioneers, said collectors came from all over the world, with each nation demonstrating its own foibles.


  • Clifford Chance律师事务所合伙人利斯泰尔·德兰(Alistair Woodland):“真实的情况没有能够彻底规避新的奖金政策。”

    Alistair Woodland, a partner at law firm Clifford Chance, said: "the truth is that no one will escape the new bonus rules completely."


  • 债权人似乎残忍通常预备谈判阶段主题”,富尔律师事务所FreshfieldsBruckhausDerringer,一家公司法律师事务所)巴黎办公室•马森(AlanMason

    It looks brutal to creditors but this is often the subject of pre-negotiation,” says Alan Mason of the Paris office of Freshfields Bruckhaus Derringer, a corporate-law firm.


  • 纽卡斯尔教练寻找可能赛季代替欧文出场的球员在·希勒退休后

    The Newcastle manager, Glenn Roeder, is looking at possible replacements for Owen this season following Alan Shearer's retirement.


  • 法国影星·塑造佐罗是个剑客朋友殖民地总督不幸半路被害

    French movie star Alain Delon shape of Zorro is a swordsman, he's a good friend to go when the colonial Governor, the unfortunate victims on the way.


  • 紧随法国人,弗克·提供了中场进球科尔杨罗本两翼的助攻和迪迪埃·罗巴的突

    Alongside the Frenchman, Frank Lampard provided the bulk of goals from central midfield, ably supported by Joe Cole and Arjen Robben on the wings and Didier Drogba's efforts up front.


  • 完成了洛蒙·卡斯的训练之后,得到了毕业演练的机会,其中包括力将一个被捕叛军处决

    After completing his training on Dromund Kaas, Declann was given a graduation exercise consisting of executing a captured Rebel using the Force.


  • 命运逆转根据哈佛法学教授·维兹的所著书籍改编而成的,·绍维兹曾在重审时为·比洛先生辩护还是辛普森案件的律师。

    Reversal of Fortune was based on a book by Harvard law Professor Alan Dershowitz, who defended Mr Von Bulow and also acted for OJ Simpson.


  • 调查人员现场发现了·指纹天后逮捕

    Investigators found Abdeslam's fingerprints at the scene and he was arrested three days later.


  • 罗伯特·洛易来自澳大利亚阿德

    My name is Robert Roylance and I'm from Adelaide, South Australia.


  • 传闻曼联主帅弗格森爵士已经卖出·史密斯,这样一来,·约翰森就成为鲁尼锋线搭档最佳人选

    United boss Sir Alex Ferguson is ready to offload Alan Smith, and could see Gudjohnsen as the perfect foil for Wayne Rooney in attack.


  • 第二天早晨到了安瓦国王伦恩的堡垒大门口。

    On the second morning I shall be at the gates of King Lune's castle of Anvard in Archenland.


  • 《拥抱似水年华》作者哲人··波顿泰特现代美术馆馆长索菲·豪沃思这个学校的教职人员。

    The philosopher Alain DE Botton, author of How Proust Can Change Your Life, and Sophie Howarth, a former curator at the Tate Modern Gallery, are among the faculty members.


  • 第二部分详细地剖析论述··伯努瓦思想主张内容实质

    In the second part, I discuss the content and substance of Alain DE Benoist's thought detailedly.


  • 身为皇室法律顾问谢菲尔特委法官·戈·萨克,裁定劳埃必须还押候审,庭至9月

    Judge Alan Goldsack, QC, the Recorder of Sheffield, remanded Lloyd in custody and adjourned the case to a date to be fixed in September.


  • 宇航员比尔·谢泼(BillShepherd)经常被混淆1998年去世·谢泼

    Astronaut Bill Shepherd is often mistaken for Alan Shepard, who died in 1998.


  • ··波顿这么。 有段时间每当想到飞机窗口思考词,我总是会回想起这张比尔·克林顿照片(见题图)。

    On the topic of airplane windows and thinking, I always call to mind this picture of Bill Clinton, having a moment.


  • ··波顿这么。 有段时间每当想到飞机窗口思考词,我总是会回想起这张比尔·克林顿照片(见题图)。

    On the topic of airplane windows and thinking, I always call to mind this picture of Bill Clinton, having a moment.


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