• 幅表面金属接触水收到平滑的加工。

    The paper surface in contact with the hot metal receives a smoothing finish.


  • 材料诸如未经过处理的纤维板木材不能直接金属接触

    Materials such as untreated fiberboard or wood shall not be in direct contact with metal surfaces.


  • 金属接触介质对其破坏性腐蚀引起金属腐蚀。

    The destructive chemical attack of a metal by media with which it comes in contact results in the corrosion of it.


  • 半导体材料在一起夹在金属接触之间

    It is composed of two layers of semiconductor material, typically silicon, that are sandwiched together between metal contacts.


  • 选用优质石英玻璃制成蒸馏水任何金属接触

    Quartz Second Boiling High Pure Water Distiller is made to choose excellent quartz glass, distilled water doesn't touch any mental.


  • 摸起来有点奇怪好像被包裹什么东西允许皮肤金属接触

    It felt strange to the touch, as if coated with something that wouldn't allow his skin to come in contact with the metal.


  • 石英亚纯水蒸馏选用优质石英玻璃制成蒸馏水任何金属接触

    Quartz Second Boiling High Pure water Distiller is made to choose excellent quartz glass, distilled water doesn't touch any mental.


  • 石英亚纯水蒸馏水选用优质石英玻璃制成蒸馏水任何金属接触

    Quartz Second Boiling High Pure water Distiller is made to choose excellent quartz glass, distilled water doesn't touch any mental.


  • 电工解释道如果老鼠线时的尾巴金属接触就肯定可以保险丝短路

    The electrician explains that if the rat’s tail touches metal while it’s chewing on the wires, it’s enough to short out the fuse.


  • 用指尖轻轻推着的头往前往下偏时,感觉到了金属接触皮肤时传来的凉意

    I felt the cool metal on my skin as she nudged my head forward and down with her fingertips.


  • 我们分离设计剪辑预先部署焊接法兰盘底板确保金属接触整个分离器

    Our separators are designed with retainer clips that are pre-positioned and welded to the flange and bottom plate to ensure metal to metal contact throughout the separator package.


  • 开关金属膜桥组成的桥式结构,形成一个SPST并联设置的金属-绝缘体-金属接触

    The switching element consists of a thin metallic membrane, which has the metal-isolator-metal contact with a capacitive shunt switch as SPST.


  • 方法:应用常规肌电图技术30金属接触者进行肌电图(EMG)、神经传导速度NCV)检测。

    Results:Routine electromyography (EMG) technique was used to measure the nerve conduction velocity (NCV) and EMG examination in 30 patients exposed to heavy mental.


  • 一个办法保持足够剪切快速清洁机筒内表面因为聚合物金属接触长时间后会发生聚合物降解

    One solution is to maintain sufficient shear to wipe the metal surfaces constantly, since most polymer degradation occurs when polymer contacts metal for too long.


  • 金属腐蚀电位序说明金属电流如何流动、两种金属接触时或两种金属土壤内接近一种金属腐蚀

    The galvanic series of metals details how the galvanic current will flow between two metals, and which corrode when they are in contact or near each other in the ground.


  • 通过铝合金结构钢金属接触腐蚀表面EDS成分分析SEM微观形貌分析,探讨金属材料玄武岩微纤维隔热材料接触腐蚀的原因。

    Based on EDS and SEM analysis of metal corrosion surface, the course of contact corrosion between aluminum alloy, structural steel and basaltic microfiber heat-resistant materials were proposed.


  • 结果表明,采用电绝缘法兰套管、以及整个系中采用电绝缘吊架、支架舰船海水管系中防止异种金属接触腐蚀目前有效的绝缘措施。

    The results showed that the insulating flanges, sleeves, brackets were the most effective way to prevent galvanic corrosion of dissimilar metals for seawater pipelines in naval vessel's.


  • 那种金属接触是否会起凹点

    Does that metal pit after contact with acid?


  • 金属线没有足够接触引起爆炸

    The wires do not have a large enough surface to catalyse a big explosion.


  • 这个实验第一接触金属丝,印象深刻。

    This experiment was the first time she'd been presented with wire, which makes it very impressive.


  • 组织份声明中说:“患手机皮炎者,皮疹通常出现脸颊耳部,具体取决于手机金属部件皮肤接触部位。”

    "In mobile phone dermatitis, the rash would typically occur on the cheek or ear, depending on where the metal part of the phone comes into contact with the skin," the group said in a statement.


  • 例如点焊的时候机器人必须电极接触金属

    When spot-welding, for instance, a robot has to touch the metal with an electrode.


  • 这个过程需要特殊金属经受住巨大的温差——一边接触高温气体而被加热一边则必须保持低温

    The process requires special metals that can withstand a huge temperature differential - the side facing the hot gases stays warm, and the other side must stay cool.


  • 我们测量每根香烟金属含量,真正的问题要反复接触

    While the per-stick levels of metals are what we measured, the real issue is repeated exposure.


  • 众所周知可以杀菌于是博士推测,如果迫使细菌近距离接触银,这种金属实际上不会吸附而是使它解体。

    Silver is well known to kill bacteria, so Dr Cui conjectured that forcing bugs to pass close to the metal without actually trapping them might lead to their destruction.


  • 直接使用金属表面上接触防腐剂必须说明如果需要去除防腐剂的。

    Contact preservatives applied directly to the metal surface must have instructions if removal is.


  • 这种状况意味着,只要该女子接触含有金属物品,皮肤就会立刻布满疼痛的、过敏引起伤痕

    Her condition means that coming into contact with products containing the harsh metal can cause her skin to break out in painful, irritable welts.


  • 孔雀尾巴采用手工雕刻接触这件作品时,金属悬挂的盘就开始动起来

    The tail is made of hand-carved disks suspended by wires which move when the piece is touched.


  • 年轻女性穿洞的时候,她们第一次接触金属因此他们可能产生过敏反应的镍金属形成过敏

    Young girls are often first exposed to nickel when they get their ears pierced, and therefore are more likely to develop a sensitivity to the metal that can cause allergic reactions later on.


  • 年轻女性穿洞的时候,她们第一次接触金属因此他们可能产生过敏反应的镍金属形成过敏

    Young girls are often first exposed to nickel when they get their ears pierced, and therefore are more likely to develop a sensitivity to the metal that can cause allergic reactions later on.


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