• 包括一个金岩崖模型文件。

    Also includes a bonus rocky cliff mesh.


  • 没有月光金顶漆黑片的摄下,,冉冉而渐渐成了数点,至万各。

    In the moonless night Jinding, dark rock body photo, suddenly saw a light such as beans, move slowly, gradually became gradually to the million points.


  • 构造成矿条件良好成矿的有利

    This structure complex rock zone is good in gold mineralization condition, this advantageous prospecting target area.


  • 作为一个绿色城市南宁许多风景点:人民公园南湖公园、滨江公园、民族风情园、青秀山、伊岩、金伦洞等等。

    As a green city, Nanning has a lot of beautiful scenery, such as the People's Park, Nanhu Park, Binjiang Park, the National Amorous Park, Qingxiu Hill, Yiling cave, Jinlun cave.


  • 黑龙江北部金矿主要来源于经过壳幔作用使金再次富集的含金建岩金矿。

    The gold in gulch-gold mines locating in northern region of Heilongjiang Province mainly originates from the gold-containing structure and lode gold mines enriched by crust-mantle action.


  • 另外质单元含量砂岩泥岩要高,从积岩序列的底部旋回至上部回金含量降低由不稳定稳定等规律。

    At other hand, the golden content of the sandstone is higher than that of fine grain siltstone and mudstone, and tends to decrease and stabilize upward in the turbidite sequence.


  • 容矿角闪质糜棱岩中金关系研究结果支持金矿质直接来自于矿体附近角闪质体说法。

    Relationship of palladium and gold in the mylonite reveals no evdence to support direct source of Au ore materials from the upper crustal amphibolitic rock inclusions.


  • 探讨了离子交换分离富集极谱测定样品中的痕量的方法。

    The method to determine trace gold in rock salt samples with ion exchange separation and enrichment is approached.


  • 本文通过岩体成因、成岩时代、岩石类型以及岩体性和部分同位素的特征分析,探讨了岩体矿床的成岩关系

    Based on researching of the age, rock types genesis, gold content and the stable isotope composition of the complex, the relation between the deposit and the complex is discussed.


  • 该区主要分布有以为主的多金属矿床大理岩为主的非金属矿床。

    In the area, the main polymetallic mineralization is gold deposits and the nonmetallic mineralization is coal and marble.


  • 而且构造中岩石组构特征糜棱类型应变幅度、石英变形机制金矿富集程度都有密切的关系。

    The gold abundance is also related to the type of mylonite, the feature of micro-fabric, the mechanism of quartz deformation and the size of strain.


  • 黑龙江省84个砂金样品7个样品,等离子质谱仪分析了它们稀土元素含量

    The REE contents of 84 placer gold samples and 7 hard rock gold samples in Heilongjiang province are determined by plasma mass spectrographic analysis.


  • 流体不混、水-反应及古大气水混入造成本区沉淀成矿的主要因素。

    Fluid immiscibility and fluid rock interaction may be the main causes for gold deposition in the mine.


  • 运用数理统计地质统计学方法矿区地层岩性、构造岩浆岩矿体空间分布等方面研究了墨江厂金矿床金元素的空间富集规律。

    In this paper, the spatial enrichment regularities of gold are studied from the spatial distribution of ore bodies, lithology, construction and magmatic rocks with the methods of statistics and geos.


  • 贵州遵义金鼎山下寒武统牛蹄塘组黑色氯仿沥青A”及族组分做成分检测,进行了岩石氯仿抽提物中饱和烃气相色谱分析

    This paper deals with the formation conditions of black shales on the basis of analyzing such items as the component of chloroform bitumen "A" and the gas_facies chromatogram of saturated hydrocarbon.


  • 湖南变质岩区的内生外生金矿床均以高成色单一自然产出为特征。

    Endogenic and exogenic gold deposits in metamorphic regions in Hunanare characterized by occurrence of high-percentage single natural gold.


  • 上述同位素地球化学证据表明成矿岩浆岩一定成因关系

    The aforesaid isotope geochemical evidence indicates that there is a certain genetic relation between gold mineralization and magmatism.


  • 庞西银(矿床西北地区构造蚀变岩银(金)矿床的典型代表之一。

    The Pangxidong Ag(Au) deposit is a representative of its type in Northwest Guangdong Province.


  • 砂金样品较富集稀土特征,稀土元素含量继承部分特点。

    Placer gold samples are rich in light REE, the characteristics of REE contents of which partly inherited from hard rock gold.


  • 花岗质岩石地球化学类型钙碱系列改造型花岗岩安粗岩系列的花岗岩,具有的潜在含性。

    The geochemical types of granitic rocks belonging to the regenerated granite of calc-alkali series and granite of latite series are good for latent ore-forming of gold.


  • 流体不混溶大气降水的不断加入以及水-岩交换作用导致本区成矿流体中金、锑淀积成矿主要因素

    Fluid immiscibility, continuous influxing of meteoric water and water-rock exchange are very important factors that caused gold and stibnite to deposit.


  • 伴生金矿分为含()多金属矽卡岩硫化铜矿床及含金脉(层)状锡铅矿床。

    The associated gold mineralization can be classified into two types: Au (Ag) -bearing polymetallic skarn sulphide Sn-Cu deposit and Au-be.


  • 冈底斯成矿带的卡岩型矿床长江中下游铁铜金矽卡岩型矿床在许多方面可以相比较

    The skarn deposits in the Gangdise metallogenic belt are comparable to Fe-Cu-Au skarn deposits in the middle and lower Yangtze Valley metallogenic belt in many aspects.


  • 不同地区剥蚀程度各不同,剥蚀较严重地区砂金分布广泛,化探异常砂金分布相对应,而对寻找关系不大。

    The geochemical exploration anomaly is similar to the distribution of alluvial gold, and has not relation to the looking for the rock-gold.


  • 运用沉积学原理方法银洞坡歪头山组中段金绿片岩系进行细致的原岩恢复和成因地层分析

    The sedimentary principles and methods are employed to reconstruct the protolith and to analyse the genetic stratigraphy in middle Waitoushan Formation, Yindongpo.


  • 自然主要赋存硫化物蚀变金矿石中,自然分布不均匀

    There is less natural sulfide deposits are mainly conferred altered rock type gold ore, the uneven distribution of natural gold.


  • 矿化类型含金黑云型、含金硅质岩型。

    The types of mineralized rocks are fine grained biotite gneiss and silicalites.


  • 剪切过程有利于水—反应形成有利于富集的物理—化学环境; (4)剪切应力可使低应力载金矿物发生富集作用。

    Water-rock reaction formed a environment for gold settling and (4) Shear stress forced gold and bearing-gold minerals into shear failures.


  • 并以这种认识规律在嘉凹陷周边进行预测明确金矿找矿方向

    With the cognition, we do some predictions on the rock gold deposits around the Jiayin Depression, and determine the ore-prospecting direction of rock gold deposits.


  • 分析变质地球化学性质基础上,认为成矿有关主要元素源自震旦系。

    Based on analysis of auriferous and geochemical properties of the meta morphic rocks, the authors hold that the major elements related to gold mineralization were derived from the Pre-Sinian System.


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