• 几乎所有座位都没有任何东西阻挡视线

    Nearly all seats have an unrestricted view.


  • 最理想地点当然远离城市一漆黑的地方不过重点观看地点视野开阔,没有阻挡视线的障碍物。

    Ideally you would go somewhere with dark skies, but she said the main thing to look for is a spot that offers a wide, unobstructed view.


  • 公园里参天大树郁郁葱葱,会阻挡人们看日落视线所以少数几个能够看到完整落日美景的远景地就显得更加珍贵了。

    The towering trees that give the park its name naturally obstruct some sunset views from directly below the foliage, too, so the few vistas that allow unspoiled views become even more sacred.


  • 因为是板球运动,所以要求提供不仅记分牌,更要求提供详细的接近实时的记分牌,并且该记分表不会阻挡观看现场运动视线

    But it being cricket, the demand wasn't just to provide a scorecard but a detailed, near real-time scorecard that did not obstruct the view of the live action.


  • 反对者们海堤阻挡了人们视线,使人们不能观察海浪的变化,削弱了人们对了解

    Moreover, by literally cutting residents' visibility of the ocean, the seawalls reduce their ability to understand the sea by observing wave patterns, critics say.


  • 大树沿着边界放置以便阻挡来自隔壁区域不想要视线

    The big trees are placed along the boundary to block the unwanted view from the next door area.


  • 阻挡一整个白天视线

    It blocked my sight during the day.


  • 车窗阻挡视线偶尔海岸线地方露出我会欢呼起来“,海”,同伴不解

    Windows to block my line of sight, occasionally coastline exposed to high places, I will cheer up "the sea, ah, the sea," are puzzled by his companions.


  • 旁边窗子甲板往上8楼高,在船上一堆排成22行的数千个集装箱顶端,并且视线受到阻挡

    Eight storeys up from the deck, my Windows just about clear the top of the thousands of containers that are stacked in 22 rows across the vessel.


  • 说:“我们以加固玻璃墙替换铁塔南面北面金属围栏,不会阻挡参观者欣赏铁塔视线。”

    We will replace the metal grids to the north and south with glass panels which will allow Parisians and visitors a very pleasant view of the monument.


  • 意味着要角度转换视野,避免墙壁之间相互遮挡或者避免结构框架阻挡室内空间视线

    This meant shifting the view around quite a bit to avoid certain walls covering up other walls, or letting steel structures block views of the context.


  • 一方面,我们使用任何类型竖向支撑,所以不会阻挡欣赏别墅所在地平线美丽景色的视线

    On the other hand, we left away any type of vertical support that could interfere with the beautiful view of the horizon, in which the house is based.


  • 极少数特殊威能地形类型阻断效应线它们会阻止攻击某处,不会阻挡该处视线

    A few special powers or terrain types might block line of effect: they prevent attacking a space, but they do not block line of sight to that space.


  • 这些形空间方向自然地阻挡邻近公寓视线同时室内沿管形空间的边向下注视只能看到大海

    The orientation of these tubes naturally blocks the line of sight from the adjacent apartments and while gazing down the length of the tube from inside only the ocean can be seen.


  • 只有几个被选定地方入口区域)种植了树木,目的是建立视觉联系阻挡人们周围乡村视线

    Trees were planted in a few selected areas (e. g. , in the entrance area) to determine visual sight lines rather than to obstruct the view of the surrounding countryside.


  • 木质百叶窗被安置所有立面上,它们阻挡来自室外视线同时保证室内的住户向着室外毫无遮挡的视野。

    Wooden louvers installed on all the exterior walls serve to obstruct lines of sight from the outside while also ensuring that residents have unobstructed views from within.


  • 不要狭隘地域阻挡我们视线

    We must not be narrow-minded view of the geographical stop.


  • 藏身处应该满足以下几点条件:枪杀视线范围之外,阻挡射击而来的子弹,限制你的行动

    Your hiding place should: Be out of the shooter's view. Provide protection of shots are fired in your direction. Not trap or restrict your options for movement.


  • 避免长的建筑体量成为东西向视野阻挡,建筑中部断开并加以削减三层入口形成景观视线通廊。

    To avoid blocking the east-west-direction views in the campus by such a long building, the central part is cut down.


  • 罗纳尔多队友麦克尔卡里克接受曼联电视台采访说道:“排在人墙里,试图阻挡大卫詹姆斯视线

    Ronaldo's team-mate Michael Carrik told MUTV: "I was in the wall, trying to block David James' view."


  • 天花板向外挑出以便阻止太阳热量眩光并且阻挡邻近更高房屋视线

    The ceiling overhangs outwards to block the sun's heat and glare and prevent views from the adjacent, higher houses.


  • 一个安静地方没有任何东西会阻挡视线

    It was a calm place and there was nothing cutting off my view from the site.


  • 因为地球大气层阻挡我们视线

    Earth's atmosphere blocks what we can see.


  • 这些云团不仅阻挡飞行员视线而且损坏发动机系统

    These clouds not only blocked out the pilots' sight but also damaged the engine system.


  • 遗憾没住在更高楼层所以视线多少艺术中心阻挡了。

    The only thing I would have like is a higher floor. Our view was partially obstructed by the Arts Center.


  • 文化入侵蜂拥而殖民化的力量让人担忧,因为好比枝繁叶茂的参天大树阻挡我们视线,让我们没法看到真正属于我们自己的天空繁星

    Cultural invasion is dreaded much more than the swamping power of colonialism because it is like a leafy tree which prevent us from seeing our own sky and stars.


  • 车辆事故中,因强光其他车辆造成视线阻挡造成事故1半

    The view of the motorcycle or the other vehicle involved in the accident is limited by glare or obstructed by other vehicles in almost half of the multiple vehicle accidents.


  • 车辆事故中,因强光其他车辆造成视线阻挡造成事故1半

    The view of the motorcycle or the other vehicle involved in the accident is limited by glare or obstructed by other vehicles in almost half of the multiple vehicle accidents.


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