• 我们使用质量原材料保证涂料长期可靠性

    We utilize only premium quality raw materials to ensure the long-term performance of our coating systems.


  • 质量产品卓越性,包括吸引力没有缺陷可靠长期可靠性

    Quality is the excellence of your product, including its attractiveness, lack of defects, reliability, and long-term dependability.


  • 改善吸收长期可靠性提出了基于直角棱镜反射镜构造传感器吸收方法

    In order to improve the reliability of the cell, means of constructing the cell based on right angle prism and the corner cube are proposed.


  • 公司生产的建筑光伏组件得到了国家科技部攻关项目支持,经过可靠环境试验,其使用的长期可靠性得到了保证。

    We supply good quality BIPV modules. BIPV have tested by strict environment tested which approved long term reliability. The project was supported by Minitry of Science and Technology.


  • 但是接技术的长期强度可靠性得到证明因此许多玻璃相关产业的从业人员认为粘接的结构还有长的要走

    But the long-term strength and reliability of adhesives has not been proved, so most people who work in glass think an all-glued structure is a long way off.


  • 卫报了解,这种安保力量戏剧性增长长期情报发出警告后实行过去情报源证实了它的可靠性

    The Guardian understands the dramatic increase in security was carried out on the basis of an alert that came from a long-term intelligence source who has proved reliable in the past.


  • CentOS企业适合桌面解决方案特别是稳定性可靠性长期支持方面最新软件和功能的首选。

    CentOS is also suitable as an enterprise desktop solution, specifically where stability, reliability and long-term support are preferred over latest software and features.


  • 提供长期运行的事务模型提高Web服务应用程序一致性可靠性

    It provides a long-running transaction model that allows increasing consistency and reliability of web services applications.


  • InfoQ采访很多S3长期用户发现他们对于S3的可靠性的印象是一致的。

    InfoQ interviewed a number of longtime S3 users and found a consistent story on S3's reliability.


  • 将会采用一系列假肢原型进行匹配保证长期使用的可靠性

    It has since been fitted with a series of prototype new PAWS to ensure the best possible long term fit.


  • 为了使用户安心,网站2.0版本需要确保使用可靠性长期性。

    To placate old and new site members, this 2.0 version of the site needs to make sure it's dependably usable at all times.


  • 特别是它允许指定Web服务长期运行事务提高Web服务应用程序一致性可靠性

    This especially allows specifying long-running transactions between web services, increasing consistency and reliability for web services applications.


  • 经过冷态调试态实验长期运行,验证系统稳定性可靠性

    Stability and reliability of the system have been proved by cold adjustment, warm experiment and persistent operation test.


  • 我们所说质量安全不仅产品本身,还包括整个供应链一致性可靠性长期

    Quality and safety are not only those of the product itself, but most of all the coherence, the reliability and the perennity of all the supply chain!


  • 锚碇基础悬索桥关键受力部位它的总体稳定性受力状态直接影响大桥安全和长期使用可靠性

    Anchorage foundation is the key position of a suspension bridge, whose overall stability and bearing state directly influence the safety and long-term reliability of the bridge.


  • 因此化学钢化提高太阳能电池长期工作可靠性提高太阳能电池使用效率寿命具有实际意义

    Consequently, ion exchange strengthened cover glass can increase the reliability of solar cell, which can improve service efficiency and prolong the life of solar cell.


  • 然而遗憾对于长期地震活动性预测所提议方法准确性可靠性方面存在着严重问题

    Unfortunately, however, there is serious question about the accuracy and reliability of proposed methods for long-term seismicity forecasts.


  • 没有电力资源情况,既要解决循环降速度,实现平滑控制的问题,又解决系统长期处于闲置状态,而不影响可靠性的问题。

    When there is on electrical power, slow descending control of circular chain ladder as well as to assure the reliability in use when set aside for a long time has to be solved.


  • 长期生产应用证明该项技术可靠性

    Long-term application in industrial production has proved the reliability of the technique.


  • 数据匮乏可用性长期困扰可靠性分析HRA)的难题

    The lack of data and availability is a major problem that embarras ses human reliability analysis (HRA) for a long time.


  • 长期现场运行表明控制系统大大提高了电源可靠性及中频电源产品质量

    A long field running of the medium-frequency power supply shows that the control system presented in this paper greatly improves its stability and quality.


  • 工厂设施选址关系到该设施在今后长期生产运营中的合理性可靠性经济性

    The address of factory's facility will relate to rationality, reliability and economy of production operation in the future.


  • 本文介绍PLC自动洗车机控制系统中的应用长期运行表明控制系统具有很高的可靠性

    This paper introduces the application of PLC in automatic car washer control system. The result of run-ning shows that this system has very high reliability.


  • 确保油气管道安全运行必要新建管道在役老龄管道系统进行长期检测维修优化使得在检测维修费用可靠性之间达到最佳。

    In order to ensure oil and gas pipeline safety operation, it is necessary for the building pipeline and existing aging one to make inspection & maintenance costs and reliability optimization.


  • 丰田质量可靠性曾经美国长期雄居各家汽车厂商

    Toyota had long held the U. s. crown for top quality and reliability among car makers.


  • 汇流作为雷达旋转固定部分连接装置可靠性雷达影响很大,但长期以来一直没有一种有效的预计方法

    Slip ring is an electricity connector of radar rotational part and fixed part , whose reliability influences a lot to radar, but we have not had an effective forecast technique for a longtime .


  • 并从应用性角度出发,对现场贮存长期自然贮存试验极限应力加速贮存寿命试验贮存可靠性评价技术进行了对比分析。

    Besides, storage reliability evaluation technology such as field storage, long-term storage test, limit stress test and accelerated storage life test are compared in utility.


  • 本发明提供一种确保记录灵敏度和相对长期保存可靠性的单写多读型信息记录介质

    A write-once read-many information recording medium the reliability of which with respect to a high recording sensitivity and a long-term storage is ensured.


  • 本发明提供一种确保记录灵敏度和相对长期保存可靠性的单写多读型信息记录介质

    A write-once read-many information recording medium the reliability of which with respect to a high recording sensitivity and a long-term storage is ensured.


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